Identification of the Problem

same theme which was about health. In addition, this session has a lot of information about human brain in which the audience was explained how to rewire their brain by doing simple things such as playing music, reading, and learning something new in everyday life. Most importantly, this session is chosen as the object observed in this research since there are various deviations between the source text ST and the target text TT which are quite problematic. The very significant deviations are seen from the techniques of adjustment frequently used by the interpreter, including: additions, subtractions, and alterations. Here, the research concerns the analysis in the form of sentences since almost all the sentences in the source text ST were adjusted by the interpreter. Therefore, this research focuses on analyzing the techniques of adjustment occurring in the thirteenth session of Barbara O’Neil’s Seminar Kesehatan, entitled Rewiring the Brain and its Bahasa Indonesia interpretation by Dr. Reuben Supit.

D. Formulation of the Problem

Due to the ideas in the background of the problem above, the problems under concern can be formulated as follows. 1. What techniques of adjustment are employed by the interpreter? 2. What are the degrees of the meaning accuracy of the interpreting, which uses techniques of adjustment, produced by the interpreter in ONeills seminar entitled Rewiring the Brain? 3. What are the degrees of the expression acceptability of the interpreting, which uses techniques of adjustment, produced by the interpreter in ONeills seminar entitled Rewiring the Brain?

E. Objectives of the Study

In line with the problems in formulation of the problem, this research specifically aims at: 1. describing the techniques of adjustment employed by the interpreter; 2. describing the degrees of the meaning accuracy of the interpreting, which uses techniques of adjustment, produced by the interpreter in ONeills seminar entitled Rewiring the Brain; and 3. describing the degrees of the expression acceptability of the interpreting, which uses techniques of adjustment, produced by the interpreter in ONeills seminar entitled Rewiring the Brain.

F. Significance of the Study

This research offers some benefits, both theoretically and practically. It is expected that the result can be advantageous in the following types of significance.

1. Theoretical Significance

The result of this study is expected to give information and understanding in consecutive interpreting from English to Bahasa Indonesia. Furthermore, the finding of this research could increase the students’ interest in translation and interpreting research, especially in interpreting research since there are many problems that could be observed. This research shows that the interpreter tends to produce the expressions which are acceptable to the listener rather than to convey the very accurate meaning. It can be seen from the findings that the techniques of adjustment used by the interpreter are not only used separately such as additions, subtractions, and alterations but also in combinations such as additions + subtractions, additions + alterations, subtractions + alterations, and additions + subtractions + alterations. In fact, there are a few researchers who use interpreting as their research objects. Therefore, the result of this study is also expected to be a reference to the next relevant research.

2. Practical Significance

The result of this study is expected to give better understanding to English Language and literature students especially who major in translation in order to improve their ability in translation and especially in interpreting. It is a combination of many skills such as listening skills, skills to comprehend, to transfer source expression SE into target expression TE immediately, to reword or restructure, to speak and or even to use body language skills. Therefore, the result of this study is also expected to influence English and language students to improve every skill they have learned.