Conceptual Framework LITERATURE REVIEW

2. There is a positive and significant influence of Accounting Classrooms Facilities on Students’ Learning Motivation in Accounting Learning ongrade XI Social Science Program, SMA Negeri 1 Cilacap Academic Year 20132014. 3. There is a positive and significant influence of Moving ClassImplementation and Accounting Classrooms Facilities on Learning Motivation in Accounting Learning on grade XI Social Science Program, SMA Negeri 1 Cilacap Academic Year 20132014. 49


A. Research Design

This research is categorized as ex-post facto research, i.e research with the independent variables that have occurred and done by observing the dependent variable during the research Sukardi,2011: 15. Based on the data that have been obtained, this research is quantitative research. It means that all data obtained were presented in numbers. The results that were in the form of quantitative data were analyzed by statistical techniques. Based on its level of explanation, this study was classified into causal associative research. An associative causal research was research that aims at looking for a relationship or a causal influence —that is the relationship or influence of the independent variable X on the dependent variable Y.

B. Operational Definition of Research Variables

There were three variables used in this study, namely Moving Class Implementation X 1 , Accounting Classrooms Facilities X 2 and Student ’s Learning Motivation in Accounting LearningY. 1. Independent Variables a. Moving Class Implementation X 1 The implementation of moving class is a condition in which the students have the power of movement in learning. Moving class itself means displacement class, so every turn of the subjects the students move to the next room in accordance to the subject that has been scheduled; each subject has its own class, and each class has a person in charge or a coordinator which is the subject teacher. In this study, the implementation of moving class is measured by students perception on the moving class implementation. Indicators of this variable are students’ movement to another classroom, the effectiveness and efficiency of time, the interaction among students, the students’ interaction with the teachers. b. Accounting Classroom Facilities X 2 Facilities can be defined as something that support the business that is being carried on. Teaching and learning process in the classroom also requires the adequate facilities in order to facilitate the achievement of learning objectives. Accounting Classroom Facilities are all facilities, both facilities and infrastructure that assist the learning process in the Accounting Classroom. The indicators of Accounting Classrooms Facilities in this study include availability, utilization and conditions of the classrooms facilities.