Definition of Emotional Quotient

22 parenting style will have an impact on the high learning motivation which means simplify students in absorbing the lesson. Thus, study result will be optimally reached. Understanding the importance of the role of the parents in learning, it is not uncommon for school to have a relationship on good cooperation with parents. Further stated by Emblem, ...the most important result of schools and families working together is that it demonstrates to teachers, parents, and children that teacher do not regard themselves as the sole experts in field of learning. It reinforces with each group that learning takes place in the home as well as at school. Brockdorf, 1990: 11 Based on the opinion can be concluded, parenting style is very important for individual in learning interest and motivation to study at school. More specific, parenting style really affects student learning achievement. The implementation of education for students is not only at school. Teacher is not the only learning master influenced the student learning achievement. The role of the parents in implementing education in family environment are also important, besides as the provider of facilities, students’ mentor of learning at home, the parents also have a role as the maker of personality and learning habit of the student.

3. Emotional Quotient

a. Definition of Emotional Quotient

Emotional Quotient EQ is not based on the intelligence of a child, but something called personal character. This concept appears 23 from some experiences that mentioned that intellectual quotient only will not be enough to deliver someone toward achievement. Goleman 2005:98 stated, “Kecerdasan emosional sangat berpengaruh pada kesuksesan hidup seseorang ”. Mustaqim 2004:154 stated that: Kecerdasan emosional menunjuk pada suatu kemampuan untuk memahami perasaan diri masing-masing dan perasaan orang lain, kemampuan untuk memotivasi dirinya dan dalam hubungannya dengan orang lain. Kecerdasan emosional sangat penting dalam proses pembelajaran dan keberhasilan belajar karena bukanlah persoalan intelektual semata tetapi juga emosional. Belajar tidak hanya menyangkut interaksi peserta didik dengan buku-buku pelajaran yang diamati tetapi melibatkan hubungan antara sesama peserta didik dan antara peserta didik dengan guru. Goleman stated in children psychology research, have been proved that the children who has high emotional quotient will be more confident, happier, popular and successful at school. They also have more ability in controlling their emotion, maintaining good relations with others, handling stress and having a good mental health. Children with high emotional quotient are considered as diligent students by the teacher and favorite students by their friends at school Mar’at 2009:172. The better emotional quotient one has, the better adaptability one will have in the learning environments, so that the learning achievement will be optimally reached. Good adaptability and emotional control will bring the students to the learning environment in which they consider comfortable and fun. Thus, the process of receiving and absorbing information will be easily held. While according to Uno 2006:68, 24 Kecerdasan emosional merupakan kemampuan untuk memotivasi diri sendiri dan bertahan menghadapi frustasi, mengendalikan dorongan hati, tidak melebih-lebihkan kesenangan, mengatur suasana hati dan menjaga agar tidak stress, tidak melumpuhkan kemampuan berpikir, berempati dan berdoa. Based on the opinions can be concluded that emotional qoutient is children psychological ability for themselves in motivating, controlling and withstanding frustration.

b. Basic Components of Emotional Quotient