Data Collection Technique RESEARCH METHOD

3. Students’ Learning Motivation in Accounting Learning Variables of Students’ Learning Motivation were described into five indicators that later developed into 20 points question. Table 5. Instrumen ts grating on Students’ Learning Motivation in Accounting Learning Variable Indicators Item Number Total Students’ Learning Motivation The desire to explore the accounting material 1,2,3,4,5 5 The urge and the need to learn 6,7,8,9,10 5 The expectations and aspirations of the future 11,12 2 The desire for achievement 13,14,15,16 4 The appreciation in learning 17,18,19,20 4 Total 20 Source: Vovy Septia Rukmala 2011:47 Note: is for negative statements

G. Instruments Testing

The instruments testing is used to know the validity and reliability of the instrument to be used. Validity and reliability of the instrument can be determined by instrument testing first. The instrument testing was conducted on the grade XII IPS SMA Negeri 1 Cilacap which have the same characteristics with grade XI IPS SMA Negeri 1 Cilacap. The similarity of characteristics is both of the grade are implementing the moving class system with the same facilities on the accounting learning.

1. Validity

The validity test is used to get valid instrument to obtain provisions between the actual data happened on the object with the data collected by the researcher. The formula used to test the validity of this research is the Correlation of Product Moment by Pearson. The formula is as follows: Notes : r xy = Correlation coefficient of the independent variable and The dependent variable = Total multiplication scores of independent variable and The dependent variable X = Total score of independent variable Y = Total score of dependent variable X 2 = Total quadratic score of independent variable Y 2 = Total quadratic score of dependent variable N = Number of subject or respondent Suharsimi Arikunto, 2010:213 Criteria for submission of an item is valid if r emp correlation coefficient r xy is positive and equal to or greater than r table with a significance level of 5, if r emp less than the score of the r table item, it can be said as an invalid question. This instrument testing conducted on 30 students of grade XII IPS SMA Negeri 1 Cilacap with a questionnaire sheet of Moving Class