Hasil Estimasi CEM Estimasi Model Data Panel Variabel Dependen ROA

Periods included: 20 Cross-sections included: 6 Total panel balanced observations: 120 Swamy and Arora estimator of component variances Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob. C 33.91741 3.921129 8.649911 0.0000 CAR -0.601522 0.301863 -1.992698 0.0487 NPF -0.274144 0.127244 -2.154475 0.0333 FDR -0.617903 0.651596 -0.948291 0.3450 BOPO -6.561755 0.620080 -10.58211 0.0000 Effects Specification S.D. Rho Cross-section random 0.129179 0.0662 Idiosyncratic random 0.485158 0.9338 Weighted Statistics R-squared 0.644165 Mean dependent var -0.076495 Adjusted R-squared 0.631788 S.D. dependent var 0.830373 S.E. of regression 0.503874 Sum squared resid 29.19728 F-statistic 52.04580 Durbin-Watson stat 1.218767 ProbF-statistic 0.000000 Unweighted Statistics R-squared 0.650764 Mean dependent var -0.118947 Sum squared resid 33.56163 Durbin-Watson stat 1.060279 Sumber: Data Diolah

2. Uji Pemilihan Model Regresi Panel

Untuk membandingan model mana yang terbaik antara ke tiga model di atas maka kita dapat mengujinya dengan tiga cara, yaitu: Uji Chow, Uji Hausman dan Uji Langrange Multiplier LM.

a. Uji Chow

Uji Chow dilakukan untuk membandingkan model mana yang terbaik antara CE dan FE. Pada tabel uji chow, Hopotesis: 1. Ho : Common Effect Model 2. H1 : Fixed Effect Model Dasar pengambilan keputusan:  Jika nilai cross section F. 0.05 maka H1 diterima dan Ho ditolak  Jika nilai cross section F. 0.05 maka Ho diterima dan H1 ditolak  Jika F statistik F hitung F tabel maka H1 diterima dan Ho ditolak  Jika F statistik F hitung F tabel maka Ho diterima dan H1 ditolak Uji Chow Tabel. 4.11 Dependent Variable: ROA Redundant Fixed Effects Tests Equation: Untitled Test cross-section fixed effects Effects Test Statistic d.f. Prob. Cross-section F 6.266126 5,110 0.0000 Cross-section Chi-square 30.074600 5 0.0000 Cross-section fixed effects test equation: Dependent Variable: ROA Method: Panel Least Squares Date: 053016 Time: 19:36 Sample: 2011Q1 2015Q4 Periods included: 20 Cross-sections included: 6 Total panel balanced observations: 120 Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob. C 32.82409 3.947354 8.315468 0.0000 CAR -0.497080 0.314806 -1.579005 0.1171 NPF -0.381640 0.135956 -2.807097 0.0059 FDR -0.722933 0.674450 -1.071886 0.2860 BOPO -6.254887 0.655435 -9.543105 0.0000