Oil and Gas Properties continued Uji penurunan nilai atas properti minyak

The original consolidated financial statements included herein are in the Indonesian language. PT PERUSAHAAN GAS NEGARA PERSERO TBK DAN ENTITAS ANAKNYA CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN KONSOLIDASIAN 31 Desember 2015 dan Tahun Yang Berakhir Pada Tanggal Tersebut Disajikan dalam Dolar AS, Kecuali Dinyatakan Lain PT PERUSAHAAN GAS NEGARA PERSERO TBK AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS December 31, 2015 and The Year Then Ended Expressed in US Dollar, Unless Otherwise Stated 117




iii. Akuisisi SP dahulu Hess Pangkah LLC iii Acquisition of SP formerly Hess Pangkah LLC Nilai wajar dari aset dan liabilitas teridentifikasi Hess Pangkah LLC pada tanggal akuisisi 10 Januari 2014 adalah: The fair values of the identifiable assets and liabilities of Hess Pangkah LLC as at the date of acquisition January 10, 2014 were: Nilai Wajar Fair Value Aset Assets Kas dan setara kas 950.648 Cash and cash equivalents Piutang 4.390.062 Receivables Persediaan 2.652.939 Inventories Beban dibayar dimuka 122.180 Prepaid expenses Properti minyak dan gas 90.400.374 Oil and gas properties Sub-total 98.516.203 Sub-total Liabilitas Liabilities Utang usaha 1.306.286 Trade payables Liabilitas yang masih harus dibayar 8.495.588 Accrued expenses Liabilitas jangka panjang imbalan kerja 628.645 Long term liability for employee benefits Utang pajak 5.880.879 Tax payables Liabilitas pajak tangguhan, neto 1.022.976 Deferred tax liability, net Liabilitas pembongkaran aset dan restorasi Asset abandonment and restoration area dan provisi lain lain 4.808.848 obligation and other provision Sub-total 22.143.222 Sub-total Nilai wajar aset neto teridentifikasi 76.372.981 Total identifiable net assets at fair values Goodwill atas akuisisi 13.128.019 Goodwill arising on acquisition Imbalan pembelian yang dialihkan 89.501.000 Purchase consideration transferred Dikurangi kas yang diperoleh dari Entitas Deduction of Anak yang diakuisisi 950.648 net cash of the acquired Subsidiary Akuisisi Entitas Anak, setelah Acquisition of a Subsidiary, dikurangi kas yang diperoleh 88.550.352 net of cash acquired Imbalan pembelian yang dialihkan senilai US89.501.000 terdiri dari akuisisi saham sebesar US29.424.980 dan pengalihan piutang sebesar US60.076.020. The purchase consideration transferred amounted to US89,501,000 consist of acquisition on share in equity amounted to US29,424,980 and transfer of receivables amounted to US60,076,020. The original consolidated financial statements included herein are in the Indonesian language. PT PERUSAHAAN GAS NEGARA PERSERO TBK DAN ENTITAS ANAKNYA CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN KONSOLIDASIAN 31 Desember 2015 dan Tahun Yang Berakhir Pada Tanggal Tersebut Disajikan dalam Dolar AS, Kecuali Dinyatakan Lain PT PERUSAHAAN GAS NEGARA PERSERO TBK AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS December 31, 2015 and The Year Then Ended Expressed in US Dollar, Unless Otherwise Stated 118




iv. Akuisisi SEML dahulu Sunny Ridge Offshore Limited – SROL iv. Acquisition of SEML formerly Sunny Ridge Offshore Limited – SROL Nilai wajar dari aset dan liabilitas teridentifikasi SROL pada tanggal akuisisi 16 Desember 2014 adalah: The fair values of the identifiable assets and liabilities of SROL as at the date of acquisition December 16, 2014 were: Nilai Wajar Fair Value Aset Assets Piutang dan aset lain-lain 316.378 Receivable and Other Assets Persediaan 235.624 Inventories Pajak dibayar di muka 6.729.357 Prepaid taxes Properti minyak dan gas 101.051.000 Oil and gas properties Sub-total 108.332.359 Sub-total Liabilitas Liabilities Utang usaha dan utang lain-lain 55.763.801 Trade and other payables Liabilitas pajak tangguhan 1.184.830 Deffered tax liabilities Liabilitas pembongkaran aset dan Asset abandonment and restoration restorasi area dan provisi lain-lain 5.376.413 obligations and other provisions Sub-total 62.325.044 Sub-total Nilai wajar aset neto teridentifikasi 46.007.315 Total identifiable net assets at fair values Keuntungan dari pembelian dengan diskon 5.604.315 Gain on bargain purchase Imbalan pembelian yang dialihkan 40.403.000 Purchase consideration transferred Manajemen Kelompok Usaha berpendapat bahwa Akuisisi SEML dengan harga pembelian yang lebih rendah dari nilai wajarnya dikarenakan penjual ingin segera memonetisasi asetnya, tidak ada penawar lain dalam akuisisi ini dan proses negosiasi yang berlangsung ketat. Management of the Group believes that it was able to acquire SEML with purchase consideration less than the fair value of its assets because of seller’s urgency to monetize the assets, no comparative bid from other party and tight-fisted negotiation process. Uji penurunan nilai terhadap Goodwill Impairment test on Goodwill Nilai tercatat goodwill pada tanggal 31 Desember 2015 dan 2014 adalah sebagai berikut: Carrying amount of goodwill as at December 31, 2015 and 2014 are as follows: 31 DesemberDecember 31, 2014 Disajikan Kembali Catatan 4 2015 As Restated Note 4 Berasal dari akuisisi bisnis Arising from acquisition of oil and minyak dan gas: gas business: CGU - Saka Indonesia Pangkah Ltd. - 39.341.881 CGU - Saka Indonesia Pangkah Ltd. CGU - Saka Indonesia Pangkah LLC - 7.893.947 CGU - Saka Indonesia Pangkah LLC Berasal dari akuisisi bisnis lainnya 55.376 55.376 Arising from acquisition of other business Total 55.376 47.291.204 Ending balance Pengujian penurunan nilai atas goodwill dilakukan secara tahunan bersamaan dengan pengujian atas UPK dimana goodwill tersebut dialokasikan Catatan 15, dan ketika terdapat suatu indikasi bahwa nilai tercatat UPK tersebut mengalami penurunan. Goodwill is tested for impairment annually together with the CGU to which such goodwill was allocated Note 15, and when circumstances indicate that the CGU’s carrying value may be impaired.