Interpreting Definition Interpreting Classification

The clause „said he’ in the SE, which is equal to „He said’, is not translated in the TE since it is considered that repetition is not needed in the TE. The clause „Dia bilang’ in the TE, which means „He said’, is equally representing both clauses „He said’ and „said he’.

c. Alterations

In this research, alterations includes seven basic types: 1 categories, 2 word classess, 3 clause and sentence structures, 4 semantic problems involving single words, 5 semantic problems involving exocentric expressions. The example is presented as follows. SE: Beauty is only skin deep. TE: Jangan menilai seseorang hanya dari penampilannya saja [ Don’t judge people just from their appearance.] In the example above, the TE looks very different from the SE. The expression “beauty is only skin deep” in the SE is changed into “jangan menilai seseorang hanya dari penampilannya saja ” in the TE which in English means “don’t judge people just from their appearance.” Although both expressions look different, they have still the same purpose which is to show that a person’s character is more important than how they look.

7. Translation and Interpreting Quality Assessment

Considering that „interpreting’ is classified as a type of translation, in which its function is to transfer the message from Source Text ST into Target Text TT, the researcher aims to adapt the „Translation Quality Assessment’ TQA formulated by Nababan, Nuraeni, and Sumardiono 2012: 39-57. While such TQA includes three aspects accuracy, acceptability, and readability for assessing the translation quality, this research only uses two of the three aspects accuracy and acceptability, with some modifications. The readability aspect is not included here since it is considered less appropriate to be applied in interpreting assessment. The first principle aspect in translationinterpreting is the accuracy and the second one is the acceptability Nababan, Nuraeni, and Sumardiono, 2012: 52. In this research, both accuracy and acceptability aspects are employed in order to assess the quality of interpreting containing some techniques of adjustment, including additions, subtractions, and alterations. In this research, the term „accuracy’ is specified into „meaning accuracy’ and the term „acceptability’ is specified into „expression acceptability’. Both aspects are explained as follows.

a. Meaning Accuracy

In terms of meaning accuracy, translation or interpreting is categorized into three categories: accurate, less accurate, and inaccurate. 1 Accurate Firstly, translation or interpreting is considered accurate if the content of the message in the source language is accurately conveyed to the target language and there is no meaning distortion Nababan, Nuraeni, and Sumardiono, 2012: 50. For example, the expression “I want to meet Intan” is interpreted as “Aku mau bertemu kak Intan ”, the back translation is “I want to meet kak to address an older person Intan”. The addition „kak’ in the target expression TE, which does not exist in the source expression SE, is used to address an older person required