4. The committee to support the functions and duties of the Board of Directors andor Board of Commissioners, such as nomination and remuneration committee. Description includes: 1. Name 2. Brief CVs, work experience, and legal basis for the appointment 3. Education 4. Ofice period of the members of the committee 5. Disclosure of company’s policy regarding committee’s independence 6. Description of duties and responsibilities 7. Disclosure of company’s policy and its implementation regarding frequency of audit committee meetings and attendance rate 8. Brief of the implementation of committee’s activities in inancial year 174-182 5. Description of duties and function of Corporate Secretary. Description includes: 1. Name; 2. Brief CV, work experience, and legal basis for appointment 3. Educational Background 4. Ofice period of the Corporate Secretary 5. Brief of the implementation of the duties of the Corporate Secretary in inancial year 184-185 6. Description of the Internal Audit Unit. Description includes: 1. Name 2. Brief CV, work experience, and legal basis for appointed 3. Professional internal audit qualiicationscertiication if any 4. Structure or status of the Internal Audit Unit 5. Duties and responsibilities of Internal Audit Unit accordance listed in the charter of Internal Audit Unit 6. Brief of the implementation of the duties of the Internal Audit Unit during the year 186-189 7. Description of Internal Control System implemented by the Company. Description includes: 1. Financial and operational controlling, and submission to other laws and regulation 2. Review of the effectiveness of the internal control system 190 8. Risk management system implemented by company. Description includes: 1. Overview of the company’s risk management system 2. Type of risks and its management 3. Review of the effectiveness of the risk management system 192-195 9. Signiicant cases involving the Company, or Public Company, Subsidiaries, or incumbent members of the Board of Commissioners andor Board of Directors Description includes: 1. Subject of casesclaims 2. Settlement status of casesclaims 3. Effect on the company 196-200 10. Information regarding administrative sanctions imposed on issuers or public companies, members of the Board of Commissioners and the Board of Directors, by the capital market regulators and other authorities during the year 201 11. Information regarding Corporate’s Code of Conduct and Culture if any. Description includes: 1. Content of the code of conduct 2. Content of corporate culture 3. Dissemination of the code of conduct and efforts to enforce the code 4. Disclosure that the code of conduct is applicable to the Board of Commissioners, Board of Directors and corporate’s employee 202-207 12. Description regarding share ownership program by employee andor management implemented by Issuer or Public Companies, such as total, period, requirements of eligible employeesmanagement, exercise price as well if any 133-134 13. Description regarding whistleblowing system implemented in the Company to handle reports of misconduct or violation that could harm the Company or stakeholders if any. Description includes: 1. Method of reporting 2. Protection of the whistleblower 3. Handling of reports 4. Party that handles the reports 5. Outcome of the reports 208-213

VII. Corporate Social Responsibility

1. Discussion regarding corporate social responsibility including policy, type of program, costs incurred. Description includes: 1. Environment, such as the use of materials and friendly environmental energy and could be recycle, company’s waste management system, certiication in environment, etc 2. Employment practice, occupational safety and health, such as the equality of gender and work opportunity, facilities and safety, employee’s turnover rate, work incident rate, training, etc 3. Social and community development, such as the use of local worker, community empowerment around companies, improvement of social infrastructure, other form of donations, etc and 4. Products responsibility, such as consumer safety and health, products information, infrastructure, the amount and countermeasures of consumer’s complaints, etc 220-225 226-237, 238-247 248-253 254-259 2. Information referred to point 1 can be disclosed and submitted to Bapepam-LK in the Annual Report or separate report such as Sustainability Report or Corporate Social Responsibility Report. 423-424