Definition of Learning Achievement



A. Theoretical Review

1. Learning Achievement of Financial Accounting

a. Definition of Learning Achievement

Human learns in a lifetime. This learning process is dynamic along with environmental changes with no limited time. The learning process allowed humans develop toward maturity. In education sector especially at school, the learning and teaching process are the main activities. The achievement of education goal at school can be seen from the achievement of education subject that is student in learning process. Learning is a process of acquiring knowledge and experience in the form of changing attitude and the ability of reacting that is relatively permanent because of individual interaction with the environment Sugihartono,, 2007:74. According to Uno 2013:23, “Belajar merupakan suatu perubahan dalam tingkah laku secara relatif permanen dan secara potensial terjadi sebagai hasil dari praktik atau penguatan yang dilandasi tujuan untuk mencapai tujuan tertentu .” A person can be said to have passed the learning process if there is any change of manner, as for example from those who did not know become know and from did not understand become understand. 12 However, not all of behaviors are included in learning process. Sugihartono, 2007:74-76 identified the characteristics of learning activity, those were: 1 Behavior changes consciously. 2 Change is continuous and functional. 3 Change is positive and active. 4 Change is permanent. 5 Change in learning is aimed or directed. 6 Change includes all of behaviors. The learning result measurement on education subject is aimed to know how far behavior change works on students after the learning process. The measurement by the teacher commonly uses the test as the instrument. The result is in the form of number or statement that reflects the subject mastery level of student, which is known as learning achievement Sugihartono,, 2007:130. According to Sukardi 2012:5, “Prestasi menunjukkan informasi tentang pencapaian hasil belajar dan materi yang telah digunakan oleh guru, apakah dapat diteriman atau tidak oleh para siswanya ”. Meanwhile, Sukmadinata 2011:102 stated that: Prestasi belajarhasil belajar merupakan realisasi atau pemekaran dari kecakapan-kecakapan potensial atau kapasitas yang dimiliki oleh seseorang. Penguasaan hasil belajar oleh seseorang dapat dilihat dari perilakunya, baik perilaku dalam bentuk penguasaan materi, keterampilan berfikir, maupun keterampilan motorik. 13 According to those definitions can be concluded that learning achievement is the result of learning measurement that informs mastery and the achievement of students learning result, namely the mastery of knowledge, attitude and creativity stated by number.

b. Definition of Learning Achievement of Financial Accounting