Significances of the Research

According to Mc .Donald in Sardiman, 2012: 73-74, motivation is the changing energy within someone that is characterized by the emergence of feeling and preceded by the response toward the presence of certain goal. Here, Mc. Donald’s definition contains three essential elements, namely: 1 Motivation leads a changing of energy within every individual. 2 Motivation characterized by the appearance of feeling —that is ones affection. 3 Motivation will be stimulated because of the willingness to achieve certain goal. Of the three elements above motivation is something complex. Motivation will lead to the changing of energy within individuals, so it will cling to the issue of psychiatric symptoms, feelings and emotions, then to act or do something. All of this is driven because of the goals, needs, or desires. To motivate others, it will be more successful if the objectives are clear and recognized by the motivated and in accordance with the needs of people who are motivated. The purpose of motivation, according toNgalim Purwanto 2007: 73, is for someone to move the desire and willingness to do something so as to obtain a certain result or goal. Based on the definitions can be concluded that Motivation is the driving force for a person to work doing things in different situations. Motivation is not limited only to the learning process but also as a driver to do a job.

b. Definition of Learning

According to Sugihartono 2007: 74, Learning is a process of change in behavior as a result of the interaction of individuals with their environment to meet their nee s. Wina Sanjaya 2008: 110 argues that Learning is a mental process that occurs within a person, which can cause behavioral changes. Then Hilgard in Yatim Riyanto 2009: 4 reveals that “Learning is the process by which an activity originates or is changed throught training procedures weather in the laboratory or in the natural environment as distinguished from changes by factors not attributable to training. Another definition of learning is presented by Muhibin Syah 2011: 68, Belajar dapat dipahami sebagai tahapan perubahan seluruh tingkah laku individu yang relatif menetap sebagai hasil pengalaman dan interaksi dengan lingkungan yang melibatkan proses kognitif. According Dimyati and Mudjiono 2009: 42.In the learning process, several things are covered, such as: 1 The chance of event occurrence that leads to learning response. 2 Response of the learners, and 3 The consequences reinforcing the response. From the description above, it can be concluded that learning is a process of interaction with the environment in a persons conscious condition that causes a change in behavior. Changes in behavior as a result of these consciously learning are continuous and functional as well as permanent. The changes of behavior after going through the process of learning are not limited to specific aspects, but those comprehensively affect all aspects of behavior, so that the knowledge the students will be interconnected.

c. Definition ofLearning Motivation

A definition of learning motivation is proposed by Iskandar 2009: 181, “Motivasi belajar adalah daya penggerak dari dalam diri individu untuk melakukan kegiatan belajar untuk menambah pengetahuan.”Besides, Sardiman 2012 : 75 expresses the opinion that “Motivasi belajar merupakan keseluruhan daya penggerak di dalam diri siswa yang menimbulkan kegiatan belajar, yang menjamin kelangsungan dari kegiatan belajar dan yang memberikan arah pada kegiatan belajar sehingga tujuan yang dikehendaki oleh subjek belajar itu dapat tercapai .‖A definition of learning motivation is also delivered by Hamzah B. Uno 2008: 23, as follows “Hakikat motivasi belajar adalah