The Effect of Learning Readiness On The Learning Achievement of

106 Emotional Quotient is very important in the process and success of learning because it is not only about intelligence but also emotional. The high Emotional Quotient has the tendency to create the high learning achievement. This statement is in line with the reasearch conducted by Widyaningsih 2013 entitle “Pengaruh Kecerdasan emosional, dan Minat Belajar Terhadap Prestasi Belajar Akuntansi Keuangan Siswa Kelas XI Program Keahlian Akuntansi SMK Negeri 1 Godean Tahun Ajaran 20122013 ”, which stated that there is positive and significant effect of Emotional Quotient on the Learning Achievement of Financial Accounting in Grade XI Accounting Student at SMK Negeri 1 Godean Academic Year of 20122013 which is proved by r x1y is as much as 0,598 and r 2 x2y 0,357 value of t count t table is 7,570 1,983.

3. The Effect of Learning Readiness On The Learning Achievement of

Financial Accounting This research shows that there is positive significance of Learning Readiness X 3 on the Learning Achievement of Financial Accounting Y. Through the simple regression analysis obtained regression equation of one predictor Y = 0,360X 3 + 58,679. The equation shows that the number of coefficient X 3 is 0,360 which means if Learning Readiness X 3 increased 1 point, the Learning Achievement of Financial Accounting Y will increase 0,360 point. Based on the equation can be concluded that the higher Learning Readiness in the student learning process, the higher 107 Learning Achievement of Financial Accounting would become. Meanwhile, the number of constant is 58,679 means if variable Learning Readiness X 3 = 0, the Learning Achievement of Financial Accounting will be 58,679. In other hand obtained the value of r x3y 0,475, r table 0,2481 on significance 5. It shows that r count is more than r table 0,475 0,2481. Besides, in this research obtained the result of r 2 x2y as much as 0,226, value of t count is 4,218 and t table is1,998 on significance5. It shows that t count t table 4,218 1,998, so it can be concluded that Learning Readiness contribute positive and significant effect on Learning Achievement of Financial Accounting in Grade X Accounting Student at SMK Negeri 1 Yogyakarta Academic Year of 20152016. The higher Learning Readiness, the higher Learning Achievement of Financial Accounting would become. Learning Readiness is one of the important in the student learning achievement. It is strengthen by Nasution 2006: 179 that Learning Readiness is conditions before the learning activity. Readiness is the entire condition of a person who made it ready to give responseanswer with particular way toward a situation Slameto 2010:113. Prayitno 1997:13 argues that preparing oneself to join the lesson is one thing that sould be considered by the student, because with the sufficient preparation, the student will feel ready in learning so that they will be easy to concerntrate on the lesson Mulyani, 2013:27. The statement is in parallel to the research conducted by Rahmattika 2011 entitle “Pengaruh Kesiapan Dan Disiplin Belajar Terhadap 108 Prestasi Belajar Mata Pelajara Ekonomi Akuntansi Siswa Kelas XI IS SMA Negeri 5 Tegal Tahun Pelajaran 20092010 ” which stated that there is positive and significant effect of Learning Readiness on Accounting Learning Achievement in Grade XI Social Science Student at SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Surakarta academic year of 20112012 which is proven by t count t table is 5,306 1,662.

4. The Effect of Learning Style On The Learning Achievement of