TAXATION continued f. Tax audits

2016 Annual Report PT Bayan Resources Tbk PT BAYAN RESOURCES Tbk. DAN ENTITAS ANAKAND SUBSIDIARIES Lampiran 554 Schedule CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN KONSOLIDASIAN 31 DESEMBER 2016 DAN 2015 Dinyatakan dalam Dolar Amerika Serikat, kecuali dinyatakan lain NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 31 DECEMBER 2016 AND 2015 Expressed in United States Dollars, unless otherwise stated 9. PERPAJAKAN lanjutan

9. TAXATION continued f.

Audit pajak lanjutan f. Tax audits continued DJP mengajukan permohonan Peninjauan Kembali “PK” kepada Mahkamah Agung “MA” atas Putusan PP di tahun 2014 yang memenangkan Grup untuk tambahan PPh Badan untuk tahun pajak 2009 sebesar AS10.007.669. Namun sampai dengan tanggal laporan keuangan ini, PIK belum menerima putusan PK dari MA. Perusahaan berkeyakinan bahwa tidak akan ada dampak yang material terhadap laporan keuangan dan arus kas Grup mengingat keputusan terakhir yang memenangkan Grup. The DGT has applied for reconsideration of tax appeal decisions issued in 2014 in favour of the Group to the Supreme Court, in which the DGT claims additional Corporate Income Tax is due for the fiscal year 2009 amounting to US10,007,669. However, as at the date of these financial statements, the Group has not received any decision from the Supreme Court. The Company believes there will be no material impact on the Group’s financial position and cash flows, given the latest decision was in favour of the Group. Pada tanggal laporan keuangan ini, Perusahaan, WBM, FKP, TSA, FSP, GBPC, DPP, PIK dan IP sedang dalam proses audit oleh DJP atas berbagai jenis pajak untuk tahun 2012 dan 2015. Pada tanggal laporan ini, hasil audit tersebut belum diterima. Manajemen berpendapat bahwa hasil audit tersebut tidak akan memberikan dampak yang akan merugikan posisi keuangan dan arus kas Grup secara material. As at the date of these financial statements, the Company, WBM FKP, TSA, FSP, GBPC, DPP, PIK and IP are being audited by the DGT regarding various taxes for 2012 and 2015. As at the date of these financial statements, the audit results have not yet been received. Management is of the opinion that the results will not have a material adverse impact on the Group’s operations and cash flows. Selama tahun 2016, Grup telah menerima pengembalian pajak sebesar Rp502.703.357.147 setara dengan AS37.645.758 2015: AS142.472.354 atas PPN dan pajak lainnya untuk tahun pajak 2008, 2009, 2013 dan 2014. During 2016, the Group has received tax refunds amounting to Rp502,703,357,147 equivalent to US37,645,758 2015: US142,472,354 for VAT and other taxes for the fiscal years 2008, 2009, 2013 and 2014. g. Administrasi g. Administration