Hubungan Asupan Kalori dengan Metabolic Syndrome Responden Hubungan Asupan Lemak dengan Metabolic Syndrome Responden

14. Hubungan Asupan Lemak dengan Metabolic Syndrome Responden

asupan lemak kategorik sindrom metabolik Crosstabulation sindrom metabolik Total kasus no kasus asupan lemak kategorik lebih Count 13 3 16 within asupan lemak kategorik 81.2 18.8 100.0 normal Count 8 16 24 within asupan lemak kategorik 33.3 66.7 100.0 Total Count 21 19 40 within asupan lemak kategorik 52.5 47.5 100.0 Chi-Square Tests Value df Asymp. Sig. 2- sided Exact Sig. 2- sided Exact Sig. 1- sided Pearson Chi-Square 8.839 a 1 .003 Continuity Correction b 7.022 1 .008 Likelihood Ratio 9.357 1 .002 Fishers Exact Test .004 .003 Linear-by-Linear Association 8.618 1 .003 N of Valid Cases b 40 a. 0 cells .0 have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 7.60. b. Computed only for a 2x2 table Risk Estimate Value 95 Confidence Interval Lower Upper Odds Ratio for asupan lemak kategorik lebih normal 8.667 1.904 39.442 For cohort sindrom metabolik = kasus 2.438 1.321 4.499 For cohort sindrom metabolik = no kasus .281 .098 .811 N of Valid Cases 40

15. Hubungan Asupan Protein dengan Metabolic Syndrome Responden

asupan protein kategorik sindrom metabolik Crosstabulation sindrom metabolik Total kasus no kasus asupan protein kategorik lebih Count 10 3 13 within asupan protein kategorik 76.9 23.1 100.0 normal Count 11 16 27 within asupan protein kategorik 40.7 59.3 100.0 Total Count 21 19 40 within asupan protein kategorik 52.5 47.5 100.0 Chi-Square Tests Value df Asymp. Sig. 2- sided Exact Sig. 2- sided Exact Sig. 1- sided Pearson Chi-Square 4.607 a 1 .032 Continuity Correction b 3.270 1 .071 Likelihood Ratio 4.808 1 .028 Fishers Exact Test .046 .034 Linear-by-Linear Association 4.492 1 .034 N of Valid Cases b 40 a. 0 cells .0 have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 6.18. b. Computed only for a 2x2 table Risk Estimate Value 95 Confidence Interval Lower Upper Odds Ratio for asupan protein kategorik lebih normal 4.848 1.080 21.758 For cohort sindrom metabolik = kasus 1.888 1.096 3.252 For cohort sindrom metabolik = no kasus .389 .138 1.102 N of Valid Cases 40