The Meaning Accuracy of the Interpreting

In Figure 7, it shows how significant the techniques of adjustment are in influencing the acceptability levels. It shows that most of additions, subtractions, alterations, and additions + subtractions + alterations are considered acceptable; while most of alterations, additions + subtractions, and additions + alterations are considered less acceptable.

B. Discussion

In this part, based on the problem formulated in the first chapter, the discussions are classified into three main sections. The first section is the description of the adjustment techniques used by the interpreter. Then, the second section is the description of the meaning accuracy of the interpreting. And then, the last section is the description of the expression acceptability of the interpreting. 10 20 30 40 50 Add Sub Alt Add + Sub Add + Alt Sub + Alt Add + Sub + Alt 50 14 16 7 5 1 3 39 2 18 12 8 1 1 1 1 1 Acceptable Less Acceptable Unacceptable Figure 7. The Adjustment Techniques’ Effect on the Acceptability Levels

1. Description of the Techniques

This section discusses the techniques of adjustment employed by the interpreter in Barbara O’Neil’s seminar entitled Rewiring the Brain. There are seven techniques employed by the interpreter, consisting of three separated techniques, including 1 additions, 2 subtractions, and 3 alterations, and then four combined techniques, including 1 additions + subtractions, 2 .additions + alterations, 3 subtractions + alterations, and 4 additions + subtractions + alterations. Those seven techniques are discussed as follows.

a. Additions Add

Additions is the technique most frequently used by the interpreter in the seminar, taking up 89 data or 49.44. This research found that the interpreter employs five types of additions, plus some combinations of additions’ types. They are: 1 obligatory specifications, 2 additions required by grammatical restructuring, 3 amplification from implicit to explicit status, 4 connectives, and 5 doublet, plus some combinations of such types. The explanations of those types are presented as follows. 1 Obligatory Specification It is a types of additions in which the purpose is to avoid ambiguity in the target language formations and to avoid misleading reference Nida, 1964: 228. By specifying some references, it is hoped the audience will be able to understand the message the speaker conveyed. During the seminar, the interpreter uses this type of additions separately 7 times or 3.89. The first examples are presented as follows. Datum 059seg89A16:31Add.2AA SE: It causes this blood sugar levels drop. TE: Gula putih akan menyebabkan anjloknya gula darah. In the example above, the word „it’ in the source expression is interpreted as „gula putih’ literally, „sugar’ in the target expression. The decision of specifying such word is because the audience may not understand what „it’ refers to if it is interpreted literary. In this case, to specify the word „it’ is an obligation. Another example is presented as follows. Datum 139seg27748:45Add.2AB SE: And these are the receiving stations. TE: Dan ini adalah stasiun-stasiun penerima rangsangan. In the second example above, to make a clearer description of the main message of the source expression and to avoid ambiguity in the target expression, the phrase „the receiving stations’ is interpreted as „stasiun-stasiun penerima rangsangan ’ literally, „the signal receiving stations’. The word „rangsangan’ literally, „signal’ is added in the source expression since it may not be clear enough what the stations is actually receiving if such term is not added. Here, to add such term in order to specify an unclear term in the source expression is considered obligatory. The last example of this type, obligatory specification, is presented as follows. Datum 142seg28450:27Add.2AA SE: How do we develop a new one? TE: Bagaimana kita bisa mempunyai dendrit baru?