Types of Cohesion Notions of Cohesion

between the parts of the text Suzane, 1994. Conjunctive relation as part of cohesion is a semantic relation which link sentences together. The feature of conjunctive relations can be signaled by some various devices and, they establish cohesion between sentences. Whereas the conjunction which least cohesive i.e. subordinators is differ from what is meant by conjunctive relations. It is because cohesion is a relation occurs between sentences and not within sentence Halliday and Hassan, 1976. There is the same concept of English conjunction with perangkaian in Bahasa Indonesia. The conjunction covers the use of adjunct as a signal to mark the semantic relationship they perceive as holding between the sentences they produce. There are six types of Bahasa Indonesia perangkaian Tarigan, 1993; Adversative; realized by tetapi, namun, bagaimanapun juga, padahal , Kausal causal; realized by oleh sebab itu, karena itu, sehingga , Koordinatif Coordinatif; realized dan, atau, di samping itu , Korelatif Corelative; entah, baik, maupun, demikian juga , Subordinatif; meskipun, kalau, bahwa , and Temporal; realized by sebelum, sesudah, sekarang . Baker 1991:191 also investigates conjunction and she gives some points to be noted: first, the same conjunction may be used to signal different relations, depending on the context. Second, conjunctive relations can be expressed by a variety of means; the use of connective is not the only device for expressing a temporal or causal relation, for instance in English, a temporal relation may be expressed by means of a verb such as follow or precede, and a causal relation is inherent in the meanings of verb such as cause and lead to . But it is common for a language user to recognize a semantic relation for example time sequence without any explicit signal. Third, conjunctive relations do not just reflect relations between external phenomena but may also be set up to reflect relations which are internal to the text or communicative situation. For instance, temporal relations are not restricted to sequence in real time: they may reflect stages in the unfolding text, for example, the use of first, second and third in this paragraph. According to Halliday and Hassan 1976, the different types of conjunctive relations that enter into cohesion are not the same as the elementary logical relations that are expressed through the structural medium of coordination. The conjunctive relations are textual; they represent the generalized types of connection that were recognized as holding between sentences. These depend in the last resort on the meaning that the sentences, express, and essentially these are two kinds: experiential, representing, the linguistic interpretation of experience, and interpersonal, representing participation in the speech situation. It means that the phenomena of conjunctive relations which can be grouped into four categories that may occur in either „internal’ or „external’ context. This distinction, which derives from the functional basis of the semantic system, determines the locus of conjunction; the conjunction may be located in the phenomena that constitute in the context of what is being said external, or in the interaction itself, the social process that constitutes the speech even internal Halliday Hasan, 1976. This study focuses on the conjunctive relations which occur between sentences.

a. Types of Conjunctive Relation

Halliday and Hassan 1976 proposed several types of conjunctive relation. There are four main types of conjunctive relation; additive, adversative, causal, and temporal. And the other type is continuative miscellanous. Each of the descriptions is as follow. 1 Additive Additive relation shows that one part of the text gives additional information which can be additive positive shows by the conjunctive and, and also, furthermore, additionally, beside that , etc,