• Bank Aceh Syaria Business Unit • Subsidiaries and Affiliated Company Governance yang terdiri dari transparency, accountability, responsibility, independency dan fairness di Bank. Proses penyusunan Self Asessment pelaksanaan Good Corporate Governance PT. Bank Aceh telah mempedomani Peraturan Bank Indonesia tersebut diatas. Sedangkan ketentuan dan tatacara pelaksanaan Self Assesment diatas dilaksanakan sebagaimana diatur di dalam Surat Edaran Bank Indonesia No. 912DPNP tanggal 30 Mei 2007 tentang Pelaksanaan Good Corporate Governance Bagi Bank Umum. Berdasarkan hasil self asessment Pelaksanaan GCG periode 31 Desember 2012, bahwa secara umum pelaksanaan Good Corporate Governance pada PT. Bank Aceh telah berjalan dengan baik. Hal ini ditandai dengan telah terpenuhinya ketentuan minimun yang dipersyaratkan dalam ketentuan dan perundang-undangan yang terkait dengan pelaksanaan Good Corporate Governance. Kinerja Manajemen PT. Bank Aceh hingga periode 31 Desember 2012 berada dalam kondisi yang cukup baik, dimana manajemen mampu beradaptasi dengan perubahan kondisi eksternal dan memiliki system pengendalian risiko yang cukup memadai serta mampu mengatasi berbagai masalah yang dihadapi secara independen. Penyusunan struktur organisasi dan penempatan pengurus bank juga terus ditata dengan baik dan disesuaikan dengan tingkat kompleksitas keuangan dan sasaran bank serta visi dan misi perusahaan yang ingin dicapai. Dalam melaksanakan tugasnya, Dewan komisaris dan Direksi PT. Bank Aceh telah menyediakan waktu yang cukup untuk melaksanakan tugas dan tanggung jawabnya secara optimal. Manajemen bank juga telah mampu menghindari tindakan- tindakan yang merugikan bank serta mampu mencegah dan membatasi kegiatan usaha bank yang dapat menurunkan kualitas Good Corporate Governance GCG, serta memiliki kemampuan untuk bertindak independen terhadap pengaruh intervensi berbagai pihak. Disamping itu, manajemen bank juga telah membentuk komite-komite khusus dalam rangka meningkatkan efektivitas dan efisiensi kinerja bank Self assessment and preparation process of the implementation of Good Corporate Governance PT. Bank Aceh has been guided by the above Bank In- donesia Regulation. While the rules and procedures for the implementation of Self Assessment carried out as set forth above in the Circular Letter of Bank Indonesia. 912DPNP dated May 30, 2007 on the Implementation of Good Corporate Governance for Banks. Based on the results of the self assessment and im- plementation of GCG period December 31, 2012, that the general implementation of good corporate governance at PT. Bank Aceh has been going well. It is characterized by the fulfillment of the provisions have the minimum required under the rules and regulations related to the implementation of good corporate governance. Management Performance of PT. Bank Aceh until the period of December 31, 2012 to be in quiete good, where the management is able to adapt to changing external conditions and has a risk control system is adequate and able to cope with the vari- ous problems encountered independently. Organi- zational structuring and placement of bank manage- ment also continued well laid out and adjusted to the level of financial complexity and the target bank and the company’s vision and mission to be achieved. In performing its duties, the Board of Commission- ers and Directors of PT. Bank Aceh has provided adequate time to carry out their duties and respon- sibilities optimally. The bank’s management has also been able to avoid actions that harm the bank and be able to prevent and restrict banking activities that can degrade the quality of Good Corporate Govern- ance GCG, and has the ability to act independent- ly of the influence intervention of various parties. In addition, the bank’s management has also estab- lished special committees in order to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the bank’s overall Perusahaan Good Corporate Governance Review and Report Laporan T ahunan Bank Aceh - Annual Report 2012 145