Ischaemum barbatum Retz. Observ. Bot. 6: 35. 1791.

dissimilar, exceeding apex of florets, firmer than fertile lemma. Lower glume elliptic, as long as spikelet, coriaceuous, 2-keeled, keeled above, keeled laterally; winged on keeled, broadly, above, 5-nerved; primary nerve scabrous, lateral nerve obscure, with cross nerve, surface convex, apex dentate, bifid. Upper glume lanceolate, as long as spikelet, coriaceous, 1-keeled, above, 5-nerved, primary nerve scabrous, apex acute. Florets: basal sterile florets male, with palea; lemma of lower sterile floret ovate, hyaline, acute; fertile lemma elliptic, hyaline, without keel; lemma apex lobed, bifid, awned, 1-awned; pricipal lemma awn from a sinus, straight, or geniculate, 1–10 mm long overall. Palea as long as lemma. Anthers 3, c. 2.5 mm long. Notes Found in Africa, China, Eastern Asia, India, Indo-China, and Malesia. Distribution at Sulawesi Central: Aboeki, Lasao, Koelawi, Paloe, Alt. 700 m. Southeast: Kesio, Lalolae, Alt. 275 m. Habitat Near the edge of a rice field, sunny places. Assosiated with Desmodium capitatum and Calopogonium mucunoides. Specimen examined Mehra 97 BO, Kjellberg 1166 BO, Posthumus 2359, 2370 BO.

51.2. Ischaemum barbatum Retz. Observ. Bot. 6: 35. 1791.

Andropogon lodicularis Nees Steud. Syn. Pl. Glumac. 1: 375. 1854. Andropogon meyenianus Nees Steud. Syn. Pl. Glumac. 1: 375. 1854. Ischaemum cylindricum Keng H.R. Zhao. Acta Bot. Yunnan 54: 346-348, pl. 2. 1983. Ischaemum goebelii Hack. Oesterr. Bot. Z. 515: 149. 1901. Plants perennial, erect, or ascending, stoloniferous. Culms 50-100 cm long, 1-3 mm thick, subterete, glabrous, hollow, branched intravaginal at base. Nodes glabrous; internodes 5-10 cm long, glabrous. Sheaths more or less longer than the internodes, hairy, persistent. Ligule 2-3 mm long with hairy on the adaxial side, a prominent membrane, deep merging with the auricles. Blades 8 – 14 cm long by 6 – 11 mm long, margin serulate, base cordate, apex acuminate, the surface scatered hair on both side. Inflorescence composed of racemes. Racemes 2, paired, 5-7 cm long, appressed back to back. Rachis fragile at the nodes, angular, ciliate on margins; internodes columnar, 4-5 mm long. Spikelets in pairs: fertile spikelet sessile, 1 in the cluster; companion sterile spikelets pedicelled, 1 in the cluster. Pedicels columnar, 1-2 mm long, ciliate. Fertile spikelets comprising 1 basal sterile florets, 1 fertile florets, without rachilla extension; oblong, 5-7 mm long, dorsally compressed, falling entire; callus square, glabrous, or pubescent; base truncate, inserted. Sterile spikelets: companion sterile spikelets well-developed, containing empty lemmas, or male, oblong, 6 mm long, asymmetrical, as long as fertile, separately deciduous; glumes chartaceous, winged on keels, muticuous; lemmas 2, enclosed by glumes. Glumes dissimilar, exceeding apex of florets, firmer than fertile lemma. Lower glume oblong, asymmetrical, as long as spikelet, coriaceous, much thinner above: 2-keeled, above, laterally, narrowly winged on keel; surface convex, muricate, rough on flanks; apex acute. Upper glume lanceolate, coriaceous, much thinner above, 1-keeled; margins ciliate, apex acuminate. Florets: basal sterile florets male, with palea; lemma lanceolate, 4.5 mm long, 0.8 times length of spikelet, membraneous, 3-nerved. Fertile lemma oblong, membraneous, no keel, 3-nerved; apex lobed, bifid, incised 0.8 of lemma length, 1- awned; principal awn from sinus, 10-15 mm, with twisted column. Palea as long as lemma. Notes Found in West tropical Africa, China, India, Indo-China, Malesia, and Australia. Herbs in 1 m deep water, stolononiferous on shallow water. Distribution at Sulawesi Central: Kolonedale between Tomata Bungku Mori and Kamba; Oeloeansa- Ndoro, Alt 50 m; Lake Lindu, Alt. 1000 m. South: Sidenreng-Rapang Pare-pare, weiland by de S. Karadjae, Alt. 75 m; Marada, kp. Amassing Kahoe-Bone, en DaoeE Liboerang-Bone; Surroundings of Matano Lake near Soroako, NE of Malili Luwu, 2 35’ S 121 20’ E; South Sulawesi, 2 15’ S; 121 25’ E; Nameless islets in SE corner of Lake Matano; Soroako, 2 15’- 3 S 121 – 121 45’ E; Tentena. Habitat Ultrabasic region, ultrabasic soil rock, schrubbery mainly of Pandanus, in secondary vegetation dominated by Gleichenia and Lycopodium cernuum. Specimen examined Eyma 4005, 3369, 360 BO; adj. Veearts Donggala 20 BO; Gouv. Veearts te Watampone 9 BO; Meijer 11067 BO; Balgooy 3740 BO; Hennipman 5756 BO; Hamzah 1 BO; Meijer Muchtar 11404 BO. 51.3. Ischaemum beccarii Hack. Monogr. Phan. 6: 247. 1889. Plants perennial, caespitose. Culms 40-70 cm long, wiry; lateral branches lacking. Ligule an eciliate membrane. Blades 10-16 cm by 2-4 mm, margin, base, apex attenuate, filiform, the surface glabrous. Inflorescence composed of racemes. Racemes 1, or 2, single, or paired, 4-6 cm long. Rachis fragile at the nodes, angular, ciliate on margins; internodes oblong, 4.5-5.5 mm long. Spikelets in pairs: fertile spikelets sessile, 1 in the cluster; companion sterile spikelets pedicelled, 1 in the cluster. Pedicels oblong, as long as internodes, ciliate. Fertile spikelets comprising 1 basal sterile florets, 1 fertile florets, without rachilla extension; elliptic, 5-6 mm long, dorsally compressed, falling entire; callus pilose, base truncate, inserted. Sterile spikelets: companion sterile spikelets well-developed, containing empty lemmas, linear, assymetrical, 3-5 mm long, laterally compressed, shorter than fertile, separately deciduous; glumes chartaceous, keeled, winged on keels; lemmas 1-awned, with 4 mm long awn. Glumes dissimilar, exceeding apex of florets, firmer than fertile lemma. Lower glume lanceolate, chartaceous, 2-keeled above, winged on keel; winged narrowly, near apex 4-nerved; lateral nerves obscure; surface flat, glabrous; apex dentate, bifid. Upper glume lanceolate, chartaceous, 1-keeled above, 3-nerved; apex acuminate. Florets: basal sterile florets male, with palea; lemma lanceolate, 4-5 mm long, hyaline. Fertile lemma oblong, 2 mm long, membraneous, no keel; apex lobed, bifid, incised 0.5 of lemma length, 1-awned; principal awn from a sinus, geniculate, 7- 8 mm long, with twisted column; column of lemma awn glabrous. Palea as long as lemma. Anthers 3, 2-2.5 mm long. Notes Found in Malesia. Distribution at Sulawesi Celebes. Habitat Specimen examined Manitik 72 WALL.

51.4. Ischaemum celebicum P. Jansen. Reinwardtia 22: 296, f. 10. 1953.