The Reason of Moving Class Implementation

2 Providing learning resources, props, and learning media in accordance with the characteristics of each subject 3 Training the students of their self-reliance, cooperation, and social care 4 Stimulating all aspects of students development and intelligence multiple intelligent 5 Improving the quality of learning process 6 Increasing the students and teachers ’ disciplines 7 Improving the teachers’ skills in relation to the variety of methods and media that will be applied in student s’ everyday life 8 Increase the students’ courage to ask, answer, express opinions and be open to each subject 9 Enhancing students’ learning motivation and outcomes. e. Advantages and Weaknesses of Moving Class Moving Class Implementation has advantages and weaknesses. The advantages of Moving Class Implementation, according to Sagala 201:189, are: 1 The teacher has their own learning space that allows for the classroom arrangement according to the characteristics of subjects, 2 The teacher allows the possibility to optimize the learning resources and instructional media, 3 The teacher plays an active role in controlling the students’ behavior in learning, 4 The use of team teaching in learning will be easily done so as to facilitate coordination, 5 The assessment of students’ learning outcomes will be more objective because the assessment is performed collaboratively. The weaknesses of moving class system are: 1 Tiredness due to the moving or migration, 2 Time consuming while walking to migrate. 3 When the students have reached the intended class, it turns out that students previously occupying the room are still learning in the classroom and they have to wait. 4 The school equipment that students bring, such as books, are very heavy. Supposedly students are provided a locker to store their stuffs. 5 It frequently happens that the students’ stuffs are left behind in the classroom, and they finally are lost. 6 And with regard to the national examination, the students are not optimal in learning. They are physically and mentally exhausted. Comfort becomes the main factor. Farah: 2009 From the explanation, it can be concluded that Moving Class Implementation contains positive and negative impacts. The positive impacts are those the students will not easily get bored, they can interact with other students coming from different class. On the contrary, negative impacts can be seen from which the lesson time is reduced to switch classes or waiting for the next class, the students become tired and will not receive subject matter seriously.

3. Accounting Classrooms Facilities

a. Definition of Learning Facilities

In educational field, learning facilities are crucial because they serve to facilitate learning, so that maximum results will be obtained. Educational facilities are divided into main categories, namely educational tools and infrastructures: 1 Educational Tools Ibrahim Bafadhal 2004: 2 states Educational tools are all the maintenance media, materials and furniture that are directly used in the educational process at schools‖, i.e. tables, chairs, and props. Suharsimi Arikunto and Lia Yuliana 2008: 273 state that Educational tools are the facilities required in the learning process, whether movable or immovable that the achievement of educational goals can be run smoothly, orderly, effective and efficient‖.