Factors influence Learning Style

37 to do activities and skill exploration was very high. They also tended to like experiment on studying or solving problem. The access of this learning style is student ability to coordinate a team as well as to control body movement. According to DePorter and Henarcki 2005: 119 – 120, the characteristics of kinesthetic learning style were as followed: 1. bicara dengan perlahan, 2. menyentuh orang untuk mendapat perhatian mereka, 3. berdiri dekat ketika berbicara dengan orang, 4. selalu berorientasi pada fisik dan banyak bergerak, 5. mempunyai perkembangan awal otot – otot yang besar, 6. belajar melalui menipulasi dan praktik, 7. menghafal dengan cara berjalan dan melihat, 8. menggunakan jari sebagai penunjuk pada saat membaca, 9. banyak menggunakan isyarat tubuh, 10. tidak dapat diam dalam waktu yang lama, 11. tidak dapat mengingat geografi kecuali mereka telah pernah berada di tempat itu, 12. menggunakan kata – kata yang mengandung aksi, 13. menyukai buku yang berorientasi pada plot, 14. mereka mencerminkan aksi dengan gerakan tubuh saat membaca, dan 15. menyukai permainan yang menyibukan diri.

c. Factors influence Learning Style

Learning style used by the students are varied. This was influenced by many factors. According to Reese 2007 in Flores 2010:32-33, there are five categories influencing learning style, namely: 1 Enviromental: Elements that effect a learner’s environment include sound, light, temperature, and furnitureseating designs. 2 Emotionality: Elements such as motivation, responsibility, persistence, and the individual’s preference between an externally imposed structure versus the opportunity to do things in hisher own ways. 38 3 Sociological Preferences: Elements that socially affect an individual such as how heshe learns best: alone, in a pair, in a small group, or as part of a team. The element also speaks to preference in learning with an authoritative or collegal adult. Also, the element distinguishes if individual learner prefers variety over patterns routines in learning activity. 4 Physiological: Element include perceptual strengths, such as verbalkinesthetic, auditory, visual text or visual picture, tactual and or kinesthetic. Also, intake, time – of – day energy levels, and mobility requirements. 5 Psychological: Elements that demonstrate perference of global versus analytic processing. These preferences are determined through correlations among sound, light, design, presistence, sosiological preference, and intake. Psychological factors also consider teh elements of rightleft brain hemisphericity and impluse versus reflective processing. Based on the opinion above could be concluded that the learning style of student could be influenced by the learning environment, emotion, social condition during the learning process, physically and psychologically condition of students. Meanwhile, Sugihartono, et.al. 1007:54 mentioned that there are four approach of learning style, those were as followed: 1. Belajar sosial, yang meliputi belajar sendiri, dengan teman, dengan guru atau kombinasinya. 2. Lingkungan belajar, yang meliputi waktu, dekorasi ruangan, partisipasi pasif atau aktif, suara dan kedekatan dengan orang lain. 3. Emosi belajar, yang meliputi motivasi, ketahanan, dan tanggung jawab dalam belajar.

B. Relevant Research

1. The previous research was conducted by Khasanah 2016 entitled “Pengaruh Pola Asuh Orang Tua dan Kontiunitas Belajar Siswa Terhadap Prestasi Belajar Akuntansi Kelas XI IPS SMA Negeri Jumapolo Tahun Ajaran 2015206 ”, stated that there was positive and significant effect of