Alterations Alt Description of the Techniques

2 Clause and Sentence Structure It is a type of alterations in which there are shifts from hypotactic to paratactic formations, shifts from questions to statements, changes from indirect discourse to direct, or vice versa. This research found that, from 180 data, this type is used by the interpreter in 4 data or 2.22. The first example is presented as follows. Datum 029seg4007:19Alt.3AA SE: And I asked if I could feed the baby. TE: Jadi saya bertanya, “Bagaimana kalau saya lah yang memberi susu? ” [So, I asked , “What if I am giving the milk?”] In this example, the source expression is a declarative sentence, whereas the target expression is an interrogative sentence. There is a shift from a statement to a question. Besides, there is a change from indirect discourse to direct in which the source expression uses an indirect discourse, whereas the target expression uses direct discourse. Another example is presented as follows. Datum 077seg13023:50Alt.3BB SE: What’s my next question? TE: Jadi, pertanyaan saya yang berikut adalah. [So, my next question is.] While the first example shows the shift from a statement to a question, this second example shows vice versa. Here, the source expression is an interrogative sentence indicated by the word „what’ in the beginning of the sentence, whereas the target expression is a declarative sentence. The shift is from a question to a statement. Another similar example is shown as follows. Datum 145seg28850:55Alt.3BB SE: Can you play a musical instrument? TE: Belajar me..musik, alat music..instrumen. [Learning, musical instrument.] Similar to the second example, the third example also shows the shift a question to a statement in which the source expression is an interrogative sentence indicated by the modal „can’ in the beginning of the sentence, whereas the target expression is a declarative sentence. 3 Semantic Problems Involving Single Words It is a type of alterations in which there is a shift within word hierarchical ranks, whether from a lower hierarchical rank sometimes plus qualifiers to a higher hierarchical rank or vice versa. This type also uses descriptive equivalents as “deliberate attempts to produce satisfactory equivalents for objects, events, attributes, and relationals for which no regular term exist in the receptor language” Nida, 1964: 237. This research found that the interpreter frequently uses this type of alterations enough, in which from 180 data, it takes up 15 data or 8.33. The first example is shown as follows. Datum 015seg1902:56Alt.4AA SE: He did a wonderful thing when He gave mankind a choice. TE: Dia memberikan sesuatu yang indah kepada manusia ketika Dia memberikan kepadanya kemampuan untuk bisa memilih. In this example, th e word „choice’ is interpreted in Bahasa Indonesia as „kemampuan untuk bisa memilih’ literary, „the ability of choosing’. This case is quite problematic since there is no corresponding word for the word „choice’ which means „an act of choosing’ in Bahasa Indonesia. Accordingly, the interpreter uses a descriptive equivalent to produce a satisfactory equivalent for the word „choice’ in which it is described in Bahasa Indonesia as „kemampuan untuk bisa memilih ’ literary, „the ability of choosing’. Although „the ability of choosing’ is slightly different from „an act of choosing’, both meanings are essentially the same in which the meaning of „the ability’ can, in this case, be described as „the physical or mental power needed to act’. Another example is presented as follows. Datum 151seg30253:46Alt.4AB SE: In that way, we can rewire our brain. TE: Dengan demikian maka kita bisa mengganti lagi akan corak daripada otak kita. In this example, the word „rewire’ is interpreted in Bahasa Indonesia as „mengganti lagi akan corak’ literary, „to regenerate the motif’. Similar to the first example, the problem here is that there is no existing word in Bahasa Indonesia which corresponds to the word „rewire’. The term „rewire’ is usually used in engineering in which, based on Cambridg e Learner’s Dictionary, it means “to put a new system of electric wires into a building or machine.” Although there is a correlation between this definition and the context in terms of „to put a new system’, it is different in terms of „electric wires’ which is putted into „a building or machine’. In other hand, Nate Kornell 2011 gives a definition of the term „to rewire you brain’ in an article on „Psychology Today’, entitled „It “Rewires Your Brain ?” Think Again’. In this article, he says that if your brain is rewired, it means that “connections between neurons in your brain are changing.” In other words, „to rewire’ means „to change the neurons’. It may quite correspond to what the speaker says in some previous segments. She says that “our brain has the ability to grow a new dendrite till a day we die” and then “extra dendrites on the cells we have can compensate for the loss of other cells. ” Based on what she defines, it can be said that „to rewire’ means „to regenerate the cells’. In this case, the interpreter tries to describe the term „rewire’ by the term „mengganti lagi akan corak’ literary, „to regenerate the motif’. Although the meanings of the terms „to regenerate the cells’ and „to regenerate the motif’ are not totally the same, at least, that is the way the interpreter conveys the meaning of the term „rewire’. The last example of alterations in terms of semantic problems involving single words is presented as follows. Datum 154seg30754:46Alt.4BB SE: So what’s the wonderful shrinking scenario? TE: Jadi, bagaimanakah kalau dia mengecil tetapi baik? In this last example, the expression “…what’s the wonderful shrinking scenario ” is interpreted in Bahasa Indonesia as “…bagaimanakah kalau dia mengecil tetapi baik ” literary, “…what if it shrinks but it is good”. Here, it can be seen that the interpreter uses the word „kalau’ literary, „if’ to replace the word „scenario’ in which both words represent the same idea in terms of possibilities. Consequently, he replaces the phrase “the wonderful shrinking scenario” with the description “kalau dia mengecil tetapi baik” literary, “if it shrinks but it is good ”. Actually, the word „scenario’ can efficiently be represented in Bahasa Indonesia by, for example, using the word „contoh’ literary, „example’ or the word „ilustrasi’ literary, „illustration’. For example, the phrase “the wonderful shrinking scenario ” can be represented in Bahasa Indonesia as the phrase “contoh pengecilan yang sangat bagus ” literary, “the wonderful shrinking example”, and likewise the word „ilustrasi’ literary, „illustration’. It can be seen in this example that source expression is in a phrase and the target expression is in a phrase too. However, since the time for the interpreter analyzing is limited, he may do not yet found any efficient expression representing the expression „the wonderful shrinking scenario’ so he may consider that it is better to make a description of such phrase. 4 Semantic Problems Involving Exocentric Expressions In this type, an alteration is chosen to convey an exocentric expression in which the form of the source expression can be very different from the form of the target expression. This type is commonly used in rendering some idiomatic expressions in which every language has their own way to idiomatically express the same idea. This type is the alterations’ type most frequently used separately by the interpreter in which, from 180 data, it takes up 15 data or 8.33. The first example of this type is presented as follows. Datum 034seg4608:12Alt.5AB SE: I got my head away A1 for one minute, and then I turned it back A2 . TE: Saya tidak mau tengok kepadanya A1 selama satu menit, baru saya kembali melihat A2 . In this example, the expressions “I got my head away…” and “…I turned it back ” are interpreted in Bahasa Indonesia as “Saya tidak mau tengok kepadanya …” literary, “I don’t want to look at him” and “…saya kembali melihat ” literary, “I see again”. Here, it can be seen that both the source expressions and the target expressions are quite different in the form, but the ideas are the same. Another example is shown as follows. Datum 108seg20435:52Alt.5AB SE: Our role is to walk away and leave it with God A . TE: Peran kita adalah tinggalkan dan biarlah Tuhan yang menghukum dia A . In this second example, the expression “…leave it with God” is interpreted as “…biarlah Tuhan yang menghukumnya” literary, “let God punishes himher”. The expression “…leave it with God” can be misleading if it is literary rendered to the target expression since it is not clearly stated whether God will do something good or bad to „it’. To avoid such ambiguity, the interpreter changes the point of view of the source expression in which the change shows what God will do to „it’. Here, the interpreter shows, in their interpreting, that God will punish „herhim’. The question may arise then is that how the interpreter can know what God will do and how the word „it’ can be changed to the word „herhim’. Accordingly, it is needed to understand the context so it can be known what God will do to „it’ in which the context is that if somebody is hurt by somebody else, it is said that it is better not to punish herhim but to walk away and to leave „it’ with God. From here, it can be known that what the pronoun „it’ means here is everything which makes hurt in which everybody believes that God will do to people the same as what people do to others. The last example of alterations in terms of semantic problems involving exocentric expression is presented as follows. Datum 178seg35163:11Alt.5AB SE: Would enable you to have a brain that gets smarter with age. TE: Akan menye… menghasilkan bagi anda sekalian suatu otak yang semakin tua, semakin cerdas . In this last example, the expression “…gets smarter with age” is interpreted in Bahasa Indonesia as “…semakin tua, semakin cerdas” literary, “…getting older, getting smarter”. Here, it can be seen that both the source and the target expressions have some similar elements such as the word „smarter’ and the word „age’, but it is different in the way both languages express. If the source expression is literary rendered to the target expression, it would seem unnatural. 5 Combination of Alterations’ Types There is a moment in which to employ only one type of alterations, within a sentence, is not enough. In the seminar, it is found that from 180 data, the interpreter once uses a combination of alterations’ types, or 0.55. The combination here is between clause and sentence structure and semantic problems involving single words which are shown in the following example. Datum 003seg300:29Alt.3Alt.4BB SE: Tonight we’re going to A be going to headquarters B , which is the brain. TE: Pada malam hari ini marilah kita A mengunjungi akan pusat, kantor pusat kita B yaitu otak. First, in terms of clause and sentence structure, the expression “…we’re going to…” is interpreted as “…marilah kita…” literary, “…let us…”. This alteration is actually optional since there is another expression in Bahasa Indonesia which can be used, without changing the structure, such as an expression “…kita akan…” literary, “…wer’re going to…”. The reason why the interpreter employs this alterations’ type is because he may consider that it is important to use the expression “…marilah kita…” literary, “…let us…” in the seminar to make the message more communicative in which the audience would feel invited by this way. Second, in terms of semantic problems involving single words, the phrase „headquarters’ is interpreted in Bahasa Indonesia as „pusat, kantor pusat kita’ literary, „the main, our main offices’. Here, it can be seen that the interpreter have a difficulty to interpret the word „headquarters’ in which, according to Cambridge Advance Learners Dictionary , it means “the main offices of an organization such as the army, police or a business company .” d. Additions + Subtractions Add+Sub There are some conditions in which the interpreter employs two techniques within a sentence. Here, the interpreter uses additions and subtractions within a sentence in which, from 180 data, this combination is found in 20 data or 11.11. The first example of this combination, which can be seen on datum 062seg9116:49Add.4Sub.2BB, is presented as follows. SE: Caffeine A causes a disruption of neurotransmitter B . TE: Dia A membuat gangguan daripada neurotransmitter atau zat penghantar listrik syaraf B . In this example, the interpreter firstly employs subtractions and secondly employs additions. Firstly, in terms of subtractions, the word „caffeine’ is interpreted in Bahasa Indonesia as „dia’ literary, „it’. Here, it can be seen that the interpreter makes the subject „caffeine’ more implicit by using the pronoun „dia’ literary, „it’ in Bahasa Indonesia for the subject „caffeine’ in the source expression. Secondly, in terms of additions, the term „neurotransmitter’ is interpreted as „neurotransmitter atau zat penghantar listrik syaraf’ literary, „neurotransmitter or the substance carrying electricity to the nerves’. It can be seen that the addition here is in terms of amplification from implicit to explicit status in which the audience would not understand what means by the terms „neurotransmitter’ unless it is explicated by adding the definition of such terms in detail. Another example of additions + subtractions, which can be seen on datum 064seg9717:36Add.4Sub.4AA, is presented as follows. SE: And A when the brain cell dies, it’s gone B . TE: Kalau sel syaraf itu mati, sudah tidak ada lagi penggantinya B . In this example, the interpreter firstly employs subtractions and then followed by additions. Firstly, while the subtraction employed in the first example is in terms of specification of reference, in this example the subtraction is in terms of transitional. Here, the transitional „and’ in the source expression is omitted in the target expression. The interpreter may consider that to omit such transitional is allowed since the function of transitionals is just to mark one segment or sentence to another. Secondly, similar to the first example, the addition here is in terms of amplification from implicit to explicit status. It can be seen that the expression “…it’s gone” is interpreted in Bahasa Indonesia as “…sudah tidak ada lagi penggantinya ” literary, “…there’s not anymore substitution for it”. In the target text, it is explicated that if the brain cell dies, it is gone, which means that there is not anymore substitution for that brain cell. The last example of additions + subtractions, which can be seen on datum 158seg31756:48Add.7Sub.3AB, is presented as follows. SE: One is faith A1 and B one is fear A2 . TE: Yang satu adalah iman, percaya A1 , yang satu adalah ketakutan, gusar, kuatir A2 . In this example, the interpreter firstly employs additions and secondly subtractions. Firstly, the additions here are in terms of doublet in which one word in the source expression is rendered twice or more in the target expression. It can be seen fro m the word „faith’ which is rendered in the target expression as „iman, percaya ’ literary, „faith, belief’. It can also be seen from the word „fear’ which rendered in the target expression as „ketakutan, gusar, kuatir’ literary, „fear, angry, worried ’. Here, the word „gusar’ literary, „angry’ is included as doublet because it is considered as one of expressions while people feel fear or worried. Secondly, in terms of subtractions, the word „and’, functioning as a conjunction, in the source expression is omitted in the target expression. The interpreter may consider that such conjunction here is not too important since the function is to connect one unit to another. Also, some additions may make the interpreter omit such conjunction to avoid producing a too long expression. e. Additions + Alterations Add+Alt While the previous combination is between additions and subtractions, the combination here is between additions and alterations. It is found that from 180 data, the interpreter uses it in 14 data or 7.78. There are various conditions requiring the interpreter to do such combinations which are severally shown in the following examples. In this example, which can be seen on datum 065seg9817:44Add.2 Alt.1AB, the combination is between an alteration in terms of „categories’ and an addition in terms of obligatory specification. The example and the explanation are presented as follows. SE: It does not A regenerate B . TE: Dia tidak akan A menghasilkan dirinya kembali B . Firstly, the alteration in terms of categories can be seen from the source expression “It does not…” which is rendered in the target expression as “Dia tidak akan …” literary, “It will not…”. The change is from present tense to future in which the source expression uses present tense but the target expression uses future tense. Secondly, the addition in terms of obligatory specification can be seen from the word „regenerate’ which is rendered in Bahasa Indonesia as „menghasilkan dirinya kembali’ literary, „regenerate itself’. The word „dirinya’ literary, „itself’ is added in the target expression to make it more explicit. Another example, which can be seen on datum 005seg500:46Add.4 Alt.2AB, is presenting a combination of an alteration in terms of word classes and an addition in terms of amplification from implicit to explicit status. The example and the explanations are presented as follows. SE: And on the other hand, if the body is not working well A , infects the brain. TE: Dan juga sebaliknya, kalau tubuh itu tidak baik pekerjaannya A maka ia akan B mempengaruhi otak. Firstly, the alteration in terms of word classes can be seen from the source expression “…not working well…” which rendered in the target expression as “…tidak baik pekerjaannya…” literary, “…not good in its work”. The English