14. Material information, regarding investment, expansion, divestment, business mergerfusion, acquisition, restructuring of debtcapital, afiliated transaction, and material transactions involving a conlict of interest during the year if any. Description includes: 1. Date, value, and object of transaction 2. Name of party in transaction 3. Nature of the afiliation if any 4. Clariication of the fairness of the transaction 5. Compliance with related provisions 134-135 15. Changes in the regulations that signiicantly affect the company and its impact on the inancial report if any. Description includes changes in the regulations and their impact on the company Note: if there are no changes that have a signiicant impact, this should be stated 135 16. Changes in accounting policy, reasons and its impact on the inancial report if any. Description includes: changes in accounting policy, reasons and its impact on the inancial report 136

VI. Corporate Governance

1. Description of the Board of Commissioners. Description includes: 1. Description of the duty of the Board of Commissioners 2. Procedure disclosure, basis for determining, and the amount of remuneration of members of the Board of Commissioners 3. Disclosure of company’s policy and its implementation, regarding the meeting frequency of the Board of Commissioners, includes joint meeting with the Board of Directors, and member’s attendance rate 148-150 158-159 162-163, 166-167 2. Description of the Board of Directors. Description includes: 1. Scope of work and responsibilities of each member of the Board of Directors 2. Procedure disclosure, basis for determining, and the amount of remuneration of members of the Board of Directors, and relation between remuneration with company’s performance 3. Disclosure of company’s policy and its implementation, regarding frequency of Director’s meeting, includes joint meeting with the Board of Commissioners, and member’s attendance rate at the meetings 4. Decision of GMS previous year and realization in inancial year, and its reasons in the event there is a decision that has not been realized 5. Disclosure of company’s policy regarding the assessment to the performance of members of the Board of Directors if any 151-153 158, 160-161 164-165, 166-167 143-146 155 3. Description of Audit Committee. Description includes: 1. Names 2. Positions, qualiications and work experience of the committee members 3. Education 4. Period of ofice of the members of Audit Committee 5. Disclosure of Audit Committee’s Independence 6. Disclosure of company’s policy and its implementation, regarding frequency of audit committee meetings and attendance rate 7. Brief report on activities of the audit committee in inancial year speciied accordance in the Audit Committee charter 169-173