Focus of the Research

interpreting research, especially in interpreting research since there are many problems that could be observed. This research shows that the interpreter tends to produce the expressions which are acceptable to the listener rather than to convey the very accurate meaning. It can be seen from the findings that the techniques of adjustment used by the interpreter are not only used separately such as additions, subtractions, and alterations but also in combinations such as additions + subtractions, additions + alterations, subtractions + alterations, and additions + subtractions + alterations. In fact, there are a few researchers who use interpreting as their research objects. Therefore, the result of this study is also expected to be a reference to the next relevant research.

2. Practical Significance

The result of this study is expected to give better understanding to English Language and literature students especially who major in translation in order to improve their ability in translation and especially in interpreting. It is a combination of many skills such as listening skills, skills to comprehend, to transfer source expression SE into target expression TE immediately, to reword or restructure, to speak and or even to use body language skills. Therefore, the result of this study is also expected to influence English and language students to improve every skill they have learned. 9


A. Theoretical Review

In this section, there are various explanations which are formulated in several topics. Firstly, it explains translation in general. Secondly, it explains interpreting as a form of translation in which it is the type of the data source. Thirdly, it explains equivalence in translation as the basic orientation in translation. Fourthly, it explains the „Techniques of Adjustment’ as the techniques in which the researcher focuses on. Fifthly, it reviews some translation and interpreting quality assessments. Sixthly, it briefly shows some information about the seminar. Lastly, it reviews some related studies.

1. Translation

The activity of translations has been used since ancient times by humans for communication, from one to each other who have different languages. The condition of having difficulties to understand each other ’s languages is considered to be the cause of humans doing translation activities as the alternatives. The idea about translation could refer to wide senses since one person’s perspective may be different from other person’s perspectives in order to see translation, whether they are from experts in such field or not. Therefore, to gain deeper explanations and better understanding about translation, what must be known first is to know the notion of translation and then the types of translation as follows.