Bakrieland AR2010 Final complete




ThE communiTy

commiTTing To

our FuTurE

Sebagai komitmen Perusahaan untuk memelihara lingkungan di bumi Indonesia, Bakrieland telah menggunakan kertas daur ulang pada buku Laporan Tahunan 2010 ini. As part of the company’s commitment to preserving the environment in Indonesia, Bakrieland has printed the 2010 Annual Report using recycle paper.


Dua puluh tahun berkarya di bisnis properti, Bakrieland telah

menempatkan diri sebagai salah satu perusahaan properti yang

layak diperhitungkan. Namun pencapaian ini belum lengkap jika

belum berhasil memberikan manfaat bagi masyarakat sekitar,

tempat Bakrieland berdiri dan berkembang. Di tahun 2010 ini,

selain menuntaskan target penyelesaian proyek, Bakrieland juga

mengambil langkah maju untuk lebih fokus dalam kegiatan CSR.

Kami berkomitmen untuk memberikan kontribusi yang lebih berarti

dalam pengembangan masyarakat dan pelestarian lingkungan

sekarang dan di masa mendatang.

After twenty years operating in the property business, Bakrieland

has positioned itself as one of the leading property developers in

Indonesia. However, this success could not have been achieved

without Bakrieland’s contribution of key benefits to the local

communities in which it operates. Besides accomplishing its

project completion targets in 2010, Bakrieland also focused its

efforts on CSR initiatives and activities. We are always committed,

in the most meaningful way, towards community development and

the preservation of the environment for now and in the future.

“SETiAP ruPiAh yAng DihASiLKAn BAKriE, hAruS


Almarhum Achmad Bakrie

-“EVEry ruPiAh EArnED By BAKriE muST comE To

BEnEFiT A LArgE numBEr oF PEoPLE.”


-Laporan Tahunan 2010 Bakrieland 2

Kegiatan pengembangan masyarakat merupakan

bagian penting yang melekat pada setiap usaha yang

dijalani Bakrieland. Kami ingin tumbuh bersama

masyarakat sekitar dengan memberikan manfaat

sebanyak mungkin pada setiap kawasan yang kami



Community development activities are an inherent

part in Bakrieland’s operations. We want to

grow together with the local communities by

engendering a positive multiplier effect in every

development project that we undertake.


Laporan Tahunan 2010 Bakrieland 4

Lebih dari itu, kami bersyukur bahwa kehadiran

Bakrieland di beberapa daerah telah memberikan

manfaat langsung bagi masyarakat setempat melalui

penyediaan lapangan pekerjaan dan terbukanya

peluang usaha baru.


Moreover, we are grateful that Bakrieland’s

presence in some areas has given direct benefits to

the local communities by offering employment and

new business opportunities.






Laporan Presiden Komisaris

report of the President



LAPorAn cSr

cSr rEPorT

136 tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan

corporate social responsibility 1 penjelasan tema

description of the theme 8 apa kata mereka tentang


testimony about bakrieland 10 mengapa berinvestasi di


why invest in bakrieland 12 sekilas perusahaan

company in brief 14 visi dan misi perusahaan

company’s vision and mission 16 nilai-nilai dan budaya perusahaan

corporate values and culture 17 pencapaian bakrieland

bakrieland facts 18 ikhtisar keuangan

financial highlights 22 ikhtisar saham dan obligasi

stocks and bonds highlights 26 aksi korporasi

corporate action 28 ikhtisar bisnis

business highlights 29 struktur perusahaan

corporate structure 30 area kerja

working area

32 jejak langkah perusahaan company milestone 34 peristiwa penting 2010

2010 event highlights 36 penghargaan & sertifikasi

awards & certifications 38 laporan presiden komisaris

report of the president commissioner

44 laporan presiden direktur & ceo report of the president director & ceo

52 pembahasan strategi 2010 2010 strategy overview


LAPorAn BiSniS


58 city property 70 landed residential 78 hotel and resort

86 property-related infrastructure 94 rencana ke depan

future outlook 96 pemasaran

marketing 102 audit internal

internal audit

106 manajemen risiko dan kepatuhan risk management and compliance 118 sumber daya manusia

human capital 126 teknologi informasi

information technology 130 keselamatan, kesehatan, dan







LAPorAn gcg

gcg rEPorT

LAPorAn mD&A

mD&A rEPorT




Laporan Presiden

Direktur & cEo

report of the President

Director & cEo

300 profil dewan komisaris board of commissioners’ profile 303 profil direksi

board of directors’ profile 305 profil komite-komite

committees’ profile 305 • komite audit

audit committee 306 • komite nominasi dan


nomination and remuneration committee

306 • komite pemantau risiko risk monitoring committee 306 • komite kebijakan corporate


corporate governance regulatory committee 307 manajemen senior

senior management 308 produk & layanan

products & services 312 struktur organisasi

organization structure

313 nama dan alamat anak perusahaan name and addresses of subsidiaries 315 alamat kantor pemasaran unit

usaha/kemitraan business unit marketing 316 informasi bagi pemegang saham

information for shareholders 317 surat pernyataan dewan komisaris

dan direksi

board of commissioners and directors’ statement 318 indeks untuk bapepam-lk

index for bapepam-lk (indonesia capital market & financial institution supervisory agency) 331 laporan keuangan

financial report 236 diskusi dan analisis manajemen

management discussion and analysis 162 laporan penilaian tata

kelola perusahaan assessment report on corporate governance 166 tata kelola perusahaan

corporate governance 204 corporate affairs 208 sekretaris perusahaan

corporate secretary 214 hubungan investor investor relations 220 perlindungan

konsumen consumer protection 223 laporan komite audit

audit committee report 226 laporan komite

pemantau risiko risk monitoring committee report 228 laporan komite

nominasi dan remunerasi nomination and remuneration committee report 230 laporan komite

kebijakan corporate governance

corporate governance policy committee report


Laporan Tahunan 2010 Bakrieland 8

“Adhi Karya telah bekerja sama (sebagai kontraktor utama) dengan Bakrieland dalam proyek pembangunan tol Kanci-Pejagan. Selama berlangsungnya proyek, kami merasakan kerja sama yang sangat baik dan komitmen yang tinggi dari pihak Bakrieland, tidak hanya di tingkat para pengambil keputusan, tetapi juga sampai ke level bawah. Artinya, keputusan di atas juga sampai dan dilaksanakan di tingkat bawah. Bakrieland sangat terbuka dalam diskusi-diskusi dengan kami untuk masalah teknis. Hal ini mendorong kami untuk banyak menciptakan inovasi teknik, sehingga pekerjaan menjadi lebih cepat, lebih baik dan lebih eisien. Kami berharap untuk dapat terus bekerja sama dan menjadi mitra yang terpercaya bagi Bakrieland untuk masa kini dan yang akan datang.”

”Dengan senang hati saya memperpanjang kerja sama dengan Aston Rasuna untuk sepuluh tahun lagi. Sejak membeli unit lima tahun lalu, saya bisa menikmati return 9-12%. Kini 50 persen investasi saya sudah kembali.”

“I am pleased to extend my partnership with Aston Rasuna for the next ten years. Since buying the unit ive years ago, I have been able to enjoy a 9-12% return. Now 50 percent of my investment is back.”

“Saya memiliki hubungan yang sangat baik dengan BSu maupun Bakrieland. Karena hubungan baik inilah kami ingin melanjutkan kerja sama dengan menawarkan desain terbaru untuk proyek yang akan datang di daerah Sentra Timur. Saya berharap, hubungan baik ini akan terus terjalin.”

“I have an excellent relationship with BSu and Bakrieland. Because of this good relationship we want to continue our cooperation by offering the latest design for the future projects in Sentra Timur area. I hope our good relationship will continue to be maintained.”

Bambang Triwibowo

President Director of PT Adhi Karya (Persero) Tbk


Unit Owner Aston Rasuna

m. Archica (chicco)

Business Partner for the Wave project Rasuna Epicentrum




Laporan Tahunan 2010 Bakrieland 8


“Adhi Karya has collaborated (as the main contractor) with Bakrieland in the Kanci-Pejagan toll road development project. During the project, we had good teamwork and Bakrieland showed such high commitment, both at the decision-makers’ and operations’ levels. This meant that decisions made by top management were also implemented at the lower levels. Bakrieland was very open in discussions with us on technical problems. This

encouraged us to create many more technical innovations to expedite the work and yield better and more eficient results. We hope to continue the cooperation and become a trusted partner for Bakrieland for now and in the future.”


“Kini bila hendak memenuhi kebutuhan sehari-hari, berbelanja, menjamu klien atau bersantai bersama teman dan keluarga, saya tinggal melangkah ke epicentrum Walk, tidak jauh dari tempat tinggal saya di The 18th Residence di Rasuna epicentrum, Kuningan, Jakarta. Saya bisa berjalan kaki di udara terbuka dan bersih, sambil melihat pepohonan hijau dan langit serta melewati pedestrian yang nyaman. memang sungguh pengalaman yang langka dan mewah di Jakarta yang macet, bising, dan berdebu ini.”

”Saya termasuk sepuluh orang pembeli pertama sejak Ijen Nirwana Residence (INR) dikembangkan pada awal 2007. Saya langsung jatuh cinta pada INR. INR berada di tengah kota sehingga dekat dengan berbagai fasilitas publik seperti sekolah, rumah sakit, pusat rekreasi dan belanja, namun memiliki suasana yang sejuk dan tenang. Saya selalu memanfaatkan libur akhir pekan atau hari besar untuk menikmati rumah resor saya di INR.”

“I was the irst ten buyers when Ijen Nirwana Residence (INR) was developed in early 2007. I immediately fell in love with the INR. INR is located in the center of town, very close to public facilities such as schools, hospitals, recreation and shopping center. However, it still has fresh atmosphere and very peaceful. I always spend the weekends or holidays to enjoy my resort home in INR.”

Atty Kusmayati

Penghuni Bogor Nirwana Residence

Anggini Setiawan

Apartment Owner at The 18th Residence Rasuna Epicentrum

muliati mujihadi

House Owner at Ijen Nirwana Residence

“Sekarang rasanya saya tidak gampang sakit, lebih tenang dan tentram sejak bermukim di sini. Saya merasakan banyak manfaat dan pengalaman baru setelah menghuni rumah di klaster Tirta Nirwana hampir setahun terakhir ini. Saya suka tempat tanpa polusi udara dan suara untuk bermukim. Selain itu, lokasi ini memiliki fasilitas lengkap seperti kolam renang, pusat rekreasi, kuliner, dan belanja.”

“Now I do not seem to get sick as easily, I’m calmer and more peaceful since living here. I have enjoyed many beneits and new experiences since staying in my house at the Tirta Nirwana cluster for the past year. I like living where there is no pollution and noise. In addition, this location has complete facilities such as swimming pool, recreation center, culinary spots, and shopping outlets.“

“Now, for my daily needs, shopping, entertaining clients or relaxing with friends and family, I just step into epicentrum Walk, not far from where I live at The 18th Residence Rasuna epicentrum, Kuningan, Jakarta. I can walk under the open and clean air, looking at green trees and sky as well as walking on convenient pedestrian track. It is indeed a rare and luxurious experience in the jammed, noisy and dusty Jakarta.”


Laporan Tahunan 2010 Bakrieland 10






Bakrie Tower, Rasuna epicentrum


Laporan Tahunan 2010 Bakrieland 10




nErAcA KEuAngAn

yAng SEhAT




onE oF ThE moST LiQuiD STocKS

Pertumbuhan pendapatan

rata-rata selama 5 tahun


Average growth of

revenues in the last 5


moDEL uSAhA yAng uniK

uniQuE BuSinESS moDEL

Properti dan properti

terkait infrastruktur

(nilai tambah)

Property and

property-related infrastructure

(value creation)

Rasio hutang terhadap


| Debt equity ratio

Rasio hutang setelah

dikurangi kas dan setara

kas terhadap ekuitas

Net Gearing

Rata-rata nilai perdagangan

saham di 2010

Average daily trading value

in 2010

Limitless & Perumnas

Limitless & Perumnas

Total Land Bank

PEmimPin PASAr



terbesar di Jakarta

cBD dan Kota Bogor

The largest Developer

in Jakarta cBD and












Laporan Tahunan 2010 Bakrieland 12




PT Bakrieland Development Tbk adalah perusahaan pengembang kawasan terpadu di Indonesia yang bergerak dalam pembangunan properti dan proyek-proyek infrastruktur terkait properti. Pada awalnya, Perusahaan didirikan dengan nama PT Purilestari Indah Pratama pada Juni 1990, kemudian berganti nama menjadi PT elang Realty pada Desember 1994, sebelum menjadi PT Bakrieland Development Tbk pada tahun 1997. Sebagai pengembang superblok pertama dan terbesar di kawasan bisnis utama Jakarta, yaitu Rasuna epicentrum Kuningan, Bakrieland telah berhasil mengembangkan berbagai proyek properti perkotaan, kawasan perumahan, serta hotel dan resor kelas dunia di beberapa lokasi strategis dan bergengsi di Indonesia. Keberhasilan Bakrieland menyelesaikan ruas jalan tol Kanci-Pejagan di tahun 2009 menjadikan Bakrieland sebagai perusahaan properti pertama di Indonesia yang memiliki unit usaha dalam bidang pengembangan jalan tol berskala besar. Seluruh proyek Bakrieland dikembangkan dengan konsep ramah lingkungan dan bermanfaat bagi masyarakat sekitarnya. Selama lima tahun terakhir, Bakrieland telah membukukan kinerja keuangan yang solid, ditandai dengan rata-rata pertumbuhan penjualan tahunan yang baik sebesar 33,73%. Dengan kapitalisasi pasar mencapai Rp 6,3 triliun di Bursa efek Indonesia per 31 Desember 2010, Bakrieland merupakan salah satu perusahaan dengan kapitalisasi pasar tertinggi di sektor industri properti.

Dengan proil keuangan yang sehat, portofolio bisnis yang beragam, dan cadangan lahan strategis yang luas, Bakrieland akan terus bertumbuh seiring dengan pengembangan proyeknya di tahun-tahun mendatang.



PT Bakrieland Development Tbk is an integrated property developer that engages in property and property-related project development in Indonesia. At irst, the company was established under the name PT Purilestari Indah Pratama in June 1990, changing to PT elang Realty in December 1994, before becoming PT Bakrieland Development Tbk in 1997. As the irst and largest superblock developer in the central Business District in Jakarta, namely with the Rasuna epicentrum Kuningan, Bakrieland has successfully developed a range of urban properties, residential estates, and world-class hotels and resorts at strategic and prestigious locations in Indonesia. In 2009, with its successful completion of its irst toll road project, called the 35 km Kanci-Pejagan toll road, which connects cirebon (West Java) and Brebes (cental Java). Bakrieland became the only property company in Indonesia having a business unit that operates a large scale toll road development. All of Bakrieland’s project developments emphasize an eco-friendly concept and particularly considers the beneits for the local community.

For the past ive years, Bakrieland has continuously recorded solid inancial performances, as indicated by its good compounded annual growth rate that reaches 33.73%. With market capitalization of Rp 6.3 trillion at the Indonesia Stock exchange as of 31 December 2010, Bakrieland remains as one of the companies with the largest market capitalization in the property sector industry.

With a sound inancial proile, diversiied business portfolio, and large and strategically placed land bank, Bakrieland will continue to lourish in line with its project developments in the years to come.


Laporan Tahunan 2010 Bakrieland 14



Penjelasan Visi Bakrieland

• “Terkemuka di dunia” berarti

Bakrieland bercita-cita untuk menjadi suatu perusahaan yang dikenal dan disegani di masa depan pada tingkat nasional dan internasional.

• “Bidang real estat, properti,

infrastruktur dan bidang usaha terkait properti lainnya” menunjukkan bidang-bidang usaha yang menjadi konsentrasi Bakrieland, yang berkaitan dan saling menunjang satu sama lain untuk menjadi perusahaan terkemuka di dunia.

Description of Bakrieland’s Vision

• “A prominent global company”

means Bakrieland is inspired to be a well-known and respected company in the future at both national and international levels.

• “Real estate, property, infrastructure

and property-related business” demonstrates Bakrieland’s focus on businesses which are related and supportive of one another.

Menjadi perusahaan terkemuka di dunia dalam

bidang real estat, properti, infrastruktur dan

bidang usaha terkait properti lainnya.

To be a prominent global company in real estate,

property, infrastructure and property-related


Laporan Tahunan 2010 Bakrieland 14


Mengembangkan dan mengelola portofolio

investasi yang bermutu, didukung oleh

tim yang berfokus pada kinerja dan

bertumpu pada kekuatan sumber daya

manusia, teknologi informasi tercanggih,

serta jaringan usaha yang kuat, guna

meningkatkan nilai bagi Pemegang Saham.

Professionally develop and manage a

quality business portfolio supported by a

team performance-driven and professional

human resources, the most advanced

information technology and a strong

business network, thereby increasing the

value for Shareholders.

Penjelasan misi Bakrieland

• “Mengembangkan dan mengelola

portofolio investasi yang bermutu” berarti dalam mengembangkan produk-produknya, Bakrieland senantiasa berusaha memberikan kualitas terbaik dan selesai tepat waktu, menggunakan konsep rancangan yang inovatif dan berkelas tinggi, ramah lingkungan, memperindah tata kota, serta berstandar internasional, sehingga menjadikannya investasi yang bermutu.

Description of Bakrieland’s mission

• “Professionally develop and manage

a quality business portfolio” means in developing its products, Bakrieland strives to provide the best quality and on-time delivery, with innovative and environmental-friendly design concepts that beautify the city, and completes this with international quality standards, making Bakrieland a worth-buying investment.

• “Didukung oleh tim yang berfokus

pada kinerja” dimana tim yang mendukung pencapaian Visi Bakrieland terdiri dari para individu yang memiliki komitmen untuk meningkatkan prestasi kerjanya.

• “Bertumpu pada kekuatan sumber

daya manusia, teknologi informasi tercanggih, serta jaringan usaha yang kuat” berarti aset Bakrieland yang menjadi andalannya untuk maju adalah sumber daya manusia, teknologi informasi, dan jaringan usaha yang kuat. oleh karena

itu, peningkatan kualitas sumber daya manusia, pemutakhiran teknologi, serta pembinaan dan pengembangan jaringan usaha selalu menjadi prioritas utama.

• “Meningkatkan nilai bagi Pemegang

Saham” berarti seluruh kekuatan yang dimiliki Bakrieland akan mendorongnya untuk terus maju dan berkembang, yang pada gilirannya akan memberikan keuntungan bagi para Pemegang Saham.

• “Supported by professional and

performance-driven teams” means that our teams support the accomplishment of Bakrieland’s Vision with individual commitments to improve performance.

• “Relying on a strong human

resource, the most advanced information technology, and a strong business network” means that Bakrieland’s assets to further growth include its strong human

resources, technology, and business networks. Therefore, improvement of human resources quality, updates of technology, and maintenance and development of business networks are always key priorities.

• “Increasing value for Shareholders”

means that all strengths that Bakrieland possesses drive us to continuously progress and develop; this in turn will deliver proit for the Shareholders.




Laporan Tahunan 2010 Bakrieland 16



Corporate Values and Culture

Corporate Culture











Selalu menjunjung tinggi nilai-nilai kejujuran, loyalitas dan obyektivitas

Always upholding the value of honesty, loyalty and objectivity

Selalu mengeluarkan ide-ide baru demi memenangkan persaingan usaha

Always proposing new ideas to win over business competition

Peka atas kebutuhan pelanggan dan bereaksi secara cepat dan tepat

Sensitive to the customers’ needs, reacting rapidly and properly

Jaringan yang luas dan kerja sama yang erat

extending networks and strengthening collaboration

mampu mengikuti perkembangan dunia usaha

Able to follow developments in the business world


Kekeluargaan, dan



Togetherness, and


Pelayanan Berkualitas


Excellent Service Quality



Teguh dalam bekerja

Tenacious at work

menjunjung tinggi nilai-nilai kemanusiaan

Following the values of humanity



Jaringan dan

Kerja sama

networking and




respect Each other












Pengembang Jakarta CBD terbesar (menguasai sekitar 26% dari total pasokan apartemen di Jakarta CBD pada tahun 2010).

The largest Jakarta CBD Developer (commands around 26% of total apartment supply in Jakarta CBD in 2010)

Area pengembangan terbesar di Jakarta CBD (total luas pengembangan 53,5 ha).

The largest development area in Jakarta CBD (total development area 53.5 ha).

Ketersediaan cadangan lahan terbesar di Jakarta CBD (memiliki 16,1 ha cadangan lahan).

The largest land bank in Jakarta CBD (commanding 16.1 ha of land bank).

Area pengembangan terbesar di kota Bogor (total luas pengembangan 1.002 ha).

The largest development area in Bogor city (total development area 1,002 ha).

Salah satu perusahaan properti tercatat terbesar di BEI dalam hal kapitalisasi pasar (Rp 6,3 triliun per 31 Desember 2010).

One of the largest listed property companies in IDX in terms of market capitalization (Rp 6.3 trillion as of 31 December 2010).

Salah satu saham properti dengan nilai perdagangan rata-rata harian tertinggi di BEI (Rp 50,1 miliar per hari pada tahun 2010).

One of the highest average daily trading value of property stocks in IDX (Rp 50.1 billion per day in 2010).

Salah satu perusahaan properti dengan ekuitas terbesar yang tercatat di BEI (Rp 8 triliun per 31 Desember 2010).

One of the biggest property companies in terms of equity listed at the IDX (Rp 8 trillion as of 31 December 2010).

Salah satu perusahaan properti dengan aset terbesar yang tercatat di BEI (Rp 17,1 triliun per 31 Desember 2010).

One of the biggest property company in terms of assets listed at the IDX (Rp 17.1 trillion as of 31 December 2010).

Perusahaan properti pertama yang mengintegrasikan bisnisnya dengan pengembangan jalan tol berskala besar.

The first property company that integrates its business with a large scale of toll road development.

Bakrieland F











Laporan Tahunan 2010 Bakrieland 18

Angka-angka pada seluruh tabel dan graik dalam Laporan Tahunan ini menggunakan notasi Bahasa Inggris

Numerical notations in all tables and graphs in this Annual Report are in english

Dalam juta Rupiah, kecuali disebutkan lain In million Rupiah, except stated otherwise







hasil-hasil operasi result of operations

Pendapatan Bersih 1,367,556 29.14% 1,059,004 1,053,801 782,106 393,232 Net Revenue

Laba Kotor 669,273 34.37% 498,098 510,254 321,142 167,189 Gross Proit

Laba usaha 241,714 44.95% 166,751 226,031 170,508 72,201 operating Proit

Jumlah Taksiran Beban Pajak 15,269 -63.81% 42,192 81,844 110,142 8,978 Provision For Tax expenses

Laba Bersih 178,705 35.12% 132,256 272,100 134,185 67,608 Net Proit

Laba per Saham Proit per Share

Jumlah Saham yang Beredar (jutaan lembar) 39,919 100.44% 19,916 19,916 19,600 5,600 outstanding Shares (millions shares)

Laba usaha per Saham (Rupiah) 7.76 -7.32% 8.37 11.35 11.54 11.73 operating Proit per Share (Rupiah)

Laba Bersih per Saham (Rupiah) 5.74 -13.61% 6.64 13.66 9.08 10.98 Net Proit per Share (Rupiah)

Posisi Keuangan Financial Position

modal Kerja Bersih 8,121,683 107.70% 3,910,223 4,542,508 3,833,563 (47,449) Net Working capital

Aset Lancar 10,281,401 54.96% 6,634,866 6,457,550 3,201,151 977,939 current Assets

Aset Tetap 5,639,422 22.18% 4,615,514 1,488,690 701,186 637,822 Fixed Assets

Jumlah Aset 17,064,196 47.20% 11,592,631 8,334,991 5,708,016 2,395,677 Total Assets

Jumlah Investasi 1,124,681 228.61% 342,251 388,751 146,346 62,042 Total Investment

Kewajiban Lancar 2,159,718 -20.73% 2,724,643 1,915,042 1,066,359 853,664 current Liabilities

Jumlah Kewajiban 6,582,727 13.61% 5,794,139 3,133,653 1,508,297 1,036,383 Total Liabilities

modal Sendiri 8,021,729 72.79% 4,642,528 4,507,679 4,132,832 1,318,830 Stockholders’ equity

rasio Keuangan Financial ratios

Tingkat Pengembalian Aset 1.05% -0.09% 1.14% 3.26% 2.35% 2.82% Return on Assets

Tingkat Pengembalian ekuitas 2.23% -0.62% 2.85% 6.04% 3.25% 5.13% Return on equity

Rasio Lancar 476.05% 232.54% 243.51% 337.20% 300.19% 114.56% current Ratio

Rasio Kewajiban terhadap ekuitas 82.06% -42.74% 124.81% 69.52% 36.50% 78.58% Debt to equity Ratio

Rasio Tingkat Kewajiban terhadap Aset 38.58% -11.40% 49.98% 37.60% 26.42% 43.26% Debt to Assets Ratio

informasi Keuangan lainnya other Financial information

eBITDA terhadap Beban Bunga 3 x -4 x 7 x 5 x 24 x 10 x eBITDA to Interest expense

Tingkat Perputaran Persediaan 0.3 x 0.0 X 0.3 x 0.6 x 0.88 x 0.96 x Inventory Turnover

Tingkat Perputaran Aset Tetap 0.3 x -0.1 x 0.4 x 1.25 x 1.17 x 0.61 x Property & equipment Turnover

Tingkat Perputaran Jumlah Aset 0.10 x -0.01 x 0.11 x 0.15 x 0.19 x 0.16 x Total Assets Turnover

marjin Laba Kotor 48.94% 1.90% 47.03% 48.47% 41.06% 42.52% Gross Proit margin

iKhTiSAr KEuAngAn

Financial Highlights

Laporan Tahunan 2010 Bakrieland 18


2008 2009 2007

2006 2010


132,256 272,100

134,185 67,608

Laba Bersih| Net Profit

dalam juta Rupiah | in million Rupiah

2008 2009 2007

2006 2010


1,059,004 1,053,801 782,106


Pendapatan Bersih| Net Revenue

dalam juta Rupiah | in million Rupiah

2008 2009 2007

2006 2010


4,642,528 4,507,679 4,132,832


Jumlah Ekuitas| Total Equity

dalam juta Rupiah | in million Rupiah

2008 2009 2007

2006 2010


11,592,631 8,334,991 5,708,016 2,395,677

Jumlah Aset| Total Assets

dalam juta Rupiah | in million Rupiah








Laporan Tahunan 2010 Bakrieland 20

Dalam miliar Rupiah, kecuali disebutkan lain In billion Rupiah, except stated otherwise

Posisi Keuangan


Financial Position

Jumlah Aset 17,064 ; 47.20% Total Assets

Aset Lancar 10,281 ; 54.96% current Assets

Aset Tetap 5,639 ; 22.18% Fixed Assets

Jumlah Kewajiban 6,583 ; 13.61% Total Liabilities

Jumlah ekuitas 8,022 ; 72.79% Total equity

Jumlah Investasi 1,125 ; 228.61% Total Investment

modal Kerja Bersih 8,122 ; 107.70% Net Working capital

hasil-hasil operasi result of operations

Pendapatan Bersih 1,368 ; 29.14% Net Revenue

Laba Kotor 669 ; 34.37% Gross Proit

Laba usaha 242 ; 44.95% operating Proit

Laba Sebelum Pajak 226 ; 11.07% Income Before Tax

rasio Keuangan Financial ratios

Tingkat Pengembalian Aset 1.05% ; -0.09% Return on Assets

Tingkat Pengembalian ekuitas 2.23% ; -0.62% Return on equity

Rasio Lancar 476.05% ; 232.54% current Ratio

Kewajiban terhadap ekuitas 82.06% ; -42.74% Debt to equity

Kewajiban terhadap Aset 38.58% ; -11.40% Debt to Assets

indikator Keuangan Lain other Financial indicators

eBITDA terhadap Beban Bunga 3 x ; -4 x eBITDA to Interest expense

Tingkat Perputaran Persediaan 0.3 x ; – 0.0 x Inventory Turnover

Tingkat Perputaran Aset Tetap 0.3 x ; -0.1 x Property & equipment Turnover

Tingkat Perputaran Jumlah Aset 0.10 x ; -0.01 x Total Assets Turnover

marjin Laba Kotor 48.94% ; 1.90% Gross Proit margin

rangkuman Kinerja Keuangan | Summary of Financial Performance

iKhTiSAr KEuAngAn

Financial Highlights

Laporan Tahunan 2010 Bakrieland 20




laba usaha

operating proit



laba kotor

gross proit



aset tetap

ixed assets



marjin laba kotor

gross proit margin



peningkatan rasio kewajiban terhadap


increase of debt to equity ratio



peningkatan rasio kewajiban

terhadap aset

increase of debt to assets ratio



rasio lancar

current ratio



modal kerja bersih


Laporan Tahunan 2010 Bakrieland 22

iKhTiSAr SAhAm & oBLigASi

Stocks & Bonds Highlights

Komposisi Pemegang Saham | Composition of Shareholders Per 31 Desember 2010

As of 31 December 2010

Jumlah Saham Number of Shares

Jumlah (Rp)

Amount (Rp) %

modal Dasar | Authorized capital - 10,000,000,000,000

-Saham Biasa Seri A | ordinary Shares (A-Series) 1,400,000,000 -

-Saham Biasa Seri B | ordinary Shares (B-Series) 93,000,000,000 -

-Modal Ditempatkan dan Disetor Penuh | Issued and Paid Up Capital

cGmI 1 client Safekeeping Account - 4,858,177,212 12.17

Reksadana Danamas Stabil - 3,602.000,000 9.02

masyarakat (kepemilikan di bawah 5%) | Public (ownership below 5%) - 31,459,594,178 78.81

Jumlah Lembar Saham | Total Number of Shares - 39,919,771,390 100.00

Jumlah modal Ditempatkan dan Disetor Penuh

Amount of Issued and Paid up capital - 4,551,977,139,000

-Saham dalam Portepel | Subscription Stock

Saham Biasa Seri A | ordinary Shares (A-Series) - -

-Saham Biasa Seri B | ordinary Shares (B-Series) 54,480,228,610 5,448,022,861,000

-cgmi 1 cLiEnT SAFEKEEPing AccounT

(Kode Kustodian dari Avenue Luxembourg Sarl)

Avenue Luxembourg Sarl adalah perusahaan investasi global yang merupakan bagian dari Avenue capital Group yang memiliki kantor pusat di New york, Amerika Serikat serta beberapa kantor cabang di eropa seperti di London, Luxembourg, munich, dan 9 kantor cabang di Asia.


Reksadana Danamas Stabil adalah salah satu produk reksadana yang dikelola oleh PT Sinarmas Sekuritas yang terailiasi dengan Sinar mas Group.

cgmi 1 cLiEnT SAFEKEEPing AccounT

(Custodian Code from Avenue Luxembourg Sarl)

Avenue Luxembourg Sarl is a global investment company, which is part of Avenue capital Group with headquarters in New york, uSA, and has several branch ofices in europe such as London, Luxembourg, munich, and 9 branch ofices in Asia.


Reksadana Danamas Stabil is a mutual funds product managed by PT Sinarmas Sekuritas, a company afiliated with Sinar mas Group.

Laporan Tahunan 2010 Bakrieland 22



Harga Saham | Stock Price (Rp) Perdagangan Saham | Stock Trading Tertinggi


Terendah Lowest


closing Rp Volume

January 270 193 260 1,928,978,717,000 7,955,660,500

February 265 210 220 472,252,815,000 1,987,927,000

march 285 210 240 1,381,127,605,000 5,494,222,000

April 265 225 235 863,901,940,000 3,498,809,000

may 240 105 141 1,030,254,976,000 5,793,219,500

June 154 132 144 461,271,910,000 3,214,718,000

July 147 131 133 247,084,926,500 1,780,191,000

August 135 95 112 521,888,133,000 4,618,748,500

September 168 112 154 952,569,674,000 6,351,288,000

october 196 152 158 2,540,041,531,500 14,498,490,500

November 172 154 160 1,375,246,431,000 8,486,091,500

December 167 155 157 510,244,794,000 3,160,535,000

Kinerja Saham | Stock Performance

Jan Feb mar Apr may Jun Jul Aug Sep oct Nov Dec







Tertinggi | Highest

Terendah | Lowest

Penutupan | closing

Kronologi Pencatatan Saham | Stock Listing Chronology

Tanggal Pencatatan Listing Date

Saham Terakumulasi Accumulated Shares

Nominal Terakumulasi (Rp) Accumulated Nominal (Rp) Pra Penawaran umum Saham Perdana |

Pre Initial Public offering 29 october 95 240,000,000 120,000,000,000

Penawaran umum Saham Perdana | Initial Public offering 30 october 95 350,000,000 175,000,000,000 Penawaran umum Terbatas I | Limited Public offering I (1:3) 6 october 97 1,400,000,000 700,000,000,000 Penawaran umum Terbatas II | Limited Public offering II (1:3) 12 December 05 5,600,000,000 1,120,000,000,000 Penawaran umum Terbatas III | Limited Public offering III

(2:5) 1 may 07 19,600,000,000 2,520,000,000,000

Pelaksanaan Waran I | Warrant Issuance I 1 November 2007 –

30 April 2010 359,885,695 35,988,569,500 Penawaran umum Terbatas IV | Limited Public offering IV

(1:1) 9 July 2010 39,919,771,390 4,551,997,139,000

Saham Ditempatkan & Disetor Penuh | Issued & Paid up

Shares 31 December 2010 39,919,771,390 4,551,997,139,000


Laporan Tahunan 2010 Bakrieland 24

riwayat Dividen 2010 | 2010 Dividend History Dividen per Saham

Dividend per Share

Jumlah Dividen Total Dividend

Dividend yield Dividend yield

Recording Date Recording Date

Tanggal Pembayaran Payment Date

Rp 1,- Rp 19,959,885,695 15.1% 14 June 2010 28 June 2010

Kronologi Penawaran Equity-Linked Bond | Equity-Linked Bond Offering Chronology Tanggal Penawaran

offering Date

Jumlah (uSD) Amount (uSD)

Bunga (Triwulan) Interest (Quarterly)

Jangka Waktu Period Penawaran equity-Linked Bond

equity-Linked Bond offering 23 march 2010 155,000,000 8.625% 5 tahun | years

Kronologi Pencatatan obligasi | Bonds Listing Chronology

Tanggal Pencatatan Listing Date

Jumlah (Rp) Amount (Rp)

Bunga / Jangka Waktu Interest / Period Penawaran umum obligasi I Seri A | Bonds I A Series offering 12 march 2008 220,000,000,000 11.90% p.a./3 years Penawaran umum obligasi I Seri B | Bonds I B Series offering 12 march 2008 280,000,000,000 12.85% p.a./5 years

Peringkat | Rating PeFINDo : idBBB+

Kronologi Pencatatan Sukuk | Sukuk Listing Chronology Tanggal Pencatatan

Listing Date

Jumlah (Rp) Amount (Rp)

cicilan Imbalan (Rp) Return Installment (Rp)

Jangka Waktu Period Penawaran umum Sukuk Ijarah I Seri A

Sukuk Ijarah I A Series offering 9 July 2009 60,000,000,000 154,800,000 per 1,000,000,000 2 tahun | years Penawaran umum Sukuk Ijarah I Seri B

Sukuk Ijarah I B Series offering 9 July 2009 90,000,000,000 160,000,000 per 1,000,000,000 3 tahun | years Peringkat | Rating PeFINDo : idBBB+(sy)

Jumlah Saham Diperdagangkan per Triwulan | Number of Stock Traded per Quarter


Harga Saham | Stock Price (Rp)


Harga Saham | Stock Price (Rp) Tertinggi


Terendah Lowest


closing Volume

Tertinggi Highest

Terendah Lowest


closing Volume Triwulan I

1st Quarter 285 193 240 15,437,809,500

Triwulan I

1st Quarter 88 54 85 12,906,864,500

Triwulan II

2nd Quarter 265 105 144 12,506,746,500

Triwulan II

2nd Quarter 335 84 295 36,552,449,500

Triwulan III

3rd Quarter 168 95 154 12,750,227,500

Triwulan III

3rd Quarter 390 280 370 13,544,941,500

Triwulan IV

4th Quarter 196 152 157 26,145,117,000

Triwulan IV

4th Quarter 370 177 193 8,478,922,500

iKhTiSAr SAhAm & oBLigASi

Stocks & Bonds Highlights

Laporan Tahunan 2010 Bakrieland 24


Pembayaran Bunga obligasi i Bakrieland Development Tahun 2008 hingga 31 Desember 2010

Interest Payment for Bakrieland Development’s 2008 Bond I up to 31 December 2010

No. Keterangan


Tanggal Pembayaran Payment Date

Jumlah (Rp) Amount (Rp) 1 Pembayaran Bunga ke-1 | Interest Payment 1 11 June 2008 15,540,000,000 2 Pembayaran Bunga ke-2 | Interest Payment 2 11 September 2008 15,540,000,000 3 Pembayaran Bunga ke-3 | Interest Payment 3 11 December 2008 15,540,000,000 4 Pembayaran Bunga ke-4 | Interest Payment 4 11 march 2009 15,540,000,000 5 Pembayaran Bunga ke-5 | Interest Payment 5 11 June 2009 15,540,000,000 6 Pembayaran Bunga ke-6 | Interest Payment 6 11 September 2009 15,540,000,000 7 Pembayaran Bunga ke-7 | Interest Payment 7 11 December 2009 15,540,000,000 8 Pembayaran Bunga ke-8 | Interest Payment 8 11 march 2010 15,540,000,000 9 Pembayaran Bunga ke-9 | Interest Payment 9 11 June 2010 15,540,000,000 10 Pembayaran Bunga ke-10 | Interest Payment 10 11 September 2010 15,540,000,000 11 Pembayaran Bunga ke-11 | Interest Payment 11 11 December 2010 15,540,000,000

Pembayaran cicilan imbalan Sukuk ijarah i Bakrieland Development Tahun 2009 hingga 31 Desember 2010

Payment of Return Installment for Bakrieland Development’s 2009 Sukuk Ijarah I up to 31 December 2010 Keterangan


Tanggal Pembayaran Payment Date

Jumlah (Rp) Amount (Rp) cicilan Imbalan ke-1 | Return Installment 1 7 october 2009 5,922,000,000 cicilan Imbalan ke-2 | Return Installment 5 7 January 2010 5,922,000,000 cicilan Imbalan ke-3 | Return Installment 5 7 April 2010 5,922,000,000 cicilan Imbalan ke-4 | Return Installment 5 7 July 2010 5,922,000,000 cicilan Imbalan ke-5 | Return Installment 5 7 october 2010 5,922,000,000

Pembayaran Bunga Equity-Linked Bond Tahun 2010 hingga 31 Desember 2010

Payment of Equity-Linked Bond Interest 2010 up to 31 December 2010 Keterangan


Tanggal Pembayaran Payment Date

Jumlah (uSD) Amount (uS$)

Pembayaran Bunga ke-1 | 1st Interest 21 June 2010 3,342,187.50

Pembayaran Bunga ke-2 | 2nd Interest 20 September 2010 3,342,187.50


Laporan Tahunan 2010 Bakrieland 26



corporate Action

Equity-Linked Bond Bakrieland Development

Pada tanggal 23 maret 2010, Perusahaan melalui BLD Investment Pte. Ltd., anak perusahaan, menerbitkan equity-Linked Bond sebesar uSD 155.000.000 yang akan jatuh tempo pada tanggal 23 maret 2015 dengan suku bunga 8,625% yang dibayar setiap tiga bulan. Hasil bersih penerbitan tersebut digunakan oleh Perusahaan untuk modal kerja, pembiayaan kembali, keperluan umum perusahaan dan untuk lindung nilai (hedging).

Pembelian Kembali Saham

Sebagai dampak dari krisis pada tahun 2008 yang mengakibatkan penurunan harga-harga saham secara signiikan, Bapepam-LK menerbitkan peraturan No. XI.B.3, Lampiran Keputusan Ketua Bapepam dan LK No. Kep-401/BL/2008 tanggal 9 oktober 2008 tentang Pembelian Kembali Saham emiten atau Perusahaan Publik Dalam Kondisi Pasar yang Berpotensi Krisis, yang memperbolehkan pembelian kembali saham dengan batasan-batasan tertentu, tanpa melalui persetujuan Rapat umum Pemegang Saham (RuPS). Peraturan ini terutama bertujuan mengurangi dampak penurunan harga-harga saham lebih jauh. Berdasarkan peraturan tersebut, pada tanggal 14 oktober 2008 Perusahaan telah mengajukan permohonan pembelian kembali saham selama masa 3 bulan dan melakukan permohonan perpanjangan periode pada tanggal 14 Januari 2009, 14 April 2009, 14 Juli 2009 dan 14 oktober 2009. Jumlah maksimal dana yang

Bakrieland Development Equity-Linked Bond

on 23 march 2010, through its subsidiary BLD Investment Pte. Ltd., the company issued equity-Linked Bonds worth uSD 155,000,000 which shall mature on 23 march 2015 with an 8.625% interest rate payable every three months. Net proceeds from this issuance were invested into working capital, reinancing, general corporate purposes and hedging.

Share Buy-Back

As a consequence of the 2008 crisis which ultimately resulted in plummeting share prices, Bapepam-LK found it necessary to issue Regulation No. XI.B.3, Annex to the Decree of the Head of Bapepam and LK Head No. Kep-401/ BL/2008 on 9 october 2008 concerning Buy-Back of Shares Issued by an Issuer or a Public company During Potential market crisis, which allowed for the repurchase of shares under speciied limits without having to seek approval from the General meeting of Shareholders. This regulation is primarily designed to alleviate the impact brought about by the downward spiral of share prices. Based on this regulation, the company did on 14 october 2008 submit a request for share buy-back within a span of 3 months and for a duration extension on14 January 2009, 14 April 2009, 14 July 2009 and 14 october 2009. The maximum amount of funds allocated for the share buy-back scheme reached Rp 510 billion and the amount of

Bakrie Tower, Rasuna epicentrum

Laporan Tahunan 2010 Bakrieland 26


dialokasikan dalam program pembelian kembali saham ini sebesar Rp 510 miliar dan jumlah saham yang dibeli kembali tidak melebihi 20% dari jumlah modal ditempatkan dan disetor penuh. Hingga program pembelian kembali saham berakhir, Perusahaan telah membeli 120.750.000 lembar saham dengan harga pembelian rata-rata sebesar Rp 230,50 per lembar saham.

Penawaran umum Terbatas iV

Rapat umum Pemegang Saham Luar Biasa (RuPSLB) Perusahaan pada tanggal 25 Juni 2010 telah memberikan persetujuan kepada Perusahaan untuk melakukan Penawaran umum Terbatas (PuT) IV kepada Para Pemegang Saham melalui penerbitan Hak memesan efek Terlebih Dahulu (HmeTD) dengan cara menerbitkan saham dari portepel/simpanan Perusahaan sebanyak 19.959.885.695 (sembilan belas miliar sembilan ratus lima puluh sembilan juta delapan ratus delapan puluh lima ribu enam ratus sembilan puluh lima) saham biasa Seri B dengan Nilai Nominal Rp 100 (seratus Rupiah) per saham dan dengan harga penawaran Rp 160 (seratus enam puluh Rupiah) per saham, yang dicatatkan di Bursa efek Indonesia.

Dari hasil penjualan saham Seri B tersebut, maka Perusahaan memperoleh setoran modal sebesar Rp 3.193.581.711.200 (tiga triliun seratus sembilan puluh tiga miliar lima ratus delapan puluh satu juta tujuh ratus sebelas ribu dua ratus Rupiah). Bersamaan dengan PuT IV ini, Perusahaan juga menerbitkan 6.985.959.993 (enam miliar sembilan ratus delapan puluh lima juta sembilan ratus lima puluh sembilan ribu sembilan ratus sembilan puluh tiga) Waran Seri II. Pada setiap 20 saham baru hasil pelaksanaan HmeTD melekat 7 Waran Seri II yang diberikan secara cuma-cuma sebagai insentif bagi pemegang saham Perusahaan dan/ atau pemegang HmeTD yang melaksanakan haknya. Setiap pemegang 1 waran berhak membeli 1 saham Seri B dengan Nilai Nominal Rp 100 (seratus Rupiah) per saham dengan harga pelaksanaan Rp 165 (seratus enam puluh lima Rupiah) per saham.

shares for repurchase did not exceed 20% of the total amount of subscribed capital and paid-up capital.

up until the share buy-back period ended, the company had purchased 120,750,000 shares with average purchase price of Rp 230.50 per share.

Limited Public offering iV

The company’s extraordinary General meeting of Shareholders convened on 25 June 2010 and granted approval to the company for undertaking Limited Public offering IV aimed at Shareholders through pre-emptive rights by issuing shares held by the company in portfolio/treasury for a total of 19,959,885,695 (nineteen billion nine hundred and ifty nine million eight hundred and eighty ive thousand six hundred and ninety ive) Series B shares with face value of Rp 100 (one hundred Rupiah) per share and with an offering price of Rp 160 (one hundred and sixty Rupiah) for each share, to be listed with the Indonesia Stock exchange.

From the sales of Series B shares, the company gained paid-up capital worth Rp 3,193,581,711,200 (three trillion one hundred and ninety three billion ive hundred and eighty one million seven hundred and eleven thousand two hundred Rupiah). In concurrence with Limited Public offering IV, the company has also issued 6,985,959,993 (six billion nine hundred and eighty ive million nine hundred and ifty nine thousand nine hundred and ninety three) Series II Warrants. For every 20 new shares from the exercising of pre-emptive rights, 7 Series II Warrants are included as incentive for company shareholders and/or pre-emptive rights holders who use this privilege. every holder of a warrant is entitled to one Series B share for the face value of Rp 100 (one hundred Rupiah) per share and at the exercise price of Rp 165 (one hundred sixty ive Rupiah) per share.


Laporan Tahunan 2010 Bakrieland 28

ciTy ProPErTy

hoTEL & rESorT




• Salah satu pengembang

properti berkelas dunia di Jakarta.

• Proyek utama: Rasuna epicentrum, suatu kawasan superblok modern terpadu di pusat kota.

• Penyumbang utama pendapatan Bakrieland, sebesar 35,1% dari total pendapatan Perusahaan di tahun 2010.

• One of the world-class

property developers in Jakarta.

• Main projects: Rasuna

epicentrum, an integrated state-of-the-art superblock located in the heart of the city.

• Bakrieland’s principal

revenue contributor of 35.1% to the company’s total earnings in 2010.

• Mengembangkan kawasan pemukiman untuk segmen menengah dan menengah atas.

• Lokasi: Bogor, Malang, dan Batam.

• Proyek utama: Bogor Nirwana Residence. • Memberikan kontribusi

sebesar 29,5% dari total pendapatan Bakrieland di tahun 2010.

• Develop eco-friendly

integrated residential areas speciically for the middle and middle-upper class segments.

• Location: Bogor, Malang, and


• Main project: Bogor Nirwana


• Contributed 29.5% of

Bakrieland’s total revenue in 2010.


Business Highlights

• Mengembangkan dan mengelola hotel dan resor berkelas internasional. • Lokasi: Bali, Lampung, dan


• Memberikan kontribusi sebesar 29,2% dari total pendapatan Bakrieland di tahun 2010.

• Develop and manage

international caliber hotels and resorts.

• Location: Bali, Lampung, and


• Contributed 29.2% of

Bakrieland’s total earnings in 2010.

• Jalan tol Kanci-Pejagan mulai beroperasi pada tanggal 26 Januari 2010. Jalan tol sepanjang 35 km ini menghubungkan cirebon, Jawa Barat dengan Brebes, Jawa Tengah, dan memiliki masa konsesi selama 35 tahun.

• Memberikan kontribusi sebesar 6,2% dari total pendapatan Bakrieland di tahun 2010.

• Started Kanci-Pejagan

toll road operations on 26 January 2010. The 35 km toll-road connects cirebon, West Java and Brebes, central Java, and has a 35-year concession period.

• Contributed 6.2% of

Bakrieland’s total earnings in 2010.


PT Berkah Puhu Lestari *


PT Nirwana Legian Hotel *


PT Bakrie Nirwana Semesta


PT Bali Nirwana Resort


PT Jasa Sarana


PT Bakrie Graha Nirwana *


PT Libratindo Gemilang *


PT Bakrie Pesona Rasuna


PT Bakrie Swasakti utama


PT Rasuna Residence



PT Villa Del Sol *



PT Krakatau Lampung Tourism Development

PT Bakrieland Development Tbk

PT Rasuna caturtama corpora **


PT Provices Indonesia


PT Bakrie Pangripta Loka


PT Bakrie Toll Road

BLD Asia Pte. Ltd. PT Lido Sarana Prima PT Lido Golf Prima Hotel elty Tenggarong






PT Transglobal Finance Limited


PT Pan Galactic Investment Limited


PT Semesta marga Raya



PT Alberta utilities


PT Bakrie Infrastructure


PT Aetra Air Jakarta


BLD Investment Pte. Ltd.

PT Fusion Plus Indonesia

PT Bukit Jonggol Asri PT Bakrie Sentra Investama



PT Sentul city Tbk




PT Satria cita Perkasa

PT citra Saudara Abadi *


PT Dutaperkasa unggullestari


PT mutiara Permata Biru


PT Bahana Sukmasejahtera *


PT Graha Andrasentra Propertindo


PT Sanggraha Pelita Sentosa *


PT Graha Intan Bali **


PT Samudra Asia Nasional


PT Superwish Perkasa *


PT Bumi Daya makmur


* Dalam pengembangan under development ** Belum beroperasi Not in operations

construction/Developer, Real estate, Apartment, ofice, Infrastructure, and Trading

General Trading and Services, Property management construction and Agriculture Hotel and Tourism Lini Usaha | Lines of Businesses

corporate Structure


Laporan Tahunan 2010 Bakrieland 30



Batam nirwana residence (Landed residential) Proyek perumahan kelas menengah di Pulau Batam dengan luas area pengembangan 40 ha.

A middle-class residential project in Batam Island, covering 40 ha of development area.

Travellers Krakatoa nirwana resort (hotel & resort) Kawasan resor dan rekreasi terpadu dengan total luas area 101 ha. An integrated resort and recreation destination with a total area of 101 ha.

rasuna Epicentrum (city Property i) 53,5 ha kawasan pengembangan di area cBD Kuningan, merupakan proyek superblok pertama, terbesar dan terlengkap di Jakarta yang terdiri dari Apartemen, Perkantoran, Komersial, Hotel dan Pusat Kebugaran. A 53.5 ha development in Kuningan cBD, the irst, the largest, and most complete superblock project in Jakarta, consisting of Apartments, ofices, commercial Space, Hotel and Fitness center.

Sentra Timur residence (city Property ii) 3,2 ha kawasan proyek Rusunami dengan 11 menara yang berlokasi di kawasan Pulogebang, Jakarta Timur.

A 3.2 ha subsidized apartment block with 11 towers, located at Pulogebang, east Jakarta.

Kota Baru Perumnas (city Property ii) 30 ha potensi area pengembangan Kawasan Kota Baru Perumnas di Jakarta Timur, dibangun dengan tujuan mengoptimalkan potensi Terminal Pulogebang dan Banjir Kanal Timur di kawasan tersebut.

A 30 ha potential area development in Kota Baru Perumnas area in east Jakarta, aimed to optimize the utilization of Terminal Pulogebang and Banjir Kanal Timur in the area.

Bogor nirwana residence (Landed residential)

1.002 ha kawasan pengembangan untuk proyek perumahan menengah-menengah atas dipusat kota Bogor, Jawa Barat, yang dilengkapi area komersial dan wahana edutainment (The Jungle Waterpark) secara terintegrasi.

An 1,002 ha middle to middle-upper residential project in central Bogor, West Java, completed with integrated commercial and edutainment area (The Jungle Waterpark).

Lido Lake resort (Landed residential)

Lebih dari 1.000 ha kawasan pengembangan yang terletak diantara pegunungan, danau serta hutan di daerah Lido, Sukabumi, Jawa Barat. over 1,000 ha development area located among the mountains, lake and forests in Lido, Sukabumi, West Java.



Laporan Tahunan 2010 Bakrieland 30


ijen nirwana residence (Landed residential) Proyek perumahan di kawasan prestisius di kota malang dengan luas pengembangan 22,4 ha. A residential project at a prestigious area in malang, with a development area of 22.4 ha.

Bakrie Toll road

Proyek ruas jalan tol Kanci-Pejagan sepanjang 35 km, yang menghubungkan cirebon (Jawa Barat) dan Brebes (Jawa Tengah). The project of the 35 km Kanci-Pejagan toll road section connecting cirebon (West Java) and Brebes (central Java).

Lagoon nirwana residence (hotel & resort)

Sebelumnya bernama Balikpapan Nirwana Suites & Residences, yaitu Hotel dan serviced residence pertama di Balikpapan di area seluas 3,3 ha di pusat kota Balikpapan.

Previously named Balikpapan Nirwana Suites & Residences, the irst hotel and serviced residence in Balikpapan, built on 3.3 ha in the city of Balikpapan.

Pullman Bali Legian nirwana (hotel & resort)

Strata hotel bintang 5 pertama di pantai Kuta Bali dengan luas area 2,4 ha. The irst ive-star strata hotel located at Kuta beach, Bali with an area of 2.4 ha.

Pan Paciic nirwana Bali resort (hotel & resort) Kawasan resor terpadu pertama di Bali seluas lebih dari 100 ha, yang merupakan kombinasi hotel bintang 5 dan hunian eksklusif dilengkapi dengan lapangan golf 18-hole rancangan Greg Norman serta fasilitas rekreasi. Bali’s irst fully integrated resort of over 100 ha, combining a ive-star luxury hotel and exclusive residences complete with Greg Norman designed 18-hole golf course and recreation facilities.







Laporan Tahunan 2010 Bakrieland 32







June 1984

Kelompok usaha Bakrie (KuB) melalui PT catur Swasakti utama (sekarang bernama PT Bakrie Swasakti utama, anak perusahaan Bakrieland), mengawali bisnis pembangunan properti dengan membangun Wisma Bakrie, gedung Graha Kapital, dan Apartemen Taman Rasuna di Jakarta. The Bakrie Group through PT catur Swasakti utama (now known as PT Bakrie Swasakti utama, a subsidiary of Bakrieland), started the property development business by building Wisma Bakrie, Graha Kapital building, and Taman Rasuna Apartment in Jakarta.

June 1990

Perusahaan didirikan dengan nama PT Purilestari Indah Pratama pada Juni 1990, nama Perusahaan diganti menjadi PT elang Realty pada Desember 1994, dan pada tahun 1997 menjadi PT Bakrieland Development Tbk.

Bakrieland was established as PT Purilestari Indah Pratama in June 1990, changing its name to PT elang Realty in December 1994, and then to PT Bakrieland Development Tbk in 1997. october 1995

Penawaran umum Saham Perdana di Bursa efek Indonesia (d/h Bursa efek Jakarta) sejumlah 110.000.000 saham dengan nilai nominal Rp 500 per saham dan harga penawaran sebesar Rp 625 per saham, pada tanggal 30 oktober 1995.

Initial Public offering at the Indonesia Stock exchange (previously Jakarta Stock exchange) amounted 110,000,000 shares with nominal value of Rp 500 per share and offering price of Rp 625 per share, conducted on 30 october 1995.

September 1997

Penawaran umum Terbatas I sejumlah saham biasa.

The 1st Limited Public offering, amounted 1,050,000,000 ordinary shares.

January 1998

PT Bakrie capital Indonesia (BcI) mengakuisisi 57,84% kepemilikan saham PT elang

Sentrainvestama Abadi dan PT elang Karuna Abadi. PT Bakrie capital Indonesia (BcI) acquired 57.84% of shares in PT elang Sentrainvestama Abadi and PT elang Karuna Abadi.

may 2004

Bakrieland mengakuisisi 73,48% kepemilikan saham PT Bakrie Swasakti utama.

Bakrieland acquired 73.48% of shares in PT Bakrie Swasakti utama.

november 2005

Penawaran umum Terbatas II sejumlah saham biasa.

The 2nd Limited Public offering, amounted 4,200,000,000 ordinary shares.

Avenue Luxembourg Sarl membeli 12% kepemilikan saham dalam PT Bakrieland Development Tbk. Avenue Luxembourg Sarl acquired 12% of shares in PT Bakrieland Development Tbk.

April 2007

Penawaran umum Terbatas III sejumlah saham biasa.

The 3rd Limited Public offering, amounted 14,000,000,000 ordinary shares.



company milestone

Laporan Tahunan 2010 Bakrieland 32






march 2008

Penerbitan obligasi I Bakrieland Development Tahun 2008 dengan tingkat bunga tetap sebesar Rp 500.000.000.000.

Issuance of Bakrieland Development Bonds I year 2008 with ixed interest rate, worth Rp 500,000,000,000.

April 2008

Persetujuan RuPSLB tanggal 9 April 2008 untuk restrukturisasi dan divestasi penyertaan di PT Bakrie Swasakti utama, PT Bumi Daya makmur dan PT Superwish Perkasa kepada Limitless (anak perusahaan Dubai World) dan pembelian saham PT Satria cita Perkasa (pemegang saham PT Semesta marga Raya/pemegang konsesi ruas tol Kanci-Pejagan).

eGmS approval on 9 April 2008 for the restructuring and divestment of its investment in PT Bakrie Swasakti utama, PT Bumi Daya makmur and PT Superwish Perkasa to Limitless (a subsidiary of Dubai World), and to purchase shares in PT Satria cita Perkasa (shareholder of PT Semesta marga Raya/ holder of Kanci-Pejagan toll road concession). July 2008

melalui PT Bakrie Infrastructure, membeli 75,04% saham dalam PT Alberta utilities sebagai pemegang 5% saham PT Aetra Air Jakarta (d/h PT Thames PAm Jaya), perusahaan penyedia air bersih di wilayah timur DKI Jakarta.

Through PT Bakrie Infrastructure, the company purchased 75.04% shares in PT Alberta utilities, which owns 5% shares of PT Aetra Air Jakarta (previously PT Thames PAm Jaya), a clean water provider company in eastern Jakarta.

July 2009

• Penerbitan Sukuk Ijarah I Bakrieland Development

dengan Sisa Imbalan sebesar Rp Issuance of Sukuk Ijarah I Bakrieland Development with Installments totaling Rp 150,000,000,000.

• Melalui PT Bakrie Nirwana Semesta, Bakrieland

meningkatkan penyertaan modal pada PT Bali Nirwana Resort menjadi 52,55%.

Through PT Bakrie Nirwana Semesta, Bakrieland increased its capital investment in PT Bali Nirwana Resort to 52.55%.

october 2009

melalui PT Bakrie Toll Road yang sahamnya 99,99% dimiliki oleh PT Bakrie Infrastructure (anak perusahaan), Bakrieland meningkatkan investasinya pada PT Semesta marga Raya menjadi 64,98%. Through PT Bakrie Toll Road, whose shares are 99.99% owned by PT Bakrie Infrastructure (subsidiary), Bakrieland increased investment in PT Semesta marga Raya to 64.98%.

January 2010

Perusahaan meningkatkan kepemilikan menjadi 100% di PT Semesta marga Raya melalui anak perusahaannya, PT Satria cita Perkasa, Pan Galactic Investment Ltd., dan Transglobal Finance Ltd. The company increased its ownership to 100% in PT Semesta marga Raya through its subsidiaries, PT Satria cita Perkasa, Pan Galactic Investment Ltd., and Transglobal Finance Ltd.

march 2010

melalui anak perusahaan BLD Investment Pte. Ltd., menerbitkan equity-Linked Bond sebesar uSD 155.000.000.

Through subsidiary company BLD Investment Pte. Ltd., issued equity-Linked Bond worth uSD 155,000,000.

June 2010

Penawaran umum Terbatas IV sejumlah 19.959.885.695 saham biasa Seri B dengan nilai nominal Rp 100 per saham dan dengan harga penawaran Rp 160 per saham atau sebesar Rp 3.193.581.711.200, yang tercatat di Bursa efek Indonesia.

Limited Public offering IV amounted to 19,959,885,695 Series B shares for the nominal value of Rp 100 per share and for the offering price of Rp 160 per share or worth Rp 3,193,581,711,200 listed at the Indonesia Stock exchange.

July 2010

Perusahaan membeli 50% saham milik Baroque Development Inc dalam PT Fusion Plus Indonesia. The company purchased 50% shares of Baroque Development Inc in PT Fusion Plus Indonesia. August 2010

• Perusahaan membeli 5,26% saham milik PT Citra

Kharisma Komunika dalam PT Sentul city Tbk. The company purchased 5.26% shares of PT citra Kharisma Komunika in PT Sentul city Tbk.

• Perusahaan mengambil saham baru yang

diterbitkan oleh PT Bukit Jonggol Asri sebanyak 666.666.667 saham atau 37,88%.

The company acquired new shares issued by PT Bukit Jonggol Asri amounting 666.666.667 shares or 37.88%.


Laporan Tahunan 2010 Bakrieland 34

Peresmian Ruas Tol Kanci-Pejagan Inauguration of Kanci-Pejagan Toll Road

Bakrieland mendukung Global enterprise challenge 2010 Bakrieland supported the Global enterprise challenge 2010

Bakrieland mendukung ASeAN enterprise challenge 2010

Bakrieland supported the ASeAN enterprise challenge 2010

Bakrie Tower beroperasi untuk umum Bakrie Tower operates for public

Perubahan operator Pan Paciic Nirwana Bali Resort

change of operator in Pan Paciic Nirwana Bali Resort

Soft opening epicentrum Walk epicentrum Walk Soft opening

Sertiikasi ISo 9001 : 2008 ISo 9001 : 2008 certiication

RuPS Tahunan - Luar Biasa The Annual and extraordinary GmS Partisipasi Bakrieland pada The 61st FIABcI World congress 2010 Bakrieland’s participation in The 61st FIABcI World congress 2010

customer Appreciation Night - Pullman Bali Legian Nirwana

customer Appreciation Night - Pullman Bali Legian Nirwana

Peresmian Taman Lansia Langsat Inauguration of the Langsat Park for the elderly

26 JAnuAry

15 JunE

24 FEBruAry

26 mArch

12 APriL

18 mAy

24 - 28 mAy

10 JunE

13 JunE

30 mAy

mAy 2010





Paparan Publik dan Pertemuan Analis Public expose and Analyst meeting

RuPS Luar Biasa - PuT

The extraordinary GmS – Limited Limited Public offering

Dukungan Bakrieland terhadap pegolf muda berbakat: Almer

Bakrieland’s Support for the young and talented golf player: Almer

Pembukaan epicentrum Walk ofice Suites epicentrum Walk ofice Suites opening

Kongres Pan Paciic ke-25 Tahun 2010 The 25th Pan Paciic congress 2010

Peresmian proyek cSR one Village one Playground

Inauguration of the one Village one Playground cSR project

Investor Summit & capital market expo: Paparan Publik

Investor Summit & capital market expo: Public expose

Pembukaan Aston Bogor Hotel & Resort

Aston Bogor Hotel & Resort opening Acara Akhir Tahun bersama media & Apresiasi Karya media (Aryadia) year-end media Gathering & Aryadia media Appreciation

menerima penghargaan Indonesia most Trusted companies 2010 dari IIcG dan majalah SWA.

Awarded as Indonesia most Trusted companies 2010 by IIcG and SWA magazine.

23 JunE

25 JunE

30 JunE

5 AuguST

28 & 30 SEPTEmBEr

28 ocToBEr

11 noVEmBEr

11 DEcEmBEr

20 DEcEmBEr

9 DEcEmBEr

Serah Terima unit Sentra Timur Residence Sentra Timur Residence units Handover


Laporan Tahunan 2010 Bakrieland 36



Awards & certiications

• Setiikat Keanggotaan sebagai Anggota dari Kalangan Perusahaan dari Konsil Bangunan Hijau Indonesia.

certiicate memberships as corporate member of Green Building council Indonesia.

• Best Indonesia Green CSR Awards 2010 (PT Bakrieland Development Tbk).

Best Indonesia cSR Awards 2010 (PT Bakrieland Development Tbk).

• Highly Commended Best Developer - Tanggungjawab Sosial Perusahaan.

Highly commended Best Developer - corporate Social Responsibility.

• Pengembang Terbaik Sangat Terpuji - Green Development (Built), Rasuna epicentrum.

Highly commended Best Developer - Green Development (Built), Rasuna epicentrum.

• Peringkat ‘Terpercaya’ berdasarkan Indeks Persepsi Tata Kelola Perusahaan.

Ranked as Trusted company based on corporate Governance Perception Index.

• Sertiikasi ISO 9001: 2008

PT Bakrieland Development Tbk.

ISo 9001:2008 certiication for PT Bakrieland Development Tbk.

• Sertiikasi OHSAS 18001: 2007.

oHSAS 18001: 2007 certiication.

• Peringkat ke-2 Terbaik CFO


Rank 2 Best Indonesia cFo.

corPorATE goVErnAncE & corPorATE SociAL rESPonSiBiLiTy


Eco Friendly Terbaik di Pusat Kota Malang (Ijen Nirwana Residence).

Property with the Best eco-Friendly concept in malang.

• Best Indonesia Green Hotel Awards 2010 (Pan Pacific Nirwana Bali Resort).

Best Indonesia Green Hotel Awards 2010 (Pan Pacific Nirwana Bali Resort).

• Developer of the Year untuk Pengembang Terpadu Berwawasan Lingkungan dari Property & Bank Award 2010. Developer of the Year for Eco-Friendly Integrated Property Developer from Property & Bank Award 2010.

Pengembangan Kawasan (Bogor Nirwana Residence).

The most Inluential Residence in Area Development.

• Top Brand Award 2010 untuk wahana air The Jungle.

Top Brand Award 2010 for The Jungle Waterpark.

hoTEL & rESorT


• Rasuna Epicentrum Sebagai Superblock Terluas di CBD Jakarta.

Rasuna epicentrum as the Largest Superblock at Jakarta cBD.

• Superblok Pertama dan Terbesar di CBD Jakarta.

The First and the Largest Superblock at Jakarta cBD.

• Best Indonesia Green Real Estate Awards 2010 (Rasuna Epicentrum).

Best Indonesia Green Real estate Awards 2010.

• Pengembang Terbaik Sangat Terpuji - Pengembangan Ramah Lingkungan.

Highly commended Best Developer - Green Development (Built).

• Peringkat kedua kategori Ofice Building dalam Prix D’excellence Awards 2010.

Runner up for ofice Building category in Prix D’excellence Awards 2010.


Laporan Tahunan 2010 Bakrieland 38




Report of the




Induk Perusahaan Saja




31 DESEMBER 2010 DAN 2009

(Dinyatakan dalam Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain)


Parent Company Only



DECEMBER 31, 2010 AND 2009

(Expressed in Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)

2010 2009

Beban usaha Operating expenses

Umum dan administrasi 71.464.864.840 57.836.606.792 General and administrative

Rugi usaha ( 71.464.864.840 ) ( 57.836.606.792 ) Loss from operations

Penghasilan (beban) lain-lain Other Income (expenses)

Bagian atas laba bersih Equity in net earnings of

Anak perusahaan dan perusahaan Subsidiaries and Associated Asosiasi - bersih 159.409.108.966 companies - net Penghasilan bunga 23.548.986.580 56.069.817.673 Interest income Rugi transaksi derivatif ( 46.474.142.207 ) - Loss on derivative transaction Rugi selisih kurs - bersih ( 10.250.695.391 ) ( ) Loss on foreign exchange - net Beban keuangan ( 2.703.960.218 ) ( 5.303.752.012 ) Financial charges Amortisasi selisih lebih harga

perolehan (nilai wajar) terhadap Excess of Subsidiaries acquisition cost nilai wajar (harga perolehan) (fair value) over fair value Anak perusahaan - bersih 4.883.015.933 ( 29.425.697 ) (acquisition cost) - net amortization

Loss on sale/disposal Rugi penjualan/penghapusan ( 549.396.807 ) - of property and equipment Rugi atas divestasi Anak perusahaan - ( 3.960.649.724 ) Loss on divestments of Subsidiaries Lain-lain - bersih ( 7.459.431.462 ) 521.766.708 Others - net Penghasilan lain-lain - bersih 241.016.527.649 185.598.627.238 Other income - net

Laba sebelum taksiran Income before provision

manfaat (beban) pajak 169.551.662.809 127.762.020.446 tax benefit (expenses)

Taksiran manfaat (beban) pajak Provision for tax benefit (expenses)

Tangguhan 9.152.939.051 4.493.892.359 Deferred



Induk Perusahaan Saja




(Dinyatakan dalam Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain)


Parent Company Only



DECEMBER 31, 2010 AND 2009

(Expressed in Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)


Laba (Rugi) Nilai Transaksi Selisih yang Belum Restrukturisasi Transaksi Terealisasi atas Entitas Perubahan

Modal Saham Investasi Efek Sepengendali / Ekuitas Selisih Kurs Karena Ditempatkan Tambahan yang Tersedia Difference Perusahaan Penjabaran Laporan

dan Disetor Modal Saham yang untuk Dijual / in Value Assosiasi / Keuangan / Saldo Laba / Retained Earnings Penuh / Disetor - Bersih / Diperoleh Unrealized of Restructuring Difference in the Exchange Difference

Capital Stock Additional Kembali/ Gain (Loss) on Transaction Equity Transaction Due to Financial Ditentukan Belum Ditentukan Jumlah Ekuitas / Issued and Paid-in Treasury Investment under of Entities under of Associate Statements Penggunaannya/ Penggunaannya/ Total Stockholders’

Fully Paid Capital - Net Stock Available-for-sale Common Control Companies Translation Appropriated Unappropriated Equity

Saldo 1 Januari 2009 2.551.607.447.300 1.599.628.005.271 - ( 2.511.587.520) 54.732.012.959 ( 15.348.965.854 ) - 27.209.957.137 292.361.900.465 4.507.678.769.758 Balance January 1, 2009

Laba bersih tahun 2009 - - - 132.255.912.805 132.255.912.805 Net income in 2009

Difference in the

Selisih transaksi perubahan equity transaction of

ekuitas perusahaan Associate companies

Asosiasi (Catatan 2b) - - - 466.332.500 - - - 466.332.500 (Note 2b)

Pemberian kompensasi

berbasis saham kepada Stock based

karyawan (Catatan 2aa compensation

dan 36) - 3.386.572.658 - - - 3.386.572.658 (Notes 2aa and 36)

Pelaksanaan waran Exercise warrants

(Catatan 29) 78.500.000 117.750.000 - - - 196.250.000 (Note 29)

Saham yang diperoleh

kembali (Catatan 2ee Treasury stock

dan 31) - - ( 1.499.819.652) - - - ( 1.499.819.652 ) (Notes 2ee and 31)

Tersedia untuk dijual Available-for-sale

(Catatan 2h dan 5) - - - 44.096.500 - - - 44.096.500 (Notes 2h and 5)

Saldo Balance

31 Desember 2009 2.551.685.947.300 1.603.132.327.929 ( 1.499.819.652 ) ( 2.467.491.020 ) 54.732.012.959 ( 14.882.633.354 ) - 27.209.957.137 424.617.813.270 4.642.528.114.569 December 31, 2009

Dampak penerapan awal Effect of first adoption

PSAK No. 50 (Revisi of PSAK No. 50 (Revised

2006) dan PSAK No. 55 2006 and PSAK No. 55

(Revisi 2006) (Revised 2006)

(Catatan 2h dan 2ff) - - - ( 6.505.758.101 ) ( 6.505.758.101) (Notes 2h and 2ff)

Saldo pada tanggal 1 Januari 2010

setelah dampak Effect of first time

penerapan awal adoption of PSAK No. 50

PSAK No. 50 (Revisi (Revised 2006) and

2006) dan PSAK PSAK No. 55 (Revised



Induk Perusahaan Saja





(Dinyatakan dalam Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain)


Parent Company Only


EQUITY (Continued)


DECEMBER 31, 2010 AND 2009

(Expressed in Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)


Laba (Rugi) Nilai Transaksi Selisih yang Belum Restrukturisasi Transaksi Terealisasi atas Entitas Perubahan

Modal Saham Investasi Efek Sepengendali / Ekuitas Selisih Kurs Karena Ditempatkan Tambahan yang Tersedia Difference Perusahaan Penjabaran Laporan

dan Disetor Modal Saham yang untuk Dijual / in Value Assosiasi / Keuangan / Saldo Laba / Retained Earnings Penuh / Disetor - Bersih / Diperoleh Unrealized of Restructuring Difference in the Exchange Difference

Capital Stock Additional Kembali/ Gain (Loss) on Transaction Equity Transaction Due to Financial Ditentukan Belum Ditentukan Jumlah Ekuitas / Issued and Paid-in Treasury Investment under of Entities under of Associate Statements Penggunaannya/ Penggunaannya/ Total Stockholders’

Fully Paid Capital - Net Stock Available-for-sale Common Control Companies Translation Appropriated Unappropriated Equity

Pencadangan saldo laba

sebagai cadangan Appropriation of retained

umum - - - 13.225.591.281 ( 13.225.591.281 ) - earnings

Laba bersih tahun 2010 - - - 178.704.601.860 178.704.601.860 Net income period 2010

Difference in the

Selisih transaksi perubahan equity transaction of

ekuitas perusahaan Associate companies

Asosiasi (Catatan 2b) - - - 115.834.881.672 - - - 115.834.881.672 (Note 2b)

Tambahan modal disetor Additional paid-in capital

(Catatan 28) 1.995.988.569.500 - - - (Note 28)

Pemberian kompensasi

berbasis saham kepada Stock based

karyawan (Catatan 2aa compensation

dan 36) - 3.386.572.658 - - - 3.386.572.658 (Notes 2aa and 36)

Pelaksanaan waran Exercise warrants

(Catatan 29) 4.302.622.200 6.453.933.300 - - - 10.756.555.500 (Note 29)

Pembayaran deviden Dividend payments

(Catatan 28) - - - ( 19.959.885.695 ) ( 19.959.885.695) (Note 28)

Saham yang diperoleh

kembali (Catatan 2ee Treasury stock

dan 31) - - ( 26.335.681.348) - - - ( 26.335.681.348 ) (Notes 2ee and 31)

Tersedia untuk dijual Available-for-sale

(Catatan 2h dan 5) - - - 49.153.775.543 - - - 49.153.775.543 (Notes 2h and 5)

Selisih kurs penjabaran Exchange difference

laporan keuangan financial statements

(Catatan 2b) - - - ( 984.331.528 ) - - ( 984.331.528 ) translation (Note 2b)

Saldo Balance



Induk Perusahaan Saja




31 DESEMBER 2010 DAN 2009

(Dinyatakan dalam Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain)


Parent Company Only



DECEMBER 31, 2010 AND 2009

(Expressed in Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)

2010 2009

Cash Flows From Operating

Arus Kas dari Kegiatan Usaha Activities

Laba bersih 178.704.601.860 132.255.912.805 Net Income

Penyesuaian untuk merekonsiliasi laba Adjustments to reconcile net bersih menjadi kas bersih yang income to net cash used in digunakan untuk aktivitas operasi: operating activities: Amortisasi beban emisi obligasi - 1.778.333.328 Amortization of bonds issuance costs Depreciation of property and Penyusutan aset tetap 1.280.675.947 1.290.482.441 equipments Bagian laba bersih Anak perusahaan Equity in net income of Subsidiaries

dan perusahaan Asosiasi ( ) 158.791.865.307 and Associated companies Laba atas divestasi Anak perusahaan - 3.960.649.724 Gain on divestments of Subsidiaries Beban (manfaat) pajak tangguhan ( 9.152.939.051 ) ( 4.493.892.359 ) Deferred tax expense (benefit) Laba selisih kurs - bersih 17.648.350.039 65.483.273.458 Gain on foreign exchange - net Loss on sales/disposal of property Rugi penjualan/penghapusan aset tetap 549.396.807 - and equipments Dampak penerapan awal Effect of first time adoption of

PSAK No. 50 dan 55 ( 6.505.758.101 ) - PSAK No. 50 and 55 Perubahan dalam aset dan kewajiban Changes in operating assets

operasional: and liabilities:

Piutang lain-lain 59.937.741.171 ( 3.920.011.236 ) Other receivables Biaya dibayar di muka ( ) Prepaid expenses Uang muka ( 158.823.574.966 ) ( 20.321.025.528 ) Advances Aset lain-lain 10.446.342.032 4.847.121.926 Other assets Hutang lain-lain 39.702.249.507 ( 3.347.343.324 ) Other payables Biaya masih harus dibayar ( 11.147.720.865 ) ( 12.873.546.930 ) Accrued expenses Hutang pajak 30.265.046 ( 95.787.940 ) Taxes payable Pendapatan ditangguhkan ( 42.025.357.501 ) - Deferred income Uang muka pelanggan ( 848.386.500 ) ( ) Advances from customer

Kas bersih yang diperoleh dari Net cash provided by operating

(digunakan untuk) kegiatan usaha ( ) 318.925.026.172 (used for) activities Cash Flows From Investing

Arus Kas dari Kegiatan Investasi Activities

Peningkatan Investasi jangka pendek ( 590.718.560.111 ) 272.614.269.725 Increased in short-term investment Increased in investment in shares Peningkatan penyertaan saham ( 1.547.013.360.597 ) ( 445.378.472.501 ) of stock of Associated company Penerimaan atas penjualan Proceeds from sale of investment in

penyertaan saham - shares of stock

Peningkatan dana dalam pembatasan ( 133.729.263.110 ) 96.105.646.696 Increased in restricted funds Acquisition of property and Perolehan aset tetap ( 571.965.749 ) ( 1.171.406.145 ) equipment

Kas bersih yang digunakan untuk Net cash used for investing



Induk Perusahaan Saja




31 DESEMBER 2010 DAN 2009

(Dinyatakan dalam Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain)


Parent Company Only



DECEMBER 31, 2010 AND 2009

(Expressed in Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)

2010 2009

Cash Flows From Financing

Arus Kas dari Kegiatan Pembiayaan Activities

Peningkatan hutang obligasi ( 3.081.546.770 ) Increased in bonds payable Peningkatan piutang hubungan istimewa ( 1.216.676.817.585 ) ( 545.839.456.384 ) Increase in due from related parties Peningkatan (penurunan) hutang Increase (decrease) in due to hubungan istimewa 838.135.152.619 5.180.898.930 related parties Biaya emisi obligasi - ( ) Bond issuance costs

Increase in obligations under Peningkatan hutang sewa pembiayaan ( 396.978.688 ) ( 196.636.804 ) capital lease

Increase in issued and fully

Peningkatan setoran modal paid capital stock

- Penerbitan saham 1.995.988.569.500 - Share issuance -- Realisasi waran 4.302.622.200 78.500.000 Exercise warrant -Peningkatan tambahan modal disetor Increase in additional paid-in capital

- Penerbitan saham 1.200.979.714.358 - Share issuance -- Realisasi waran 6.453.933.300 3.504.322.658 Exercise warrant -Perolehan saham diperoleh kembali ( 26.335.681.348 ) ( 1.499.819.652 ) Purchase of treasury stocks Biaya emisi saham ( 118.431.325.908 ) - Share issuance cost Pembayaran deviden ( 19.279.720.916 ) - Divident payment

Kas bersih yang diperoleh dari (digunakan Net cash provided from (used for)

untuk) kegiatan pembiayaan 2.661.657.920.762 ( 390.797.191.252 ) financing activities

Peningkatan (penurunan) Increase (decrease) in cash and

kas dan setara kas 190.532.505.399 ( 149.702.127.305 ) cash equivalents

Cash and cash equivalents

Kas dan setara kas awal tahun 500.913.713.011 650.615.840.316 at beginning of the year

Cash and cash equivalents


Pt bakrieland development tbk

Wisma Bakrie I, 6


& 7



Jl. HR Rasuna Said Kav. B-1

Jakarta 12920


: +62 21 525 7835