Research Instruments RESEARCH METHOD

Table 4. The Acceptability Assessment Scoring System adapted from Nababan, Nuraeni, and Sumardiono, 2012: 51 Translation Criterion Score Explanation Acceptable 3 The interpreting sounds natural; the technical terms used by the interpreter sound familiar to the listeners; the phrase, clause, or sentence used by the interpreter is in accordance with the rules of the target language TL. Less Acceptable 2 Generally, interpreting sounds natural; however, there are some grammatical mistakes. Unacceptable 1 The interpreting sounds unnatural or sounds as a translation; there are some unfamiliar technical terms; the phrase, clause, or sentence used by the interpreter is not in accordance with the rules of the target language TL. In Table 4, there are some acceptability parameters used as the guidelines for the respondents to evaluate the interpreting acceptability. Here, the acceptability is classified into three levels: acceptable score 3, less acceptable score 2, and unacceptable score 1.

D. Data Collection Technique

The data collection technique in this research consists of several steps as follows. 1. The researcher watched the video of the thirteenth topic of Barbara O’Neil’s Seminar Kesehatan entitled Rewiring the Brain. 2. The researcher transcribed all the conversation during the section including both the source text ST and the target text TT. 3. The researcher compared and identified every sentence or segment which uses techniques of adjustment including additions, subtractions, and alterations. 4. The researcher made the data coding in order to make an easy classification of the data. 5. There are two types of data that was collected by the researcher: the data collected from the data sources and the data collected from questionnaire which was distributed to the three respondents.

E. Data Analysis Technique

The technique of data analysis in this research consists of several steps as follows. 1. The researcher watched and listened to the video of the thirteenth topic of Barbara O’Neil’s Seminar Kesehatan entitled Rewiring the Brain. 2. The researcher compared and identified every single segment in the ST to every single segment in the TT. Next, they would be classified into several classifications including additions, subtractions, alterations, and combinations of them. 3. The researcher arranged the questionnaire containing the data from both ST and TT. 4. After analyzing the data, the researcher made the percentage of the data on each classification: in terms of the adjustment techniques, the accuracy, and the acceptability.

F. Trustworthiness of the Data and Data Analysis

For the sake of achieving the trustworthiness of the data and the data analysis, both of them must be checked to ensure that both the data and the data analysis are accurate. According to Moelong 2009: 327, there are four techniques to enhance trustworthiness. They are credibility, dependability, conformability, and transferability. Since this research about interpreting is not yet applied in some other similar situations, it is difficult to achieve the degree of transferability. Thus, this research aims at achieving only on three criteria, which are: credibility, dependability, and conformability. In order to achieve the credibility of the data, there are several strategies employed by the researcher. Firstly, it was needed to observe the data generally before it was analyzed specifically. Secondly, it was needed to listen to every speech carefully and repeatedly and then transcript it. Besides, this research employed some various dictionaries, including Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, Kamus Inggris- IndonesiaIndonesia-Inggris, and Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia KBBI to validate and confirm the data. Further, in order to achieve the degree of dependability, this research employed various theories to prove the quality of the data validation. These theories were collected from some books, journals, thesis, papers, and some articles from internet related to translation and interpreting theories. Lastly, in order to achieve the degree of conformability, the data and the analysis were reviewed by some experts in translation field. Some colleagues in English Language and Literature were asked to check and to review the data and analysis then to give corrections for some mistakes in this research and then to give suggestions. They are Imam Santoso, S.S.; Sovia Rahmawati, S.Pd; Deni Rikwanto, S.S.; and Sigit Wibisono, S.S.