Komite-Komite di Bawah Dewan komisaris :

Manajemen • Management’s Discussion, Analysist and Report Perusahaan • Good Corporate Governance Review and Report • Corporate Social Responsibility NAMA JABATAN POSITION Muhammad Jamil Komisaris Independen Ketua Chairman Ridwan Ibrahim dari Eksternal Bank Anggota Member Akmal dari Internal Bank Anggota Member Komite Audit PT. Bank Aceh dibentuk sebagai salah satu kelengkapan perangkat Dewan Komisaris dalam memastikan terselenggarannya prinsip-prinsip GCG dalam setiap kegiatan usaha Bank pada seluruh tingkatan atau jenjang organisasi. a Tugas dan Tanggung Jawab Komite Audit Tugas dan tanggung jawab Komite Audit sebagaimana telah diatur dalam SK Direksi No. 28404DIRX2010 tanggal 22 Oktober 2010 meliputi : 1. Menyusun pedoman dan tata tertib kerja komite; 2. Melakukan pemantauan dan evaluasi atas perencanaan dan pelaksanaan audit serta pemantauan atas tindaklanjut hasil audit dalam rangka menilai kecukupan pengendalian intern termasuk kecukupan proses pelaporan keuangan; 3. Melakukan pemantauan dan evaluasi terhadap : a. Pelaksanaan tugas Satuan Kerja Audit Intern; b. Kesesuaian pelaksanaan audit oleh Kantor Akuntan Publik dengan standar audit yang berlaku; Audit Committee of PT. Bank Aceh was established as one of the completeness of the Board of Commissioners in ensur- ing terselenggarannya corporate govern- ance principles in any business activities of the Bank at all levels of the organization. a Duties and Responsibilities of the Audit Committee Duties and responsibilities of the Audit Committee as stipulated in Directors Decree No. 28404 DIRX2010 dated October 22, 2010 include: 1. Develop guidelines and rules of committee; 2. Monitoring and evaluation of the planning and execution of au- dits and oversight of the follow- up results of the audit in order to assess the adequacy of internal controls, including the adequa- cy of the financial reporting pro- cess; 3. Monitoring and evaluation of: a. Performance of duties In- ternal Audit Unit; b. Appropriateness of the audit by the public ac- counting firm with auditing standards applicable; Pengendali atau hubungan dengan Bank. Pengangkatan anggota komite audit masa jabatan 2011-2014 dilakukan berdasarkan Surat Dewan Komisaris PT. Bank Aceh No. 29DK-BAX2010 tanggal 07 Oktober 2010 dengan Keputusan Direksi PT. Bank Aceh No. 28404DIRX2010. Susunan Komite Audit PT. Bank Aceh untuk periode 2011-2014 adalah sebagai berikut : with the Bank. Appointment of an audit committee member tenure of 2011-2014 was based on the Board of Commissioners of PT. Bank Aceh No. 29DK-BAX2010 dated October 7, 2010 by Decision of the Board of Directors of PT. Bank Aceh No. 28404DIRX2010. The composition of the Audit Committee of PT. Bank Aceh for the period 2011- 2014 are as follows: Laporan T ahunan Bank Aceh - Annual Report 2012 116