Additions + Alterations Add+Alt

target expression which does not exist in the source expression. Then, in terms of amplification from implicit to explicit status, the addition can be seen on the source expression “…between legal and illegal” which is rendered in the target expression as “…mana obat yang legal dan mana yang illegal” literary, “…which medicine is legal and which one is illegal”. The word „obat’ literary, „medicine’ in the target expression is the semantic element which does not exist in the source expression in which the existence of such word makes the target expression more explicit. Furthermore, the addition of the word „obat’ literary, „medicine’ requires some other elements to be added, as the compensation of the word „between’, such as the following expressions “…mana…yang…” literary, “…which…is…” and the expression “…mana yang…” literary, “…which one is …” Secondly, the alteration in terms of word classes can be seen on the source expression “…the body doesn’t know the difference…” which is rendered in the target expression as “…tubuh itu tidak bisa bedakan” literary, “…the body cannot differentiate ”. The shift is from noun to verb in which the English word „difference’ is a noun and the Indonesian word „bedakan’ literary, „differentiate’ is a verb. Furthermore, this shift from noun to verb, consequently, requires other grammatical change in which the English expression “doesn’t know” is changed into the Indonesian expression “tidak bisa” literary, “cannot”. f. Subtractions + Alterations Sub+Alt While the two previous combinations are the combination of additions and subtractions and then the combination of additions and alterations, the combination here is between subtractions and alterations. This research finds out that from 180 data, the interpreter only uses this combination twice or 1.11. The combination here is between a subtraction in terms of transitional and an alteration in terms of categories. The first example is from datum 032seg4408:00Sub.4Alt.1AA, presented as follows. SE: Now A , what does that baby want B ? TE: Apakah yang diinginkan oleh bayi itu B ? Firstly, the subtraction in terms of transitional can be seen from the transitional word „now’ which exists in the source expression but does not exist in the target expression. Since the function of a transitional word is just to mark one segment or sentence to another, to omit such transitional words is considered not too problematic. Secondly, the alteration in terms of categories can be seen from the source expression “what does that baby want” which is rendered in the target expression as “apakah yang diinginkan oleh bayi itu” literary, “what is wanted by that baby ”. The shift here is from active voice to passive in which the source expression uses an active voice but the target expression uses a passive voice. Another example is from datum 044seg58B10:00Sub.4Alt.1BB, presented as follows. SE: And A if you let the vine do whatever it wants B , it goes everywhere. TE: Kalau tidak dikendalikan B maka dia akan merayap ke segala penjuru. Firstly, the subtraction in terms of transitional can be seen from the transitional word „and’ which exists in the source expression but does not exist in the target expression. The same as what occurs in the first example, to omit such transitional word here is considered not too problematic since the function is to remark one segment or sentence to another. Secondly, the alteration in terms of categories can be seen from the source expression “if you let the vine do whatever it wants” which is rendered in the target expression as “Kalau tidak dikendalikan” literary, “if it is not controlled”. The shift here is from active voice to passive in which the source expression uses an active voice and the target expression uses a passive voice. g. Additions + Subtractions + Alterations Add+Sub+Alt While the three previous types of combinations are between two techniques, in this section, the combination is between three techniques including additions, subtractions, and alterations. This research finds out that from 180 data, this combination is used by the interpreter in 4 data or 2.22. There are some conditions requiring the interpreter to do such combination which are severally shown in the following examples. The first example is from datum 098seg17931:49Add.6Sub.2Alt.3BA, in which the combination is between an addition in terms of connectives, a subtraction in terms of specification of reference, and an alteration in terms of clause and sentence structure. The example and the explanations are presented as follows. SE: He told me B , “I took a whole year to conquer them.” C TE: Dan A dia mengatakan B bahwa satu tahun lamanya baru bisa sembuh . C Firstly, the addition in terms of connectives can be seen from the Indonesian connective word „Dan’ literary, „And’ in the beginning of the target expression which does not exist in the source expression. The function of such connective word here is just to mark one segment or sentence to another so it is allowed to simply add it if needed. Secondly, the subtraction in terms of specification of reference can be seen from the source expression “he told me” which is rendered in the target expression as “dia mengatakan” literary, “he told”. Since it is considered clear enough to whom the subject „he’ would tell about, the interpreter omit the object participant „me’ which exist in the source expression so the target expression becomes more implicit. Lastly, the alteration in terms of clause and sentence structure can be seen from the source expression “He told me, „I took a whole year to conquer them’” which is rendered in the target expression as “Dan dia mengatakan bahwa satu tahun lamanya baru bisa sembuh ” Literary, “And he told that one year is the period of recovering ”. The change is from direct discourse to indirect in which the source expression uses a direct discourse but the target expression uses indirect discourse. Another example is from datum 128seg25444:13Add.6Sub.2Sub.4 Alt.5BA, in which the combination is between subtractions in terms of transitionals and specification of reference, an alteration in terms of semantic problems involving exocentric expressions, and an addition in terms of connectives. The example and the explanations are presented as follows.