OTHER RECEIVABLES continued Financial Information | Perusahaan Gas Negara Persero Tbk PT

The original consolidated financial statements included herein are in the Indonesian language. PT PERUSAHAAN GAS NEGARA PERSERO TBK DAN ENTITAS ANAKNYA CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN KONSOLIDASIAN 31 Desember 2015 dan Tahun Yang Berakhir Pada Tanggal Tersebut Disajikan dalam Dolar AS, Kecuali Dinyatakan Lain PT PERUSAHAAN GAS NEGARA PERSERO TBK AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS December 31, 2015 and The Year Then Ended Expressed in US Dollar, Unless Otherwise Stated 101 13. PENYERTAAN SAHAM lanjutan 13. INVESTMENTS IN SHARES OF STOCKS continued Tahun yang berakhir pada tanggal 31 Des. 2014 Year ended Dec. 31, 2014 Penghasilan Total Total komprehensif penghasilan penghasilan Pendapatan lain komprehensif komprehensif Bagian neto Other Total Total investor Net Laba rugi comprehensive comprehensive Penyesuaian comprehensive Kepentingan Investor’s revenues Profit or loss income income Adjustments income Interest shares _________ Ventura BersamaJoint Ventures PT Transportasi Gas Indonesia 177.688.045 55.285.403 1.614.637 53.670.766 4.309.421 57.980.187 59,87 34.712.738 PT Nusantara Regas 988.121.440 77.265.495 - 77.265.495 - 77.265.495 40,00 30.906.198 Entitas AsosiasiAssociates PT Gas Energi Jambi - - - - - - 40,00 - _________ TotalTotal 1.165.809.485 132.550.898 1.614.637 130.936.261 4.309.421 135.245.682 65.618.936 Sehubungan dengan penerapan PSAK No. 65 dan PSAK No. 66 sebagaimana diungkapkan pada Catatan 2, manajemen mengevaluasi kembali investasinya pada Transgasindo dengan persentase kepemilikan 59,87 dan PT Nusantara Regas dengan persentase kepemilikan 40. Berdasarkan evaluasi tersebut, manajemen menetapkan bahwa pengendalian tersebut merupakan pengendalian bersama dan mencerminkan investasi pada ventura bersama yang dicatat dengan menggunakan metode ekuitas. In relation to the adoption of PSAK No. 65 and PSAK No. 66 as discussed in Note 2, the management re- evaluate investment in Transgasindo with percentage ownership of 59.87 and PT Nusantara Regas with percentage ownership of 40. Based on such evaluation, the management determined that the nature of control in such companies represent a joint control and the interest represents investment in joint venture accounted for using the equity method. PT Transportasi Gas Indonesia “Transgasindo” PT Transportasi Gas Indonesia “Transgasindo” Transgasindo didirikan pada tahun 2002, dan bergerak dibidang transportasi gas. Transgasindo memiliki infrastruktur pipa gas Jaringan Pipa Transmisi Grissik-Duri dan Grissik-Singapura. Transgasindo was established in 2002, engaged in gas transportation. Transgasindo owns Grissik-Duri Pipeline and Grissik-Singapore pipeline. Selama tahun yang berakhir pada tanggal 31 Desember 2015 dan 2014, Perusahaan menerima pendapatan dividen dari Transgasindo masing-masing sebesar US35.922.000 dan US15.626.070. During the year ended December 31, 2015 and 2014, the Company has received dividend income from Transgasindo amounted to US35,922,000 and US15,626,070, respectively. PT Nusantara Regas - Regas PT Nusantara Regas – Regas Pada tanggal 14 April 2010, Perusahaan dan PT Pertamina Persero menandatangani Akta Pendirian PT Nusantara Regas, dengan kegiatan usaha dibidang pengelolaan dan pengembangan fasilitas Floating Storage and Regasification Terminal “FSRT” di Jawa Barat, termasuk pembelian gas alam cair “LNG” untuk diolah melalui FSRT dan pemasaran atas hasil olahan FSRT. Sampai tanggal 31 Desember 2015, Perusahaan melakukan penyetoran investasi sebesar US58.158.140 setara dengan Rp553.076.000.000 yang mencerminkan persentase kepemilikan sebesar 40. On April 14, 2010, the Company and PT Pertamina Persero signed the Deed of Establishment of PT Nusantara Regas, which engages in the management and development of Floating Storage and Regasification Terminal facilities “FSRT” in West Java, including purchase of Liquified Natural Gas “LNG” and marketing of products arising from the operations of FSRT. Until December 31, 2015, the Company paid the total investment amounted to US58,158,140 equivalent to Rp553,076,000,000 which reflect the ownership interest of 40. Selama tahun yang berakhir pada tanggal 31 Desember 2015 dan 2014, Perusahaan menerima pendapatan dividen dari Regas masing- masing sebesar US30.906.198 dan US16.136.097. During the year ended December 31, 2015 and 2014, the Company has received dividend income from Regas amounted to US30,906,198 and US16,136,097, respectively. The original consolidated financial statements included herein are in the Indonesian language. PT PERUSAHAAN GAS NEGARA PERSERO TBK DAN ENTITAS ANAKNYA CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN KONSOLIDASIAN 31 Desember 2015 dan Tahun Yang Berakhir Pada Tanggal Tersebut Disajikan dalam Dolar AS, Kecuali Dinyatakan Lain PT PERUSAHAAN GAS NEGARA PERSERO TBK AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS December 31, 2015 and The Year Then Ended Expressed in US Dollar, Unless Otherwise Stated 102 13. PENYERTAAN SAHAM lanjutan 13. INVESTMENTS IN SHARES OF STOCKS continued PT Gas Energi Jambi PT Gas Energi Jambi Pada tahun 2004, Perusahaan melakukan penyertaan saham pada PT Gas Energi Jambi yang bergerak dalam bidang transportasi dan distribusi gas bumi, dengan investasi sebesar Rp1.000.000.000 setara dengan US111.452 yang merupakan persentase kepemilikan sebesar 40. Pada tanggal 31 Desember 2015 dan 2014, nilai tercatat dari investasi adalah nihil sejalan dengan defisiensi modal yang dialami PT Gas Energi Jambi. In 2004, the Company has invested in shares of stock of PT Gas Energi Jambi, which is engaged in transportation and distribution of natural gas, with investment amounted to Rp1,000,000,000 equivalent to US111,452 which represents 40 ownership interest. As of December 31, 2015 and 2014, the carrying value of the investment is nil in line with capital deficiency incurred in PT Gas Energi Jambi. PT Banten Gas Synergi PT Banten Gas Synergi Perusahaan melakukan penyertaan saham pada PT Banten Gas Synergi yang bergerak dalam bidang transportasi dan distribusi gas bumi, dengan harga perolehan sebesar Rp25.000.000 setara dengan US2.718 yang merupakan persentase kepemilikan sebesar 1. Pada tanggal 14 November 2012, kepemilikan Perusahaan berubah menjadi 0,14 dikarenakan adanya penambahan setoran modal di PT Banten Gas Synergi. The Company has invested in shares of stock of PT Banten Gas Synergi, which is engaged in transportation and distribution of natural gas, with acquisition cost amounted to Rp25,000,000 equivalent to US2,718 which represents 1 ownership interest. On November 14, 2012, the Company’s ownership interest was changed to 0.14 due to there was an additional of shares issuance in PT Banten Gas Synergi. 14. ASET TETAP 14. FIXED ASSETS Akun ini terdiri dari: This account consists of: 31 Des. 2015Dec. 31, 2015 Penyesuaian Pengurangan Penambahan Reklasifikasi Saldo Awal Reklasifikasi Adjustments Saldo Akhir Beginning Additions Deductions Ending Balances Reclassifications Reclassifications Balances Harga perolehan At cost Kepemilikan langsung Direct ownership Tanah 57.565.646 919.687 4.806.251 63.291.584 Land Bangunan dan prasarana 125.950.086 478.184 18.702.931 145.131.201 Buildings and improvements Mesin dan peralatan 2.172.588.555 34.403.576 112.822.766 2.319.814.897 Machineries and equipment Kendaraan bermotor 1.369.582 2.307.847 16.738 3.660.691 Vehicles Peralatan kantor 12.691.552 1.910.314 1.705.783 12.896.083 Office equipment Peralatan dan perabot 10.988.298 582.126 151.358 11.419.066 Furnitures and fixtures Aset dalam penyelesaian 422.295.780 426.110.560 343.297.938 505.108.402 Construction in progress Aset belum terpasang 29.493.215 3.532.428 21.236.359 11.789.284 Uninstalled assets Aset kerjasama operasi Joint venture assets Tanah 1.745.636 374.587 - 2.120.223 Land Total 2.834.688.350 470.619.309 230.076.228 Total Akumulasi penyusutan Accumulated depreciation Kepemilikan langsung Direct ownership Bangunan dan prasarana 43.490.167 7.155.868 363.366 50.282.669 Buildings and improvements Mesin dan peralatan 943.688.467 129.057.807 1.453.895 Machineries and equipment Kendaraan bermotor 920.566 836.992 410 1.757.148 Vehicles Peralatan kantor 8.507.893 1.518.807 5.773 10.020.927 Office equipment Peralatan dan perabot 7.903.876 1.580.401 20.309 9.504.586 Furnitures and fixtures Aset belum terpasang 4.436.572 1.940.978 2.755.918 3.621.632 Uninstalled assets Total akumulasi penyusutan 1.008.947.541 142.090.853 4.559.053 1.146.479.341 Total accumulated depreciation Total nilai tercatat 1.825.740.809 1.928.752.090 Total carrying amount