Formal Equivalence FE Dynamic Equivalence DE

produce semantically equivalent structures; 4 provide equivalence stylistic appropriateness; and 4 carry an equivalent communication load ” Nida, 1964: 226. In addition to those three techniques, footnotes is included by Nida as another technique of adjustment in which it has two main functions: “1 To correct linguistic and cultural differences ” and “2 To add additional information about the historical and cultural context of the text in question” Molina and Hurtado Albir, 2002: 502. While additions, subtractions, alterations tend to be used in DE translation, footnotes tends to be used in FE translation. Considering that this research deals with interpreting, the further explanation does not explain footnotes since it is only used in written translation but additions, subtractions, and alterations.

a. Additions

According to Nida 1964: 227, there are at least nine types which are considered to be the most common and important types of additions. They include the following types: 1 filling out elliptical expressions, 2 obligatory specification, 3 additions required by grammatical restructuring, 4 amplification from implicit to explicit status, 5 answer to rhetorical questions, 6 classifiers, 7 connectives, 8 categories of the receptor language, and 9 doublets. Some of these techniques are “a part of the process of structural alteration” so it is important to notice that one technique cannot totally be separated from another Nida, 1964: 227. 1 Filling Out Elliptical Expressions According to Nida 1964: 227, although ellipsis is a common phenomenon occurring in all languages, the particular structures which allow for omitting some words are not always the same from language to language. Therefore, while an elliptical expression is required in one language, “an ellipsis may not be permitted in another ” Nida, 1964: 227. The example is presented as follows. SE: She is more beautiful than I. TE: Dia lebih cantik daripada aku yang cantik. [She is more beautiful than I am beautiful.] The Subject „I’ in the SE is transferred into „aku yang cantik’ in the TE which means „I am beautiful’. There is an addition „yang cantik’ „am beautiful’ in the TE which do not exist in the SE. The use of the word „I’ indicates that it is an elliptical expression in which the use of the word „I’ instead of „me’ indicates that the subject „I’ is actually beautiful but the subject „she’ is more beautiful. 2 Obligatory Specification There are two reasons why it is required to add some specifications: a to avoid ambiguity in the target language formations and b „to avoid misleading reference ’ Nida, 1964: 228. The first example is the addition in order to avoid ambiguity in the target language. Here is an example as follows.