Less Acceptable Description of the Expression Acceptability



A. Conclusion

Based on the findings and the discussions in Chapter IV, the conclusion of this research can be formulated as follows. 1. This research finds that there are two ways in which the techniques of adjustment are employed by the interpreter, which are: by using separated techniques and by using combined techniques. Firstly, by using separated techniques, there are three techniques, consisting of: additions, subtractions, and alterations. Here, additions is the technique most frequently employed by the interpreter, taking up 88 data or 49.44. Then, the subsequent one is alterations, taking up 34 data or 18.9. And then, the technique most infrequently employed by the interpreter is subtractions, taking up 17 data or 9.44. Secondly, by using combined techniques, there are four techniques, consisting of: additions + subtractions, additions + alterations, subtractions + alterations, and additions + subtractions + alterations. Here, additions + subtractions is the combined techniques most frequently employed by the interpreter, taking up 20 data or 11.11. The second one is additions + alterations, taking up 14 data or 7.78. Then, third one is additions + subtractions + alterations, taking up 4 data or 2.22. And then, the combined technique most infrequently employed by the interpreter is subtractions + alterations, taking up 2 data or 1.11. 2. In terms of the meaning accuracy, the interpreting using techniques of adjustment is generally considered less accurate, in which from 180 data, 92 data or 51.11 are considered less accurate; 87 data or 48.33 are considered accurate; and 1 datum or 0.56 is considered inaccurate. 3. In terms of the expression acceptability, the interpreting using techniques of adjustment is generally considered acceptable, in which from 180 data, 96 data or 53.33 are considered acceptable, 81 data or 45 are considered less acceptable, and 3 data or 1.67 are considered unacceptable.

B. Suggestions

Some suggestions are described after the researcher conducting the study. They are addressed as follows. 1. To all students who are interested to work as interpreters The researcher suggests all the students who are interested to work as interpreters to improve their listening skills, translating skills, and speaking skills. As interpreters, they need to master the languages they are going to deal with as well as possible since there is no time for them to open any dictionary while interpreting. It is suggested to interpret from the interpreters’ foreign languages into their mother languages since they speak best in their mother languages, especially for beginners. Before an interpreting activity occurs, it is needed for the interpreter to gain some information about the topic, the speaker, the listener, and the place or situation the interpreting activity will occur. It can make very tense if the interpreter deals with a very formal situation such as in conference or in broadcasting. 2. To the students of English Department, especially who have interest in translation and interpreting studies Since Interpreting is under the umbrella of Translation, the researcher suggests the students of English Department, especially who major in Translation Study Program, to learn and conduct research on interpreting. By learning more in interpreting, it can improve the students’ ability in many skills since it is a combination of many skills such as listening skill, skill to comprehend, to transfer source expression SE into target expression TE immediately, to reword or restructure, to speak and or even to use body language skill. 3. To other researchers It is suggested to other researchers to conduct research on interpreting since there are various problems which are interesting to be discussed. An interpreter is required to concentrate verily; and if she lost herhis concentration, the interpreting tends to be problematic. The problems can be seen from the modifications done by the interpreter such as addition, subtraction, or alteration. Another problem can also be seen from the meaning accuracy or the expression acceptability of the interpreting. While this researcher focuses on analyzing the techniques of adjustment employed by the interpreter, the further researchers can try other challenge focuses such as the ideology of the interpreting, wordplay, the figurative language, and many more. The further researchers can also try to analyze other