Scholarship in Cooperation with Taruna Nusantara high School and AKAMIgAS Apprenticeships and DomesticOverseas UnderPost-graduate Programs STAR Program Executive Development Program

03 PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Persero Tbk Percentage of the total number of shares issued and fully paid shares 24,241,508,196 shares. The Republic of Indonesia is the majority shareholder that owns 56.96 of shares and one series A Dwiwarna share which has special voting rights. COMPOSITION OF ShAREhOLDERS REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA 56.96 PUBLIC 43.04 Individual 1.44 Entities 41.60 Based on the data of Shareholders DPS from BAE as of December 31, 2015 Percentage of the total number of shares issued and fully paid 24,241,508,196 shares. The Republic of Indonesia is the majority shareholder owning 56.96 of shares of PGAS and one series A Dwiwarna share which has special voting rights. Public shareholders who own less then 5 share of the company INFORMATION OF MAJORITY ShAREhOLDERS On December 31, 2015, The Republic of Indonesia owned 13,809,038,756 ordinary shares and one Dwiwarna share which has special voting rights. Dwiwarna shares are not transferable, have special rights for capital changes, appointment and termination of members of the Board of Directors and Commissioners, Articles of Association, mergers, consolidations and acquisitions as well as dissolution and liquidation of the Company. SHARES OWNERSHIP BY THE MEMBERS OF BOARD OF COMMISIONERS AND BOARD OF DIRECTORS AS PER DECEMBER 31, 2015 Name Title Total Shares Shares Percentage Iman Sugema President Commissioner and Independent Commissioner - M. Zamkhani Commissioner - Tirta Hidayat Commissioner - Mohamad Ikhsan Commissioner - IGN Wiratmaja Puja Commissioner - Paiman Rahardjo Independent Commissioner - Hendi Prio Santoso President Director - Jobi Triananda Hasjim Director of Commerce - Hendi Kusnadi Director of HR General Affairs 140,500 0.0005796 Djoko Saputro Director of Technology Development 30,000 0.0001238 Muhammad Wahid Sutopo Director of Investment Plan and Risk Management - Mochtar Riza Pahlevi Tabrani Director of Finance - 5 OR MORE SHARES OWNERSHIP AS PER DECEMBER 31, 2015 Name Owner Status Total Shares Percentage Indonesia Indonesia 13,809,038,756 56.96 No shareholder other than Republic of Indonesia owned share above 5.