The Expression Acceptability of the Interpreting

Datum 059seg89A16:31Add.2AA SE: It causes this blood sugar levels drop. TE: Gula putih akan menyebabkan anjloknya gula darah. In the example above, the word „it’ in the source expression is interpreted as „gula putih’ literally, „sugar’ in the target expression. The decision of specifying such word is because the audience may not understand what „it’ refers to if it is interpreted literary. In this case, to specify the word „it’ is an obligation. Another example is presented as follows. Datum 139seg27748:45Add.2AB SE: And these are the receiving stations. TE: Dan ini adalah stasiun-stasiun penerima rangsangan. In the second example above, to make a clearer description of the main message of the source expression and to avoid ambiguity in the target expression, the phrase „the receiving stations’ is interpreted as „stasiun-stasiun penerima rangsangan ’ literally, „the signal receiving stations’. The word „rangsangan’ literally, „signal’ is added in the source expression since it may not be clear enough what the stations is actually receiving if such term is not added. Here, to add such term in order to specify an unclear term in the source expression is considered obligatory. The last example of this type, obligatory specification, is presented as follows. Datum 142seg28450:27Add.2AA SE: How do we develop a new one? TE: Bagaimana kita bisa mempunyai dendrit baru? In the example above, the phrase „a new one’ in the source expression is interpreted as „dendrit baru’ literary, „a new dendrite’ in the target expression. This addition aims at producing a clear reference of such unclear reference in the source expression. The word „one’ is still misleading unless it is shown what it refers to, in which it refers to „dendrite’. 2 Additions Required by Grammatical Restructuring It is a type of additions in which the translatorinterpreter is required to add some words, phrases, or even clauses when there are some grammatical changed such as shifts of voice, modification from indirect to direct discourse, and alteration of word classes. The example is presented as follows. Datum 017seg2203:31Add.3BB SE: Love is a choice. TE: Cinta itu adalah karena memang memilihnya. In the example above, the phrase „a choice’ is interpreted as „karena memang memilihnya ’ literary, „indeed because of choosing it’. Here, it can be seen that there are some lexical additions in the target expression caused by alteration of word classes; the word „choice’ which is a noun is changed to the word „memilih’ literary, „choose’ which is a verb. Although the expression “Love is a choice” can indeed be interpreted literary to the target expression, in which it would become “Cinta adalah sebuah pilihan” literary, “Love is a choice ”, the interpreter may want to emphasize that love is not mere a choice, which seems insignificant, but because somebody does choose it so the audience