Mean M Median Me

f. Histogram

Histograms are made based on the frequency data which has been shown in the frequency distribution table.

g. Table of Variable Tendency

The next description is to determine the categorization scores that were obtained by each variable. These scores then divided into 3 categories. Categorizing was implemented based on the Mean and SDi obtained. The data of research variables needs to be categorized with the rules as follows: 1 Highest Group All respondents that have a score as many as the mean score plus one standard deviation above M + 1SD. 2 Middle Group All respondents who had the mean score minus 1 standard deviation and mean score plus one standard deviation between M –1SD to M+1SD. 3 Lowest Group All respondents who had scores lower than the mean score minus 1 standard deviation above M + 1SD Suharsimi,2006: 264

h. Pie charts

Pie charts are used based on data tendency that have shown in the table of variable tendency.

2. Prerequisites Test Analysis

a. Normality

Normality test is used to test the correctness of the data whether it is normally distributed or not. For the purposes of normality testing, this research used Kolmogrov-Smirnov formula. The formula is: Dmax = | Fa x – Fe x | Notes : Dmax = Maximum value of the difference of two cumulative frequency distribution Fa x = Cumulative relative frequency Fe x = Cumulative frequency teorities Djarwanto, 2003: 50 Normality test is used to check whether the data of the investigated population is normally distributed or not. Data considered as normal if the significance value shows the number count of more than 5 or 0.05, or the results of the empulation is less than the score of Kormogrov- Smirnov table.

b. Linearity

Linearity test is intended to determine whether the independent variables and the dependent variable have a linear relationship or not. The formula used in the linearity test in this research as follows: F