Explicitation The Procedures Applied by the Translator in Translating the

semerbak harum rumput segar, bau asap dan bau yang lain- lainseperti misalnya bau kulit musang bulu yang masih segar. Semua ini tidak kuasa dihalau oleh semua olok-olok mengenainya atau oleh tetua-tetua Indian yang ingin membawanya pergi. Code: 164ADD-1.1INV, EQU- 3 SE: I was acolyte, the thin one said proudly. Now I believe in nothing. Neither do I go to mass. TE: Aku dulu pernah jadi pembantu pendeta, kata si kurus dengan bangga. Sekarang aku tak punya agama. Pergi ke misa saja tidak pernah Code: 110ADD-1.2INV, TRA- 4 SE: We never talk about our clients. You can be quite easy on that. It’s supposed to be bad form to ask us not to talk though .’ TE: Kami tidak pernah membicarakan langganan kami. Kau tak usah ragu mengenai itu. Hanya saja tidak sopan jika kami diminta agar tidak bicara.’ Code: 182ADV-1.1INV, MOD- 5 SE: She would have brought him anything he wanted. He knew that. She was a damned nice woman too. p.68 TE: Perempuan itu akan membelikan lelaki itu aa saja yang diinginkannya. Lelaki itu tahu itu. Dan perempuan itu juga sangat baik hati. p.23 Code: 040ADD-1.1EXP, INVESS Based on the data, the procedure which is always applied together with the other procedures in the data is the inversion procedure. Inversion is adopted by the translator to move the conjunctive relation of the ST into another place in a sentence of the TT so that it reads natural and acceptable. Based on the example above, the inversion procedure is applied together with amplification, modulation, transposition, equivalence, and explicitation. The translator in the data above needs to adopt more than one procedure to maintain the message of the ST. It is impossible for the translator if she find the data like the examples above and simply to translate the ST by a single procedure without considering another procedure which may make the result of the translation reads awkward. By the application of the double procedure in translating the conjunctive relation into Bahasa Indonesia, there is no confusion in the meaning of the logical relationship in the data above.

3. Shift of Conjunctive Relation in the Translation of Hemingway’s

Short Stories into Bahasa Indonesia The occurrence of shift in the translation process is something that cannot be avoided includes in the translation of the conjunctive relation in Hemingway’s short stories into Bahasa Indonesia. It is as the effect of the translation process which brings the impact directly into the target language. Or based on the data, it could be one of the efforts from the translator so that there is no confusion in the meaning of the logical relationship in the TT which is reached by the occurrence of shift. Based on the findings, there are shift in the levels of explicitness, implicitness, and meaning change through the translation of the data.

a. Explicitness

Based on the findings, shift of explicitness in the translation of Hemingway’s short stories into Bahasa Indonesia are found 15 cases or 5.51 from total 272 cases. The type of the conjunctive relations which is mostly to be explicitated in the TT are the conjunctive relations which indicate internal relationship the source of the idea in the following sentence could be found easily in the previous sentence. Some examples of the shift of explicitness in the translation of the data can be seen in the examples below. 1 SE: Its not snow and them all saying, Its not snow we were mistaken. But it was the snow all right and he sent them into it when he evolved exchange of populations. p.62