Method Results and Discussion.

52 Students skills Competency Assessment Models UKK A. PLANNING Test material, assessment criterion dan passing standars Industry roles, Asosiation of Profession, LSP BSNP DPSMK IN POS UN and Implementation Guide of UKK Infastructure : Planned by SMK Standar was set by BSNP Participant was set by SMK Cost by studentparents The government subsidizes No role B. ORGANIZING Mechanism of coopeoration SMK asking Assessors Coodination on: 1. Test material 2. assessment criterion 3. passing standars 4.Duration Industries, Asosiation Profesi, LSP Agreement: 1. Assessor 2. Duration Assessors assess in SMK C. IMPLEMENTING Assessment Place at SMK Inplementing by teacher production, start from the preparation of materials, equipment and manufacturing process of the workpiece. Assessors conduct the testing and assessment of work. Teacher production Assessor s Duration 12-20 hours D. REPORTING Sertificate: a. Issued by industry and approved by principle of SMK. b. Load test competency Reporting: a. Made by SMK. b. Reported to the Ministry DPSMK, Office of the City and Prov, Parents of graduation Industries, Asosiation Profesi, LSP Government dan community E. EVALUATION Graduation assessment: a. In accordance with the guidelines. Program Evaluation Students skills Competency Assessment: a. Created by SMK as a consideration of the implementation next year related to: Content and implementation of learning, graduation rates, inprastructure. X Figure 3 Model 01 53 Figure 3. Figure 3. Model 01 Students skills Competency Assessment Models UKK A. PLANNING For National Assessment: Test material, assessment criterion dan passing standars Role of Production Unit UP BSNP DPSMK IN POS UN and Implementation Guide of UKK Infastructure : Planned by SMK Standar was set by BSNP Participant was set by SMK Cost by studentparents The government subsidizes B. ORGANIZING Mechanism of coopeoration SMK asking Assessors Coodination on: 1. Test material 2. assessment criterion 3. passing standars 4.Duration Industry, Asosiation of Profession, LSP Agreement: 1. Assessor 2. Duration Assessors assess in SMK C. IMPLEMENTING Assessment Place TUK at SMK Inplementing by teacher production, start from the preparation of materials, equipment and manufacturing process of the workpiece. Assessors conduct the testing and assessment of work. Teacher production certified Assessors Assessor Duration 12-20 hours D. REPORTING Sertificate: a. Issued by industry and approved by principle of SMK. b. Load test competency Reporting: a. Made by SMK. b. Reported to the Ministry DPSMK, Office of the City and Prov, Parents of graduation Industries, Asosiation Profesi, LSP Government dan community E. EVALUATION Graduation assessment: a. In accordance with the guidelines. Program Evaluation Students skills Competency Assessment: a. Created by SMK as a consideration of the implementation next year related to: Content and implementation of learning, graduation rates, inprastructure. For School Assessment: a. Test materials as needed UP b. Materials as needed UP c. Assessors by Instructor UP d. Results work piece used by UP Figure 4 Model 02 54 Students skills Competency Assessment Models UKK A. PLANNING For Vocational Theory Testing: material testing, assessment criteria and graduation standards Production Unit UP was representati on of Industry BSNP DPSMK IN POS UN and Implementation Guide of UKK Infastructure : Planned by SMK SMK as TUK BNSP Participant was set by SMK Cost by studentparents B. ORGANIZING Mechanism of coopeoration SMK dan industries determine Assessors Coodination on: 1. Test material 2. assessment criterion 3. passing standars 4.Duration AssessorUP ATMI Agreement: 1. Assessor 2. Duration Assessors assess in SMK C. IMPLEMENTING TUK at SMK as TUK of BNSP Inplementing by teacher production, start from the preparation of materials, equipment and manufacturing process of the workpiece. Assessors conduct the testing and assessment of work Teacher production certified Assessors Assessors Duration 12-20 hours D. REPORTING Sertificate: a. Issued by industry and approved by principle of SMK. b. Load test competency Reporting: a. Made by SMK. b. Reported to the Ministry DPSMK, Office of the City and Prov, Parents of graduation Industries, Asosiation Profesi, LSP Government dan community E. EVALUATION Graduation assessment: a. In accordance with the guidelines. Program Evaluation Students skills Competency Assessment: a. Created by SMK as a consideration of the implementation next year related to: Content and implementation of learning, graduation rates, inprastructure. For Competency Testing: a. Test materials, assessment criteria, as required graduation standards UP b. The materials used as required UP c. Assessors by Instructor UP d. Results work piece used by UP Role of UP more dominant Figure 5 Model 03 55 The second model 02 is a model of the whole set of management competencies and certification assessment starting from planning, organizing, implementing, reporting and evaluation set by Kemdiknas in this case is BSNP POS UN and the technical guidelines issued UKK: but to take advantage of the planned school exams potential in the production unit UP in the SMK. UP who has worked both as a substitute for the role of industry the planning, especially for the competency assessment conducted by the school outside the National Exam. Exams are applied to the pattern: a. The assessment material as needed UP, b The material used as required UP, c Instructor Assessor by the UP and d Results work piece is used by the UP. The third model 03 is a teaching model that has a factory as represesntasion of industry. In addition workshops have been defined as owned by TUK- BNSP. At the planning stage for a assessment of competence: a Content Assessment, assessment criteria, as required graduation standards UP, b The material used as required UP, c Instructor Assessor by the UP and d Results work piece is used by UP. UKSK done by the exercise of its Earning a Master Assessor from the preparation of materials, tools and processes of manufacture, testing and evaluation of the work. Certificate issued by the industry a note by the Head of SMK that includes competencies tested while passing judgment in accordance with the guidelines, with input: Value of School Practice Exams, Exam Skills Theory and Practice Exams Practice Areas. For more details, both models can be observed on the following figure.

4. Conclusion

Model of competency assessment students vocational skills competency on Machining Techniques in Central Java can be summarized as follows: a. There are three models of competency assessment vocational students in Central Java. b. The model most widely used model is a whole set of management competencies and certification assessment starting from planning, organizing, implementing, reporting and evaluation set by Kemdiknas in this case is BSNP POS UN, DPSMK and the technical guidelines issued UKK. The role of industry. In the planning at the unit level of education SMK does not exist, only the involvement of assessors at the end of the competency assessment and certification expertise. c. The second model is the model that have tapped the potential that exists on the production unit UP in the SMK. UP who has worked both as a substitute for the role of industry the planning, especially for the competency assessment conducted by the school outside the National Exam. d. The third model is a model that emphasizes the role of teaching factory or production unit UP as representation of industry at any stage. Competency exam at the planning stage: a material testing, assessment criteria, as required graduation standards UP, b The material used as required UP, c Instructor Assessor by UP and d Results work piece used by UP . The exercise of skill competency assessment conducted by Guru Earning its assessors start of preparation of materials, tools and processes of manufacture, testing and evaluation of the work. R EFERENCES Badan Pusat Statistik. 2011. Data strategis BPS. Depdiknas. 2004. Pedoman pelaksanaan penilaian hasil peserta didik SMK. Cumming, Joy J. and Maxwell, Graham S. 2004. Assessment in education: principles, policy and practice. Griffith University, Queensland, Australia. Enoch, Yusuf. 1992. Dasar-dasar perencanaan pendidikan. Jakarta: Bumi Aksara. Gunawan, Ricky. 2006. Relevansi kompetensi lulusan SMK dengan tuntutan dunia kerja. Diambil pada tanggal 2 Agustus 2011, dari http:file.upi.eduDirektoriFPTKJUR._PEND._T EKNIK_MESIN195105011980021- RICKY_GUNAWAN MAKALAH_SEMNAS_PTK_2006.pdf. Mustaghfirin. 2009. Pengembangan program dan kompetensi keahlian baru di SMK. Makalah Workshop Program Workshop Program Teknologi Teknologi Energi Energi Terbarukan Terbarukan Di P4TK BMTI TEDC Bandung, 30 Oktober Oktober 2009 Parry, S.B. 1996. The quest for competencies: competency studies can help you make HR decision. Journal of Training, 33, 48-55. Paryono. 2006. The perceived image of vocational and technical education and improvement iniatives. SEAMEO VOCTECH Journal. Brunei Darussalam: SEAMEO VOCTECH Centre. Spencer, Lyle M., and Spencer, Singe M. 1993. Copetence at work: models for superior performance. New York: John Wiley Sons, Inc 56 SCHLUSSFOLGERUNGEN FÜR DIE BERATERQUALIFIZIERUNG AN DEN UNIVERSITÄTEN NIGERIAS Moromoke Nimota Raji Dr. Mrs Institut für Berufspädagogik, Fakulität Erziehungswissenchaften Technische Universität, Dresden Deutschland. Abstract Professional Vocational and Career Counsellors prepare young people for integration into the world of work. Counsellors have the duty of guiding these young minds as they struggle to discover their talents, abilities, disabilities, interests, competence and job requirements. To achieve these objectives, counselors work in cooperation with relevant teams in Education, Human Resources and of course in Government at different levels. The discipline known as “Guidance and Counselling” has been introduced in Nigerian Universities since the 1980s. As my research has revealed however, these Universities Ibadan, Lagos and Ife have not undertaken any major revision of their programmes since the subject was first introduced as a major area of study. Rather, their syllabuses are dominated with theories that were first developed in the 1980s., with little or nothing done to re- work the syllabus so as to align them with current demands in vocational counselling. In this paper, I present a comparative analysis of curriculums of three Nigeria Universities and two Universities in Germany, following which I proffer broad suggestions on how to improve on the programmes of study in Nigeria Universities. This, in such a way that vocational and career counseling will become truly professionalized, with adequate opportunities provided for specialists to discharge their responsibilities fully and effectively.

1. Einführung

Die Bildungs- und Berufsberatung im Prozess der Entwicklung der individuellen Laufbahn gewinnt gegenwärtig an Bedeutung. Der Arbeitsmarkt stellt neue Anforderungen und verlangt bessere Fähigkeiten und Fertigkeiten von den Arbeitnehmern. Um diesen Ansprüchen gerecht zu werden, muss das Individuum angemessene Entscheidungen bei den Übergangsprozessen von der Schulbildung zur Ausbildung oder zum Studium, beim Eintritt in das Arbeitsleben und während der Erwerbstätigkeit treffen. Dadurch lassen sich soziale und ökonomische Probleme in Schule, Ausbildung, Studium und in der Erwerbstätigkeit, wie z. B. Berufsabbruch oder Arbeitslosigkeit vermeiden oder vermindern. Dies trägt zur individuellen und gesellschaftlichen Zufriedenheit bei. Der erfolgreiche Übergang in eine Arbeits- Gesellschaft in Nigeria hängt entscheidend vom Gelingen beruflicher Transitionsprozesse ab. Denn unmittelbare Folgen nicht gelingender Berufswahl- und Übergangsprozesse sind strukturelle und friktionelle Arbeitslosigkeit. Ohne eine professionelle Unterstützung und Orientierung durch Berufsberatungskräfte können angemessene Entscheidungen jedoch kaum umgesetzt werden. Ertelt Schulz 2011, S. I ff. teilen diese Meinung und machen deutlich, dass die individuelle und gesellschaftliche Bedeutung von Beratung im Feld Bildung, Beruf und Beschäftigung angesichts der Individualisierung und Brüchigkeit von Berufsbiographien in den letzten Jahren bzw. Jahrzehnten erheblich gestiegen sind. Daher vertreten sie den Standpunkt, dass Qualität und Professionalität der Beratung in diesem Feld zu verbessern sind. D. h. unter anderem, dass die Qualität der Berater-Ausbildung, insbesondere der Studiengänge von Bildungs- und Berufsberatung erhöht werden muss. Die Studierenden der Bildungs- und Berufsberatung müssen ausreichende Kompetenzen für ihren späteren Beruf erwerben . Im weiteren Absatz wird das konkrete Fazit zur besseren Beratungsqualifikation an den Universitäten Nigeria erläutert.

2. Schlussfolgerungen für

die Beraterqualifizierung an den Universitäten Nigerias Diese Schlussfolgerung unterstützt auch die in der Dissertation 2012, 52ff der Autorin analysierten Meinungen von internationalen Organisationen und Autoren sowie empirischer Forschung siehe Kapitel 3 und 4 der Dissertation. Entsprechende wissenschaftliche Forschungen sind in Nigeria gegenwärtig kaum erkennbar, wie die erhobenen Daten im Rahmen der Dissertation belegen Kapitel 6 der Dissertation von Verfasserin.