Definition ofLearning Motivation Students’ Learning Motivation

2 Physical and Spiritual Motivation. Physical motivation is related to a persons physical, while spiritual motivation refers to someone’s mental. The physical motivation includes reflex, automatic instinct, lust, whereas spiritual motivation includes willingness. This willingness can be formed through four moments. Those are: a Moment of reasons onset b Moment of selection c Moment of decision. d Moment of the formation of the will 3 Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation a Intrinsic Motivation The definition of intrinsic motivation is the motivation that will be active in the absence of external stimuli because every individual has no incentive to do something. b Extrinsic Motivation Extrinsic motivation is the motivation that will become active due to the presence of external stimuli. In line with the above description, it is described Dimyati and Mudjiono 2009: 91 that Motivation may arise within someone, which is known as the internal motivation, and it may come from someone’s outside, which is known as an external motivation. Intrinsic motivation is a kind of force arising or functioning without the presence of external stimuli. Here, individuals automatically tend to do something. In contrast, extrinsic motivation is an encouragement that arises as a result of external stimuli which are responded to by the individual.

f. The Importance of Motivation in Learning

According to Atkinson in Isjoni and Ismail 2008: 162 A student who is motivated to learn because of his desire has the need for success and the need to avoid failure in learning. Motivation has an important role in achieving the goals of learning. Iskandar 2009: 192 mentions six role of motivation in learning, namely: 1 The role of motivation as a driving force or encouragement for learning activities. 2 The role of motivation to clarify learning goals. 3 The role of motivation to select the direction of action. 4 The role of internal and external motivation in the learning process. 5 The role of motivation to determine the persistence in the learning process. 6 The role of motivation to deliver achievements.