Subtractions Techniques of Adjustment

T he transition „therefore’ in the SE is omitted in the TE. Although there is no transition in the TE, it still has equal meaning to the SE. 5 Categories Although some translators think that it is necessary to translate all categories from the STSE into the TTTE, not all categories are suitable to be translated Nida, 1964: 232. Therefore, some of them must be omitted to make the TTTE more natural. The example is presented as follows. SE: I am walking now. TE: Saya sedang berjalan. [I am walking.] The word „now’ in the SE is omitted in the TE since the sentence „saya sedang berjalan ’ „I am walking’ has already represented that the subject „I’ is walking „now’. In this case, the TE still has equal meaning to the TE even without translating the word „now’. 6 Vocatives Although every language has their own way to call people, in some languages there is no way to call someone in a polite form. Therefore, some items in the STTE which have no equal meaning in the TTTE must be omitted. This type of subtractions is the opposite of the „categories of the receptor language’, one out of nine types of additions’. The example is presented as follows. SE: Aku mau bertemu kak Intan. [I want to meet kak to address an older person Intan] TE: I want to meet Intan. While in the SE, it is required to use some proper name such as „kak’ to address an older person even in if the context is in a children conversation. In other hand, the TE does not require any proper name to address an older person if the context is in children conversation such as the conversation between a twelve year old boygirl and a fourteen year old boygirl. 7 Formulae Some formulae in the SE may not be employed in the TE since it is already clear enough without using formulae. The example is presented as follows. SE: “… in His name” TE: “… oleh-Nya” [“… by Him”] The word „name’ in the SE is not translated in the TE. The pronoun „Nya’ in the TE, which in English means „Him’, equally represents the phrase „his name’ since the word „Nya’ uses first capital letter which refers to God.

c. Alterations

Alterations can occur in various types of texts or situations. It can occur in simplest elements such as alteration by different sounds to the most complicated elements such as alterations by different idiomatic expressions. Besides, some types of additions can actually be classified as structural alterations Nida, 1964: 227. If some additions can be classified as structural alterations, it means that subtractions can also be classified as structural alterations since, if it is compared, both additions and subtractions seem as an opposing pair. Consequently, there may be some similar combinations of additions or subtractions in alterations. 1 Sounds While translating, if there is a unique object, the adjustment is by changing the sound and still remaining such character of the object Nida, 1964: 233. It is considered to be the smallest form of alterations. The example is presented as follows. SE: Voltage v ɒl.tɪdʒ TE: Voltase v ɒl.tʌ.sə In the example above, both words „voltage’ and „voltase’ have different sounds but still represent similar characteristics. In this research, this type of alterations is not included for analysis since the focus of this research is in the level of sentence. 2 Categories Alteration of categories is caused by several conditions, such as shift from singular to plural, past tense to future, and active voice to passive. The example is presented as follows. SE: If you let the vine do whatever wants it goes everywhere. TE: Kalau tanaman rambat itu tidak dikendalikan maka ia akan merayap ke segala penjuru. [If the vine is not controlled, it will go everywhere] There is a change from active voice to passive in which the clause „If you let the vine do whatever wants’ in the SE, which is an active voice, is changed into the clause „Kalau tanaman rambat itu tidak dikendalikan’ „If the vine is not controlled’ in the TE, which is a passive voice. Although there is a change from active voice to passive, the meaning is still equal. 3 Word Classes It occurs when there are some changes of word classes, such as shifts from noun to verb, verb to adverb, etc. The example is presented as follows. SE: He gave mankind choice. TE: Dia memberikan kepada manusia kemampuan untuk bisa memilih. [He gave mankind the ability to choose] The word „choice’ in the SE is changed into the phrase „kemampuan untuk bisa memilih ’ which in English means „the ability to choose’. The change or shift is from word to phrase. Although the form is changed, the meaning is still the same. 4 Order There are many situations in which the order of words is not too vital actually Nida, 1964: 235. However, it can be important if the purpose is to produce a natural translation or interpreting Nida, 1964: 235. The example is presented as follows. SE: There are, however, some mistakes you do not know. TE: Akan tetapi, ada banyak kesalahan yang kamu tidak tahu. [However, there are some mistakes you do not know.] In the example above, the adverb „however’ in the SE or „akan tetapi’ in the TE have different positions. In the SE, the adverb is placed in the middle of the sentence; while in the TE, the adverb is placed in the beginning of the sentence. In this research this type of alteration is not included for analysis since it considered to be not significant in changing the meaning which means that it is commonly used in interpreting. 5 Clause and Sentence Structures There are at least two conditions in which a translator or interpreter is allowed to do some alterations. Those two conditions are as follows. a Shift from Question to Statement Here, the alteration can be from question to statement or vice versa. The example is presented as follows. SE: Can you sing me a love song? TE: Aku ingin kamu menyanyikan aku sebuah lagu cinta. [I want you to sing me a love song] The SE is a question indicated by the words „Can you’, in the first sentence, in which the speaker’s purpose is to ask, for example, a singer to sing a love song. In this case, the speaker actually knows that the person she asks is able to sing so the question is categories as a request. Since the translator or interpreter knows that the speaker’s purpose is actually to request, the question form in the SE is changed into a statement form in the TE. Clearly, the words „Can you’ in the SE is changed into „Aku ingin kamu’ which in English means „I want you to’. b Change Indirect Discourse to Direct Here, the alteration can be from indirect discourse or vice versa. The example is presented as follows.