Meaning Accuracy Translation and Interpreting Quality Assessment

rules of the target language Nababan, Nuraeni, and Sumardiono, 2012: 51. For example, the expression “The use of monosodium glutamate endangers the human brain” is interpreted as “Penggunaan penyedap rasa pada makanan secara berlebihan bisa membahayakan otak manusia ”, the back translation is “The use of taste stimulus for foods overly can endanger the human brain”. Although there are some alterations and additions in the target expression TE, the interpreting sounds natural and there is no unfamiliar term in the target expression. Furthermore, according to Nababan, Nuraeni, and Sumardiono 2012: 51, the assessment score for this category, acceptable, is 3 three. 2 Less Acceptable Secondly, translation or interpreting is considered less acceptable if the translation or interpreting generally sounds natural but there are some grammatical mistakes Nababan, Nuraeni, and Sumardiono, 2012: 51. For example, the expression “what causes a chemical imbalance” is interpreted as “apa yang menyebabkan ketidak seimbangan daripada zat kimia”. In this example, the interpreting sounds less natural. Such expression will sound natural if it is interpreted as “apa penyebab dari ketidak seimbangan zat kimia”. Furthermore, according to Nababan, Nuraeni, and Sumardiono 2012: 51, the assessment score for this category, less accurate, is 2 two. 3 Unacceptable Lastly, translation or interpreting is considered unacceptable if the translation or interpreting sounds unnatural or sounds as a translation or interpreting; there are some unfamiliar technical terms; the phrase, clause, or sentence used by the translator or interpreter is not in accordance with the rules of the target language Nababan, Nuraeni, and Sumardiono, 2012: 51. For example, the expression “I receive no message” is interpreted as “Saya menerima tak ada pesan ”. In this example, the interpreting is categorized unacceptable since it sounds unnatural in which the target expression still uses the grammatical structure of the source language which does not correspond to the grammatical structure of the target language. Such expression will sound natural if it is interpreted as “Saya tidak menerima pesan apa pun”. Furthermore, according to Nababan, Nuraeni, and Sumardiono 2012:51, the assessment score for this category, unacceptable, is 1 one.

8. Analytical Construct

To show the structures of ideas and to describe the way this research analyzes the phenomenon, the analytical construct was shown in Figure 4. Figure 4. Analytical Construct Meaning Accuracy: - Accurate - Less Accurate - Inaccurate Expression Acceptability: