The First Hypothesis Test

91 Table 23 . Summary of Test’s Multicolinierity Result Variable VIF Tolerance Conclusion X 1 1,981 0,505 There is no multicolinearity X 2 2,091 0,478 There is no multicolinearity X 3 2,823 0,354 There is no multicolinearity X 4 2,709 0,369 There is no multicolinearity Source: Primary data which were processed, 2016 The table shows that tolerance of each independent variable 0,10 and Variance Inflation Factor VIF 10 so that can be concluded that there was no multicolinearity in this study so the research could not be continued.

D. Hypothesis Test

Hypothesis test in this research was used for testing the effect of independent variable and dependent variable. The first, second, third and fourth hypothesis test was using the simple regression analysis and multiple regression on the fifth hypothesis.

1. The First Hypothesis Test

The first hypothesis test showed that there was positive effect of Parenting Style on the Learning Achievement of Financial Accounting in Grade X Accounting student at SMK Negeri 1 Yogyakarta Academic Year of 20152016. The following was the summary of simple regression test of variable Parenting Style on Learning Achievement of Financial Accounting. Table 24. The Result of Simple Regression of X 1 – Y Variable Value of r r 2 Value of t Coef. Const. Sig. r x1y r 2 x1y t count t table X 1 Y 0,406 0,164 3,465 1,998 0,246 63,633 0,001 Source: Primary data which were processed, 2016 92 a. Making simple linier regression line equation Based on the table above, the regression equation of one predictor can be stated in the following equation. Y = 0,246 X 1 + 63,633 This equation shows that regression coefficient is positive that is 0,246, it means that Parenting Style X 1 increased 1 point, the Learning Achievement of Financial Accounting would increase 0,246. So that can be concluded that there is positive effect of Parenting Style X 1 on Learning Achievement of Financial Accounting Y. b. Determination Coefficient r 2 Determination coefficient is used for calculating distribution or the effect of Parenting Style X 1 on Learning Achievement of Financial Accounting Y. If determination coefficient r 2 x1y is 0,164, it shows that Parenting Style has the effect on Learning Achievement of Financial Accounting as much as 16,4. Based on this description, it can be concluded that one of the factor that effects Achievement of Financial Accounting is Parenting Style as much as 16,4 and there is still 83,6 of other factors. c. Simple regression significance test by using t test The test is aimed to know the significance effect of Parenting Style X 1 on Learning Achievement of Financial Accounting Y. Base on the t test result with significance 5, the significance was 0,001 0,05 and t count was as much as 3,465 meanwhile t table was 93 1,998. It shows that t count was much more than t table so that the hypothesis which stated that there is positive effect and significance of Parenting Style on Learning Achievement of Financial Accounting was approved.

2. The Second Hypothesis