Background of the Problem

Since the speaker is an Australian, she tends to use Australian English rather than British or American English. For people who do not familiar with Australian English, it might be a problem since it is a little bit different from British or American English. It could be different whether in vocabularies or pronunciation. Another problem is on the limited time. While on the stage, the interpreter should interpret immediately what the ST speaker had said. Consequently, he did not have enough time to correct his translation for the best quality because while interpreting, to keep silence is not too expected since it shows that the interpreter fails to interpret so it is better, for some reasons, to say something although it will lose some messages. Therefore, there would be some additions, subtractions or alterations of information in the TT and it becomes more problematic when the ST speaker changed his speech ’s rate suddenly. The speaker, like other people, often changed her speech ’s rate anytime in which she could speak slowly or quickly suddenly. While the ST speaker was speaking slowly, it could help the interpreter easily comprehend since there would be many clear spelling. It could help the interpreter produce a good interpreting. However, while the ST speaker was speaking quickly, some words or expressions may be not heard clearly. If the interpreter was unfamiliar with the concept of the topic, it would be problematic since he would not be able to predict any unfamiliar term. It would be more problematic if the topic of the discussion was aimed at a specific topic. In this seminar, Seminar Kesehatan Seminar of Health, there are sixteen sessions which were all discussing about health. It means that there would be some medical terms mentioned by the ST speaker and it would be problematic if the interpreter never heard about the terms. Also, he must know the meaning and understand the working systems of some medical or even chemical terms. Most importantly, the interpreting in this seminar seems problematic since the interpreter often modifies the source expressions while interpreting by adding, subtracting, and altering the message. These modifications are properly found in Nida’s techniques of adjustment. It is susceptible for the content of the messages to be distorted if they are added, subtracted, or altered. Accordingly, it is significant to conduct a research of the Techniques of Adjustment in Barbara ONeills Seminar Entitled Rewiring the Brain and its Bahasa Indonesia Interpreting by Reuben Supit . Besides, the interpreting qualities in this seminar are found problematic.

C. Focus of the Research

From sixteen sessions in Barbara O’Neil’s Seminar Kesehatan held in September 3-8, 2012, this research focuses on the thirteenth session entitled Rewiring the Brain. The researcher chooses this session since it does not have too long or too short duration of presentation. It has sixty four minutes duration which is expected to be able to represent the whole interpreter’s performances during the seminar in which all of the sixteen sessions in this seminar used the same speaker named Barbara O’Neil, the same interpreter named Dr. Reuben Supit, and the same theme which was about health. In addition, this session has a lot of information about human brain in which the audience was explained how to rewire their brain by doing simple things such as playing music, reading, and learning something new in everyday life. Most importantly, this session is chosen as the object observed in this research since there are various deviations between the source text ST and the target text TT which are quite problematic. The very significant deviations are seen from the techniques of adjustment frequently used by the interpreter, including: additions, subtractions, and alterations. Here, the research concerns the analysis in the form of sentences since almost all the sentences in the source text ST were adjusted by the interpreter. Therefore, this research focuses on analyzing the techniques of adjustment occurring in the thirteenth session of Barbara O’Neil’s Seminar Kesehatan, entitled Rewiring the Brain and its Bahasa Indonesia interpretation by Dr. Reuben Supit.

D. Formulation of the Problem

Due to the ideas in the background of the problem above, the problems under concern can be formulated as follows. 1. What techniques of adjustment are employed by the interpreter? 2. What are the degrees of the meaning accuracy of the interpreting, which uses techniques of adjustment, produced by the interpreter in ONeills seminar entitled Rewiring the Brain?