Additions Add Description of the Techniques

can get the idea that love is a significant feeling. Another example is presented as follows. Datum 095seg17231:02Add.3AB SE: What poisons the brain? TE: Apakah hal-hal yang merupakan racun otak? In the example above , the word „poisons’ is interpreted as „hal-hal yang merupakan racun ’ literary, „things that are constituted as a poison’ in the target expression. There are some lexical additions caused by the alteration of word classes, changing verb to noun, in which the verb „poisons’ in the source expression is changed to the noun „racun’ in target expression. The word „racun’ literary, „a poison’ does not correspond enough to the rules of the Bahasa Indonesia if it is interpreted separately as a noun in such interrogative form, in which the sentence will become “Aapakah racun otak?”, unless there are some lexical additions such as what shown in the example above. The last example of this type, additions required by grammatical restructuring, is presented as follows. Datum 101seg18833:13Add.3AA SE: Lifestyle tragedy cannot cause depression. TE: Pola hidup berupa tragedi itu tidak bisa menyebabkan kita tertekan batin . In the example above, the word „depression’ is interpreted as „kita tertekan batin ’ literary, „we depress’ in the target expression. There is a change from noun into verb, in which the word „depression’ is a noun and the phrase „tertekan batin’ literary, „depress’ is a verb. Consequently, the word „kita’ literary, „we’, as the subject for the verb, is added in the source expression so it becomes „kita tertekan batin’ literary, „we depress’. 3 Amplification from Implicit to Explicit Status It is the type of additions most frequently used by the interpreter in the seminar, taking up 28 data or 15.56. This type is used when there is an implicit meaning in the source language which would be misleading in the target language unless it becomes explicit by amplification in the target textexpression. The first example is presented as follows. Datum 016seg2103:24Add.4BA SE: Forced love is not love. TE: Cinta yang dipaksa itu bukan cinta yang murni. In this first example, the word „love’ is interpreted into the phrase „cinta yang murni ’ literary, „a pure love’ in the target expression. It can be seen that there are some lexical additions in the target expression which show the implicit meaning in the source language so it becomes explicit in the target language. The idea is that there are actually many levels of love, which depend on various situations, and some people may sometimes be forced to love and then they are able to love though they love in low quality because there may be some other feelings mixed so it means that their love are not pure. In order to gain a further explanation of this amplification type, the second example is presented as follows. Datum 119seg22338:42Add.4BA SE: The feelings make a bad boss. TE: Dan kalau kita bergantung pada perasaan, maka kita mempunyai boss yang kurang baik. Perasaan ini bukanlah bos yang baik. In the example above, it can be seen that, in the target expression, there is an additional sentence in the beginning which explain the next sentence. The expression “The feelings make a bad boss” may quite be misleading in Bahasa Indonesia since people in Indonesia always emphasize that when somebody does not have any feeling, it means that she or he is not a good person. To avoid such misleading perception, it is necessary to show the audience what the speaker actually means so the interpreter adds, in the target expression, the sentence “Dan kalau kita bergantung pada perasaan, maka kita mempunyai boss yang kurang baik ” literary, “And if we only use the feelings so that we have a less good boss” before the sentence “Perasaan ini bukanlah bos yang baik” literary, “This feeling is not a good boss”. In this case, the implicit meaning is that people are actually allowed to use their feelings but if they only use them, for example, to decide some logical and complicated cases, they will fail. The last example of this type, amplification from implicit to explicit status, is presented as follows. Datum 135seg27047:43Add.4AA SE: We need to be very careful who we ’re with. TE: Kita harus berhati-hati dengan siapa kita berteman. In this last example, the expression “who we’re with” is interpreted as “dengan siapa kita berteman” literary, “whom we make friends with”. The interpreter identifies the implicit meaning in the source expression by adding the word „berteman’ literary, „make friends’ in the target expression. This identification is based on the previous segment, saying: “Make no friendship with an angry man and a furious man..., ” which gives a clue that the expression “who we’re with” means “whom we make friends with.” 4 Connectives It is a type of additions in which the function is just to remark one unit to another unit. This type is separately employed by the interpreter in 15 data 8.33. The first example, which can be seen on datum 009seg1001:22Add.6BB, is shown as follows. The speaker : Notice, there are two lobes at the front of the brain The interpreter : Perhatikan bahwa di bagian depan ada dua lobus The interpreter : Medicine calls it the frontal lobe. The speaker : Dan ilmu kedokterannya menyebut itu adalah lobus frontalis. In the example above, the word „Dan’ literary, „And’, in the target expression, functions as a transitional between the certain segment and the previous one. Such transitional shows that the certain segment is still telling about the same subject as the previous segment was telling about, which is about the „two lobes at the front of the brain’. Here, such addition does not add information since the function is just to mark from one unit to another. The second example, which can be seen on datum 036seg4808:27Add.6AA, is presented as follows. The speaker : And I began to say lovely things to him again. The interpreter : Dan saya mulai mengatakan hal-hal yang baik lagi. The speaker : He started to poke me again. The interpreter : Lalu, dia mulai tusuk-tusuk saya lagi. In the example above, it can be seen that the function of the word „Lalu’ literary, „Then’ is, like what Nida 1664: 230 says, to orient the audience “constantly to the sequences of events.” Here, such addition does not add information. Then, the last example of this type, connective, which can be seen on datum 063seg9317:15Add.6AA, is presented as follows. The speaker : Caffeine causes a disruption of neurotransmitter. The interpreter: Dia membuat gangguan daripada neurotransmitter atau zat penghantar listrik syaraf. The speaker : Alcohol The interpreter : Demikian juga dengan alcohol In the example above, the function of the expression “Demikian juga dengan ” literary, “In the same way” is as a connective which connects such present segment to the previous one. In this context, such connective , “Demikian juga dengan ”, is used by the interpreter to show that „alcohol’ has the same effect as „caffeine’ in terms of causing a disruption of neurotransmitter. Based on this context, it can be known that the interpreter has already understood what the speaker wants to explain. This fact, that the interpreter has already understood what the speaker wants to explain, arise two possibilities: firstly, the interpreter has already knows the characteristics of both caffeine and alcohol so he is able to say that alcohol can, just like caffeine, causes a disruption of neurotransmitter, or secondly, there was a discussion between the speaker and interpreter about what materials the speaker wanted to say, including the similarity between alcohol and caffeine in terms of causing a disruption of neurotransmitter. 5 Doublet It is a type of additions in which the target text contains double expressions of one expression in the source text. This type is separately employed by the interpreter in 13 data 7.22. The first example, which can be seen on datum 031seg4307:53Add.7BB, is shown as follows. SE: So A1 I quickly turned my head A2 away. TE: Jadi maka A1 saya cepat-cepat mengalihkan saya punya wajah, kepala ini A2 . There are two cases in the example above. Firstly, both words „Jadi’ literary, „ThereforeSo’ and „maka’ literary, „ThereforeSo’ represent the same meaning in this context. Although the interpreter may aim to emphasize such segment by repeating such transitional, one transitional in the source expression „so’ becomes two in the target expression „jadi’ and „maka’, it does not correspond to the rules of the target language, Bahasa Indonesia. Therefore, it is better to use one of them , either the word „jadi’ or „maka’. Secondly, the phrase „my head’ in the source expression is interpreted as „saya punya wajah’ literary, „the face I have’ and „kepala ini’ literary, „this head’. Both expressions, „saya punya wajah’ and „kepala ini’, refer to the same meaning in the source expression which is „my face’. In this context, the use of two similar meaning words within the same sentence is not in accordance with the rules of the target language, Bahasa Indonesia. Besides, from both expressions, the expression „saya punya wajah’ literary, „the face I have’ has a closer meaning to the phrase „my face’ rather than the expression „kepala ini’ literary, „my head’ so it is better to use the expression „saya punya wajah’ without followed by the expression „kepala ini’. Another example is shown as follows. Datum 076seg12823:30Add.7BA SE: You can’t just get depression. TE: Anda tidak begitu saja tertekan batin atau depresi. In the example above, the meaning of expression „get depression’ is interpreted into two different expressions but the same meaning, which are „tertekan batin’ literary, „get depression’ and „depresi’ literary, „get depression ’. Actually, the verb phrase „tertekan batin’ is already able to represent the meaning of the source expression „get depression’, but the interpreter may intend to emphasize it by representing the word „depresi’ which is derived from the English word „depression’. Although the word „depresi’ in Bahasa Indonesia is actually a noun see KBBI, in this context it functions as a verb. The last example of this type, doublet, is represented as follows. Datum 115seg21437:49Add.7AB SE: Forgiveness is a choice. TE: Yaitu mengampuni. Mengampuni itu adalah suatu pilihan. The expression “Forgiveness is a choice” is interpreted in the target expression as “Yaitu mengampuni. Mengampuni itu adalah suatu pilihan” literary, “It is forgiveness. Forgiveness is a choice”. Here, the meaning of the word „forgiveness’ is represented twice in the target expression by the word „mengampuni’ literary, „forgiveness’. In this case, the interpreter may intend to emphasize the meaning of word „forgiveness’ by employing the word „mengampuni’ twice in the target expression which means „forgiveness’. 6 Combinations of Additions’ Types In 19 data or 10.56, the interpreter uses not only one type of additions but he also uses more than one type within the same sentence. The following example is a combination of connectives and obligatory specification. Datum 152seg30454:09Add.2Add.6AB SE: If we don’t use those brain cells, they B die. TE: Kalau kita tidak memakai akan sel-sel otak kita, maka A sel-sel otak kita B akan mati. In the example above, there are two types of additions. First, the interpreter adds the word „maka’ literary, „so’ in the target expression, functioning as connectives between the first and the second clause, which does not exist in the source expression. Second, the word „they’ in the source expression is interpreted as „sel-sel otak kita’ literary, „our brain cells’ which is more specific than the word „they’. The interpreter may consider that it would be misleading if he only interprets the word „they’ literary since the audience will not understand what the word they refers to. Therefore, it is obligatory to represent a more specific reference of the word „they’, which refers to „the brain cells’. Another example is a combination of additions required by grammatical restructuring and amplification from implicit to explicit status which is represented as follows. Datum 104seg19434:24Add.3Add.4AA SE: And that law A states whatever you give out, you shall receive again B . TE: Dan di dalam hukum itu A mengatakan apa yang anda beri itu yang akan kembali kepada anda B . There are two types of additions in the example above. First, the phrase „that law’ is interpreted in Bahasa Indonesia as „di dalam hukum itu’ literary, „in that law ’. Here, it can be seen that there is a preposition, „di dalam’ literary, „in’, added in the target expression which does not exist in the source expression. This addition may be considered by the interpreter that there is an implicit meaning in the expression of „that law states’ in which what really states is not the law but the former who made such law. Therefore, the interpreter tries to show what implicit in the source expression so it becomes explicit in the target expression by amplifying the phrase „that law’ becoming „di dalam hukum itu’ literary, „in that law’ in the target expression. Secondly, there is an addition required by grammatical restructuring in which the clause “you shall receive again” is interpreted in Bahasa Indonesia as “itu yang akan kembali kepada anda” literary, “that shall come back to you”. Since the source expression which uses an active voice is changed into a passive voice in the target expression, in which there is no word functioning as an object in the source expression, it is obligatory to add the words functioning as the object of the predicate „shall receive’, in which the object must refer to the expression of “whatever you give out”. In this case, the interpreter uses the word „itu’ literary, „that’ which refers to the expression of “whatever you give out”. Then, the last example of additions is a combination of amplification from implicit to explicit status and connectives which is represented as follows. Datum 125seg24141:42Add.4Add.6BB SE: But when we choose to love, the feelings B follow. TE: Tetapi kalau kita memutuskan untuk mencintai, maka akhirnya A perasaan-perasaan yang enak B akan mengikuti. In this last example, there are two types of additions employed by interpreter. First, there is a connective „maka akhirnya’ literary, „so then’ added in the target expression. It connects the first clause “But when we choose to love” to the second clause “the feelings follow”. It may be considered by the interpreter that the interpreting will be more communicative by adding such connective between such two clauses. Secondly, the phrase „the feelings’ is interpreted into Bahasa Indonesia as „perasaan-perasaan yang enak’ literary, „the lovely feelings’. It can be seen that the adjective „yang enak’ literary, „the lovely’ which does not exist in the source expression is added in the target expression. Here, the interpreter aims to show what implicit in the source expression so then it becomes explicit in the target expression. The reason why he can say that the feelings are good is that because the word „the feelings’ is related to the word „love’ in the expression of “when we choose to love” so the meaning connection would be “when we choose to love, the lovely feelings follow”

b. Subtractions Sub

Subtractions is the technique most infrequently used separately by the interpreter in the seminar, taking up 17 data or 9.44. This research found that the interpreter employs four types of subtractions, plus some combinations of subtractions ’ types. They are: 1 repetitions, 2 specification of reference, 3 transitionals, 4 formulae, plus some combinations of such types. The explanations of those types are presented as follows. 1 Repetitions It is a type of subtraction in which the translatorinterpreter omits some repeated semantic elements, including words, phrases, or clauses, occurring in the source textexpression so there is no repetition in the target expression. It is the opposite of additions’ doublet. Since the speaker does not frequently repeat what she has said in the same sentence, there are no many repetitions the interpreter can omits. The interpreter use s this subtractions’ type separately in 3 data or 1.67. To gain more detail explanation about this type, repetitions, an example is presented as follows. Datum 030seg4207:44Sub.1BA SE: He started to push me, he started to poke me, and hurtful little bit. TE: Dia mulai dorong-dorong saya, dan mulai sakit. In the example above, the speaker uses two similar clause s, “He started to push me” and “he started to poke me,” in which the interpreter regards this phenomenon as a repetition. Both clauses have similar meaning in which the subject „he’ who is a baby uses his hand to push and to poke the subject „me’ who is the speaker , and then the effect of both activities is that the subject „me’ feels hurtful little bit. Besides, the interpreter may consider that the verb „push’ is a general form of the verb „poke’. Consequently, the expression “He started to push me, he started to poke me…” is interpreted in the target expression as “Dia mulai dorong- dorong saya…” literary, “He started to push me…”. Here, the clause “he started to poke me” is omitted by the interpreter. Another example is presented as follows. Datum 073seg12322:23Sub.1AB SE: What I’d like to do now is I’d like to look at the laws that govern the brain and their relationship to the frontal lobe. TE: Pada saat sekarang ini saya ingin untuk memperlihatkan apakah hubungan daripada hokum-hukum yang mengatur akan pemikiran dan hubungannya kepada otak bagian depan. In the example above, the expression “What I’d like to do now is I’d like to …” is interpreted as “Pada saat sekarang ini saya ingin untuk…” literary, Now I’d like to…. The expression of “I’d like to” is repeated by the speaker and then the interpreter omits such repetition so the interpreting would become more efficient. Then, the last example of this subtractions’ type is presented as follows. Datum 137seg27247:58Sub.1AB SE: Cause it A1 …cause it A2 is molding our brain. TE: Karena itu A sedang membentuk akan pikiran otak kita. In this example, the expression “cause it” is repeated by the speaker in which the interpreter considers that it is better to omit such repeated expression so the sentence would be more efficient. Besides, the interpreter may regard such repetition as the process of thinking or organizing ideas by the speaker. Therefore, the expression “Cause it… cause it….” is interpreted in target expression as “Karena itu…” literary, “Cause it...”. 2 Specification of Reference It is a type of subtractions in which the translatorinterpreter omits some references existing in the source textexpression so they would be more implicit in the target textexpression. In the seminar, the interpreter uses this type of subtractions separately in 3 sentences or 1.67 of the data. The explanations are presented by the following examples. Datum 027seg3706:38Sub.2AA SE: I ’ll give you an example of what happen with me and my little grandson. TE: Saya ingin memberikan suatu ilustrasi apa yang terjadi kepada saya dengan cucu laki-laku saya. In this example, the expression “I’ll give you an example...” is interpreted as “Saya ingin memberikan suatu ilustrasi…” literary, “I’ll give an example…”. It can be seen that the participant „you’, existing in the source expression, does not exist in the target expression. In the context of the seminar, the participant „you’ refers to the audience so to omits such participant does not make the expression misleading since it is clear enough to whom the example will give, who is to the audience. Another example is presented as follows. Datum 035seg4708:22Sub.2BA SE: And I began to say lovely things to him again. TE: Dan saya mulai mengatakan hal-hal yang baik lagi. In this example, the expression “…to say lovely things to him again” is interpreted in Bahasa Indonesia as “…mengatakan hal-hal yang baik lagi” literary, “…to say lovely things again”. Here, the context is about the speaker and her grandson, who is only ten months old. Since the participant “him” was mentioned by the speaker several times in the previous segments, the interpreter omits such participant, in this segment, who refers to the baby in which it is clear enough to whom the lovely things would be said, who is to the baby. In this case, to omit such participant is optional since the context is clear enough and is not misleading. 3 Transitionals It is a subtractions ’ type in which the translatorinterpreter omits some transitional words in the source textexpression. The function of transitionals is just “to mark a translation [or interpreting] from one unit to another” Nida, 1964: 232. In the seminar, the interpreter does not frequently use this type which is only found separately in 2 data or 1.11. The first example is presented as follows. Datum 103seg19334:14Sub.4AA SE: Now, this is more than the nice saying, this is divine law. TE: Ini bukan hanya kata-kata manis saja, ini adalah hukum ilahi. In this example, the word „now’ functions as a transitional which does not give any significant contribution to the content of message. Therefore, it is