Board of commissioners Meeting Agenda Audit committee regular Meeting or consultancy with DivisionBureau Performing special duty assigned by the Board of commissioners Bahan Rapat Dewan komisaris

ANNUAL REPORT 2013 | PT PERKEBUNAN NUSANTARA X PERSERO 225 b. Low exported tobacco due to prolonged rain season stimulated growth of virus, bacteria and caterpillar that increasing plants mortality. Moreover, there was also massive down grade. c. At Ajong Gayasan, there was non-product dry rompos NO Tobacco amounted to 61,000 kg as the impact of drying warehouse mismanagement. d. To increase tobacco productivity, refreshment on cultivation and manufacturing needs to be carried that the SOP can be implemented appropriately.

5. Board of commissioners Meeting Agenda

The Audit Committee periodically prepares Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors Joint Meeting agenda which is taken from the Management Report, Monthly Prognosis and Result of the Units Visit.

6. Audit committee regular Meeting or consultancy with DivisionBureau

On the data synchronizing effort, several consultancies with QC, Manufacturing, Technical, Cultivation, IAU, SDM KD or SBU Division is carried, if considered necessary.

7. Performing special duty assigned by the Board of commissioners

Periodically, referring to Audit Committee Charter, the Committee was assigned special duty from the Board of Commissioners in 2013 to monitor executives rotation Division Head and Manager in PTPN X, and future HR readiness potential. In 2014, the special duty which will be assigned by the Board of Commissioners are: a. Company’s Assets progress monitoring. b. HR Mapping policy implementation monitoring. c. Information Technology System Implementation progress monitoring in PTPN X circumstances. b. Rendahnya tembakau eksport karena iklim hujan berkepanjangan yang berdampak terhadap pertumbuhan virus, bakteri, maupun ulat, sehingga kematian tinggi. Disamping itu juga adanya down grade besar besaran. c. Di Ajong Gayasan terdapat tembakau NO kering rompos non product sejumlah 61.000 kg sebagai akibat salah kelola dalam gudang pengering. d. Untuk meningkatkan produktifitas tembakau perlu diadakan penyegaran dibidang tehnik budidaya maupun pengolahan agar SOP dapat dilaksanakan sebagaimana mestinya.

5. Bahan Rapat Dewan komisaris

Secara periodik Komite Audit menyiapkan Bahan Rapat Gabungan Dewan Komisaris dan Dewan Direksi yang sumbernya dari Laporan Manajemen, Prognosa Bulanan dan Hasil Kunjungan kerja ke Unit Unit.

6. Pertemuan rutin internal komite Audit, maupun konsultasi dengan BidangBiro