Relative Contribution and Effective Contribution

The Moving Class Implementation is a condition in which the student has momentum in learning. Moving Class itself has a meaning of displacement class, so every turn of the subjects the students move to the next room in accordance with the specified schedule, each subject has its own class, and each class has a teacher in charge of the room that in the field of study that is appropriate to the class. This research shows that there is an influence of Moving Class Implementation on Students’ Learning Motivation in Accounting Learning in which individuals or students are directly involved in the process of Moving Class Implementation on Accounting learning. This is consistent with research conducted by Vovy Septia Rukmala entitled Hubungan antara Kinerja Guru dan Efektivitas Penerapan Moving Class dengan Motivasi Siswa dalam Mengikuti Pembelajaran Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan di SMA Negeri 4 Baturaja Provinsi Sumatera Selatan. In the research known that the Influenceiveness of Moving Class has a positive influence and significant to the Student s’ Learning Motivation t = 3.458, sig = 0.000. The most dominant influence of the variable of Moving Class Implementation is the students’ movement because the core of the Moving Class Implementation itself is a process of transfer of students when the change of subject hours. After students’ movement, eventually the effectiveness and efficiency of the time is influential enough because when switching classes there are a lot of time wasted, so can disrupts the learning process can be affected to the Students’ Learning Motivation. Interaction among students and students with the teachers during the Moving Class Implementation, became one of the considerations that influence the S tudents’ Learning Motivation to follow the accounting learning process. During the movement, the students will interact with fellow students and his teachers, when students first upset this will influence the Students Learning Motivation in Accounting Learning, but if the interaction is woven well this will make students eager to learn. The evidence of the first hypothesis also provides information that the Moving Class Implementation needs to be improved in order to increase Student s’ Learning Motivation in Accounting Learning as well. Based on the empulation results of the questionnaire that have been distributed, the lowest scores are in the students interaction with the teacher. The method that can be done to improve the Moving Class Implementation are through the role of the teacher to organize classes so the students are comfortable and did not feel bored in class so can forget about feeling tired when move to another classes, in addition the teacher can be a facilitator who is always ready to discuss the learning material with students. Furthermore, that requires attention is the effectiveness and efficiency of the time, a lot of students who felt the time allocated to move still less influenceive and efficient. The solutions that can be taken to overcome this problem is set the timetable that corresponds to the class so the students are not bothered with the distance of the classes each other. Provide a sufficient time for the students to move to another class so the students are given the opportunity to move and does not rush to the next class and do not interfere with school hours that are followed. In general, Moving Class Implementation can help students to relieve saturated with the lesson so it can improve the Students’ Learning Motivation in Accounting Learning.

2. The Influence of Accounting Classrooms Facilities on

Students’ Learning Motivation in Accounting Learning These results indicate that there is a positive and significant influence of Accounting Classrooms Facilities on Student s’ Learning Motivation in Accounting Learning. From the analysis using simple regression one predictor obtained a correlation coefficient r x2y is equal to 0.319. To determine whether these influence are significant or not is by compare the score of r emp with r table with a significance score of 0.05 5 for n = 68 that is amounted to 0.239. After did the T-test, obtained the score of t emp of 2.734 and regression coefficient score of 0.008. The score of t table at significant rates of 0.05 5 for n = 68 is equal to 1.995 for sig t 0.05, t emp t table and regression coefficients have a positive score, then the second hypothesis