Uji Toksisitas Kombinasi Dua Jenis Ekstrak

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Lepidoptera: Pyralidae [skripsi]. Bogor ID: Institut Pertanian Bogor. 60 4 GANGGUAN FISIOLOGI DAN BIOKIMIA Crocidolomia pavonana AKIBAT PENGARUH EKSTRAK Tephrosia vogelii DAN Piper aduncum Physiological And Biochemical Interferences of Crocidolomia pavonana Caused By Tephrosia vogelii and Piper aduncum Extracts Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh ekstrak campuran T. vogelii : P. aduncum 1:5 terhadap fisiologi C. pavonana, meliputi penghambatan makan, asimilasi makanan, dan aktivitas enzim sitokrom P450. Senyawa sekunder tanaman menjadi pembatas kesesuaian serangga dengan tanaman inangnya. Penghambatan makan merupakan salah satu bentuk pengaruh ekstrak campuran T. vogelii : P. aduncum 1:5 terhadap larva C. pavonana. Pada konsentrasi 0.06 atau setara dengan LC 95 penghambatan makan mencapai 94.82. Pengujian asimilasi makanan terhadap larva C. pavonana yang diberi perlakuan ekstrak campuran T. vogelii : P. aduncum 1:5 pada LC 25 dan LC 50 menunjukkan adanya gangguan pertumbuhan relatif. Gangguan ini disebabkan toksisitas intrinsik ekstrak campuran yang masuk ke dalam tubuh serangga. Selain gangguan pada pertumbuhan larva uji, juga terjadi peningkatan daya cerna serangga sebesar 11.11 sebagai bentuk adaptasi terhadap senyawa toksik tumbuhan. Larva C. pavonana juga melakukan detoksifikasi senyawa aktif dari P. aduncum. Hal ini tampak dari peningkatan aktivitas enzim oksidasi sitokrom b5 dan sitokrom P450 pada perlakuan in-vivo dan in-vitro jika dibandingkan dengan kontrol Kata kunci: asimilasi, antifeedant, enzim, oksidasi, sitokrom Abstract The aims of the study was to reveal the effect of extracts mixture of T. vogelii: P. aduncum 1:5 on the physiology of C. pavonana which include feeding inhibitory effect, the food assimilation, and the response of cytochrome P450 enzymes larvae of C. pavonana to P. aduncum extract through in-vitro and in-vivo test. Plant secondary compounds were known as limiting factor in suitability between herbivores and their host plant. Inhibition on feeding process is one form of a mixture of extracts of T. vogelii: P. aduncum 1:5 discrepancy against the larvae of C. pavonana. At a concentration of 0.06 or equivalent to LC 95 feeding inhibition reached 94.82. Assimilation food test to the larvae C. pavonana which was treated with mixture extract of T. vogelii: P. aduncum 1:5 at LC 25 and LC 50 indicated the relative growth disorders. This disorder is caused by the intrinsic toxicity of the extract mixture into the insects body. In addition to the disturbances in larval growth was also an increase in the C. pavonana digestibility around 11.11 as a form of adaptation to toxic plant compounds. The larvae of C. pavonana detoxify the active compounds of P. aduncum. It appeared from the increase in oxidative enzyme activity of cytochrome b5 and cytochrome P450 which raised in in-vivo and in-vitro treatments when compared to control. Keywords: antifeedant, assimilation, cytochrome, enzyme, oxidation

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