Data Collection Technique RESEARCH METHOD

theories were collected from some books, journals, thesis, papers, and some articles from internet related to translation and interpreting theories. Lastly, in order to achieve the degree of conformability, the data and the analysis were reviewed by some experts in translation field. Some colleagues in English Language and Literature were asked to check and to review the data and analysis then to give corrections for some mistakes in this research and then to give suggestions. They are Imam Santoso, S.S.; Sovia Rahmawati, S.Pd; Deni Rikwanto, S.S.; and Sigit Wibisono, S.S. 65


A. Findings

1. The Techniques of Adjustment Used by the Interpreter

This research found there are three original techniques of adjustment which are employed by the interpreter in the seminar; they are additions, subtractions, and alterations; these techniques are found in 180 data. In employing such techniques of adjustment, the techniques are employed in two ways. Firstly, the interpreter uses only one technique within a sentence or expression. Secondly, the interpreter combines some techniques, in which their combinations can be classified into four techniques, including: 1 additions + subtractions, 2 additions + alterations, 3 subtractions + alterations, and 4 additions + subtractions + alterations. Based on both ways separated and combined, the techniques of adjustment employed by the interpreter can be classified into seven techniques, as shown in Table 5. Table 5. Frequency and Percentage of the Techniques of Adjustment Employed by the Interpreter No. Ways Techniques of Adjustment Frequency Percentage 1 Sepa - rat ed 1. Additions 89 49.44 2. Subtractions 17 9.44 3. Alterations 34 18.9 2 C om bined 1. Additions + Subtractions 20 11.11 2. Additions + Alterations 14 7.78 3. Subtractions + Alterations 2 1.11 4. Additions + Subtractions + Alterations 4 2.22 TOTAL 180 100