Kesimpulan Saran Perikanan tangkap di Kabupaten Gorontalo Utara


7.1 Kesimpulan

Dari penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa : 1. Hasil evaluasi program minapolitan di Kabupaten Gorontalo Utara bahwa Kabupaten Gorontalo Utara belum layak dijadikan sebagai daerah minapolitan perikanan tangkap, 2. Sumberdaya ikan yang berpotensi dan memiliki peluang pemanfaatan untuk pengembangan perikanan tangkap meliputi ikan kuwe, ikan tembang, ikan kembung, ikan teri dan ikan tuna, 3. Semua unit penangkapan yang dominan di Kabupaten Gorontalo Utara layak berdasarkan analisis finansial yaitu unit penangkapan purse seine, pancing tuna, bagan perahu, gillnet, payang, bubu, pancing ulur, dan sero, 4. Faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap pengembangan perikanan tangkap adalah aspek ekonomi yang terdiri dari pasar, kemitraan, dukungan modal dan kestabilan harga, 5. Rancangan model pengembangan perikanan tangkap di Kabupaten Gorontalo Utara meliputi jenis ikan yang berpeluang untuk dikelola, dukungan unit penangkapan ikan yang layak dikembangkan, dan selanjutnya memberikan solusi terhadap faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap pengembangan serta aspek penunjang dalam pengembangan perikanan tangkap.

7.2 Saran

Dalam menentukan suatu kebijakan perikanan khususnya perikanan tangkap, sebaiknya pemerintah terlebih dahulu mengkaji potensi sumberdaya ikan, kelayakan usaha, serta faktor yang akan menunjang keberhasilan suatu kebijakan perikanan. Hasil kegiatan tersebut dijadikan sebagai dasar ilmiah scientific justification dalam menentukan kebijakan perikanan tangkap yang akan diambil. ABSTRACT ALFISAHRI R. BARUADI. Development of Fisheries Capture in North Gorontalo District; Under Supervison by: DOMU SIMBOLON, ARI PURBAYANTO , and ROZA YUSFIANDAYANI. The potency of capture fisheries in the North Gorontalo itself has not been known so far, especially for dominant species that caught from the waters of North Gorontalo. Nevertheless, an understanding of fish resource potency is important to optimize the management of the resource by fishers, private sector as well as government. Fisheries management in the North Gorontalo District is still conducted by government through fisheries development policies, however the output sometimes has not been matched with the government expectation. The fisheries development policies were implemented by several programs for example fishing technology development of purse seine that managed by fishers group, and grant of outboard fishing boat, whereas these programs were failed. Now, the fisheries development policy that still continued done by the government is the policy of capture fisheries minapolitan.Some constrains in fisheries development require the attention of government and stakeholders in carefully formulating and assigning each policy in accordance with the expected goal and supporting factors for the successfull of the policy. Therefore, it needs on the assessment of capture fisheries development that becomes one of the reference for fisheries development policies. The methods used were first, to analysis appropriatness of the capture fisheries minapolitan policy based on the guideline of minapolitan which was published by the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries; second, to analysis fish resource potency through surplus production model; third, financial analysis for fishing units that feasible to be developed; fourth, structural equation model SEM analysis for determining the influence factors toward capture fisheries development; and fifth, to design the capture fisheries development model. The result showed that North Gorontalo District was not feasible to become a center of minapolitan capture fisheries program. The potencial fish resources that could be developed consist of trevally, sardine, mackerel, anchovies, tuna, and frigate mackerel. Fishing units that feasible to be developed were purse seine, longline, boat liftnet, gillnet, boat seine, basket trap, hand line, and guiding barrier trap. Factors affected to the capture fisheries development were the economic aspect that consist of market, partnership, capital support, and fish price.Based on the analysis of fish resources that could be potencially developed, the feasible fishing units, and the factors influenced to the capture fisheries development, therefore the design model of capture fisheries development in the North Gorontalo District was created. Keywords: development, capture fisheries, fish resource, fishing unit, North Gorontalo. 1 PENDAHULUAN

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