114 4. There are positive and significant affect of Learning Style on the Learning Achievement of Financial Accounting in Grade X Accounting Student at SMK Negeri 1 Yogyakarta Academic Year 20152016. Based on the result of correlation coefficient r x4y as much as r 0,54 and determination coefficient r 2 x4y was 0,292, value t count 5,015 t table 1,998 on the significant level 5. 5. There are positive and significant affect of Parenting Style, Emotional Quotient, Learning Readiness, and Learning Style simultaneously on the Learning Achievement of Financial Accounting in Grade X Accounting Student at SMK Negeri 1 Yogyakarta Academic Year 20152016. Based on the result of correlation coefficient r x1,2,3,4y as much as 0,577 and determination coefficient r 2 x1,2,3,4y is 0,333, value of F count 7,235 F table 2,53 on significant level of 5. Meanwhile, Relative Contribution on Parenting Style 29,52, Emotional Quotient 20,92, Learning Readiness 25,08, and Learning Style 24,48. Effective Contribution on the Parenting Style 9,83, Emotional Quotient 6,97, Learning Readiness 8,35, and Learning Style 8,15. Parenting Style, Emotional Quotient, Learning Readiness and Learning Style simultaneously have effective contribution on the Learning Achievement of Financial Accounting as much as 33,3.

B. Suggestions

Based on the research result and conclusions above, then the researcher arranged the suggestions as follows. 115 1. For the next researchers This research provides information that variable Parenting Style, Emotional Quotient, Learning Readiness and Learning Style have positive and significant effects on the Learning Achievement of Final Accounting as much as 33,3, meanwhile the rest 66,7 are effected by the other variables such peer environment, learning discipline, learning creativity and other factors which are not discussed in this study. Therefore, it is expected that in the next studies, the researchers can reveal the other factors variables that effect the learning achievement of financial accounting. 2. For teacher a. Parenting style has positive and significant effect on the learning achievement of financial accounting and the research data collected from the parenting style questionnaire no. 13 Orang tua mendukung saya untuk masuk jurusan Akuntansi has the lowest score, so that in this case, it is better for the teacher to have good relationship with parents for motivate students, in order to strengthened their interests on learning accounting. b. Emotional quotient has positive and significant effect on the learning achievement of financial accounting and the research data collected from the Emotional Quotient questionnaire no. 3 Dalam keadaan sedih saya dapat mengerjakan tugas Akuntansi dengan baik has the lowest score, so that in this case, the teacher motivate students to manage 116 emotion and use the emotion productively such always be positive on anything happened. c. Learning readiness has positive and significant effect on the learning achievement of financial accounting and the research data collected from the learning readiness questionnaire no. 12 Pada malam hari saya membaca materi yang akan dipelajari besok has the lowest score, so that in this case, the teacher motivate students to read the next material, even though there is no homework or test, so that they could consulting the difficult material and be ready in learning. d. Learning style has the positive and significant effect on learning achievement of financial accounting and the research data collected from the learning style questionnaire no. 17 Saya lebih banyak meluangkan waktu untuk bermain bersama teman daripada belajar Akuntansi has the lowest score, so that in this case, the teacher could give task by group, so students can use the time with friends for playing and learning group at once. 117 REFERENCES Ahmadi, A. Supriyono, W. 1991. Psikologi Belajar. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta. 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Jawaban yang terbaik adalah jawaban yang sesuai dengan keyakinan dan keadaan diri adik-adik. Oleh karena itu, kejujuran adik-adik dalam memberikan jawaban sangat saya harapkan. Atas bantuan dan kerjasamanya saya ucapkan terima kasih. Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb. Yogyakarta, Peneliti, Karlina Faturokhmi NIM. 11403244078 122 UJI COBA ANGKET PENELITIAN

A. Identitas Responden