Schizachyrium fragile R. Br. A. Camus. Ann. Soc. Linn. Lyon 70:87. 1924.

South: Lasao, Alt. 100 m; Marada, Kp. Amassing Kahoe-Bone, DaoeE Liboerang-Bone. Habitat Specimen examined Kjellberg 1164, 1165 BO; leg. ign. 7 BO.

81.2. Schizachyrium fragile R. Br. A. Camus. Ann. Soc. Linn. Lyon 70:87. 1924.

Andropogon fragilis R. Br. Prodr. 202. 1810. Eulalia simplex Hosok. Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. Taiwan 28: 150. 1938. Schizachyrium obliquiberbe Hack A. Camus, Ann. Soc. Linn. Lyon, ser.2, 70:89. 1923. Plants annual, caespitose. Culms 25 cm long, less than 1 mm thick on Kjellberg 1165, erect, slender, hollow, branching intravaginal. Nodes glabrous; internodes up to 5 cm, glabrous. Sheaths 2 cm long, glabrous, keeled. Ligule less than 0.5 mm long, a ciliolate membrane. Blades 4 cm long by 3 mm long, flat, margin slightly serulate , base sligtly rounded, apex acuminate with hair on the tip, the surface on both side glabrous. Inflorescence composed of racemes, subtended by a spatheole, embraced at base by subtending leaf; spatheole linear, 5 cm long; racemes 1, single, 5 cm long; rachis fragile at the nodes, semiterete, siliate on margins, internodes linear, tip cupuliform, with simple rim; spikelets squeezed between internode and pedicel, in pairs, fertile spikelets sessile, 1 in cluster, companion sterile spikelets pedicelled, 1 in cluster; pedicels linear, ciliate; companion sterile spikelets represented by single glumes, lanceolate, 1.5 mm long, shorter than fertile, deciduous with the fertile, glumes chartaceous, awned, c. 3 mm long; fertile spikelets comprising 1 basal sterile florets, 1 fertile florets, without rachilla extension, lanceolate, laterally compressed, 6 mm long, as long as spikelet, chartaceous, 2-keeled, winged on keel, 3-nerved; lower glume intercarinal nerves obscure, surface pubescent, hairy below, margins ciliate, apex dentate, bifid; upper glume lanceolate, chartaceous, 1-keeled, winged on keel, 1- nerved, without lateral nerves; basal sterile florets barren, palea absent; lemma elliptic, 3 mm long, membrabeous, nerves absent, midvein absent, lateral nerves absent; fertile lemma elliptic, 3 mm long, hyaline, without keel, apex lobed, bifid, awned; principal lemma awn from a sinus, geniculate, 10 mm long, with twisted column; column of lemma awn 5 mm long, glabrous; palea absent; anthers 3, 1 mm long. Notes Found in China, Eastern Asia, Malesia, Australia, and Pasific. Distribution South: Lasao, Alt. 100 m; Enrekang, Alt. 500 m; Marada, kp. Amassing Kahoe- Bone, DaoeE Liboerang-Bone; Matano Lake, near Soroako. Habitat Opened area. Specimen examined Kjellberg 1165, 3723 BO; leg.ign 16 BO; Meijer Muchtar 11405 , 11422A, 11447 BO; Meijer 11435 BO.

81.3. Schizachyrium pseudeulalia Hosok. S.T. Blake. Proc. Roy. Soc. Queensland