Causal The Analysis of Conjunctive Relation in Ernest Hemingway’s

relationship of the sentences in the TT is still understandable, and also there is no shift of conjunctive relation occurs in the translation of the data above. Example 13 ST „He says the first bull got up and went into the bush,’ Wilson said with no expression in his voice. „Oh,’ said Macomber blankly. „Then it’s going to be just like the lion,’ said Margot, full of anticipation. p.36 TT Katanya banteng yang pertama masih bisa bangkit dan bersembunyi di semak- semak,’ kata Wilson datar. ‘Oh,’ kata Macomber hampa. ‘ Kalau begitu ini akan sama seperti dengan singa itu,’ kata Margot, penuh gairah. p.299 Code 253CAU-4.1TRA- From the data above the conjunctive “then” is translated into “kalau begitu” by the translator. The conjunctive “then” belongs to the causal type, and it is part of simple conditional relations. In the data above the conjunctive “then” presupposes the previous sentence. It is used to indicate the causal conditional relationship in the sentences above. In the data above, the relation means „if there is a , then b’. The conjunctive “then” which is translated into “kalau begitu ” in the data above is not translated literally by the translator. The procedure applied by the translator in translating the data above is transposition since she tried to find the equivalent meaning of the conjunctive “then” into the target language by replacing one word class into another. There is no shift of conjunctive relation found in the translation of the data above. The translation of the conjunctive “then” into “kalau begitu” is properly transferred in the target language and does not create the confusion in the meaning of the logical relationship.

d. Temporal

Based on the data findings, the causal type has 64 ties or 23.52 in Hemingway’s short stories. The data are expressed in various forms under the heading of the temporal relation; they are simple temporal relations external include sequential and simultaneous; conclusive relations external; sequential external in correlative forms; complex temporal relation external interrupted; temporal relations internal sequential and conclusive. The examples of their occurrence are as follows. Example 14 ST When Nick came home from fishing without it and said he lost it he was whipped for lying. Afterwards he had sat inside the woodshed with the door open, his shotgun loaded and cocked, looking across at his father sitting on the screen porch reading the paper, and thought, „I can blow him to hell. I can kill him.’ p.468 TT Waktu Nick pulang dari memancing tanpa celana itu dan mengatakan celana itu hilang ia dipukul ayahnya karena berbohong. Setelah itu , Nick duduk menunggu di dalam gudang kayu, pintunya terbuka, senapannya berisi dan terkokang, mengawasi ayahnya yang tengah duduk di beranda sambil membaca Koran, dan pikirnya, ‘Bisa kutembak ia sampai hancur lebur.’ p.129 Code 157TEM-1.1TRA- The conjunctive “afterwards” in the data above is classified into the temporal type, and it is part of simple temporal relations sequential. It has a function as a temporal ordering between the two successive sentences. In the data above, the conjunctive “afterwards” indicates that one event is subsequent with the other. The event in the first sentence is known as the source of the idea which is linked by the conjunctive “afterwards” in the following sentence. The second sentence describes the occurrence after the event in the first sentence. In the data above, the conjunctive “afterwards” is translated i nto “sesudahnya” in the TT. The procedure applied by the translator in translating the data above is literal translation since she transferred the conjunctive “afterwards” directly word-for-word into “sesudahnya” in the target language without changing its meaning. The translator in this data also kept the word order of the ST where the conjunctive “afterwards” belong into the TT. By this procedure, the meaning of the logical relationship of the sentences in the TT is understandable, and also there is no shift of conjunctive relation occurs in the translation of the data above. Example 15 ST „This is a ridiculous hour.’ Just then the lion roared in a deep-chested moaning, suddenly guttural, ascending vibration that seemed to shake the air and ended in a sigh and a heavy, deep- chested grunt. p.19 TT ‘Masa pergi berburu gelap - gelap begini.’ Tepat saat itu singa itu memperdengarkan suaranya kembali, mula-mula suara erangan jauh dari dalam dada, diikutikemudian suara parau dari tenggorokannya yang terus membumbung dan menggetarkan udara dan berakhir dengan desah dan dengkur yang berat dan dalam ruang dada.p.265 Code 204TTEM-1.2TRA- From the data above, the conjunctive “just then” which is translated into “tepat saat itu” is also classified into the temporal type. It is part of simple temporal relation simultaneous. The conjunctive “just then” in the data above indicates that the presupposing sentence is correlated with previous sentence or it could be parallel event. It indicates an event which happens simultaneously with the other event in the previous sentence. In the data above the conjunctive “just then” which is translated into “tepat saat itu” is acceptable in the target language and it does not diminish the meaning of the logical relation. It is because “tepat saat itu” in the target language also used to indicate an event with the other event which occurs in one time. The procedure applied by the translator in translating the data above is transposition since she transferred one word into another without changing the meaning of the message. By this procedure, the translation of the conjunctive “just then” fits better into the utterances in the target language. The occurrence of the shift of conjunctive relation is not found in the translation of the data above. Example 16 ST Afterwards he had sat inside the woodshed with the door open, his shotgun loaded and cocked, looking across at his father sitting on the screen porch reading the paper, and thought, „I can blow him to hell. I can kill him.’ Finally he felt is anger go out of him and he felt a little sick about it being the gun that his