Additions + Subtractions + Alterations Add+Sub+Alt

2. Description of the Meaning Accuracy

While the previous section is dealing with the techniques of adjustment employed by the interpreter, this section is dealing with the meaning accuracy of the interpreting produced by the interpreter using such techniques. In assessing the accuracy, this research involves three respondents in which the first respondent is an English Education graduate and then the second and third respondents are English Language and Literature graduates majoring in Translation. Then, the accuracy is classified into three levels accurate, less accurate, and inaccurate based on each score. The interpreting is considered accurate if the average of the scores given by the respondents is between the ranges of 2.56-3.00, less accurate is between the ranges of 1.56-2.50, and inaccurate is between the ranges of 1.00- 1.50. From 180 data, 88 data or 48.89 are considered accurate, 91 data or 50.56 are considered less accurate, and 1 datum or 0.55 is considered inaccurate. The analysis is as follows.

a. Accurate

This research discovers that there are 87 data or 48.33 considered accurate. The interpreting is considered accurate if the content of the message in the source language is accurately conveyed to the target language without meaning distortion. The first example, from datum 001seg100:13Add.4AA, is presented as follows. SE: Welcome to this evening lecture TE: Selamat berjumpa kembali di acara ceramah pada malam hari ini In this example, there are some amplifications in the word „welcome’ and the word „lecture’ but the interpreting still considered accurate. It is considered accurate with the mean score 2.67 two point six seven for the accuracy, in which the first and third respondents consider it accurate scores 3 but the second respondent considers it less accurate score 2. Here, though the word „welcome’ in the source expression is amplified in the target expression as „selamat berjumpa kembali ’ literary, „welcome back’, it is considered accurate, by the first and third respondents, since this lecture entitled „rewiring the brain’ is the thirteenth of the sixteen sessions in the seminar which means that this meeting is not the first meeting so the interpreter uses the expression „selamat berjumpa kembali’ literary, „welcome back’ rather than „selamat berjumpa’ literary, „welcome’. Then, the word „lecture’ in the source expression is amplified as „acara ceramah’ literary, „lecture program’. It is considered accurate since this addition does not distort the meaning. In addition, in terms of acceptability, the interpreting is considered acceptable, in which the three respondents all consider it acceptable scores 3. Another example, from datum 073seg12322:23Sub.1AB, is presented as follows. SE: What I’d like to do now is I’d like to look at the laws that govern the brain and their relationship to the frontal lobe. TE: Pada saat sekarang ini saya ingin untuk memperlihatkan apakah hubungan daripada hukum-hukum yang mengatur akan pemikiran dan hubungannya kepada otak bagian depan. In this example, the expression “What I’d like to do now is I’d like to…” in the source expression is interpreted in the target expression as “Pada saat sekarang ini saya ingin untuk …” literary, “Now I’d like to…”. Here, the interpreting is considered accurate with the mean score is 2.67 two point six seven in which both first and second respondents consider it accurate scores 3 while the third respondent considers it less accurate score 2. Though the third respondent considers it less accurate, in which the expression “What I’d like to…I’d like to…” is subtracted as “…saya ingin untuk…” literary, “…I’d like to…” and the word „now’ is interpreted as „pada saat sekarang ini’ instead of „sekarang’, the first and second respondents consider it accurate since there is no meaning distortion in the target expression. Though it is considered accurate, in terms of acceptability it is considered less acceptable with the mean score 2.33 two point three three for the acceptability, in which the second respondent considers it acceptable score 3 but the first and second respondents consider it less acceptable score 2. The last example, from datum 034seg4608:12Alt.5AB, is presented as follows. SE: I got my head away A1 for one minute, and then I turned it back A2 . TE: Saya tidak mau tengok kepadanya A1 selama satu menit, baru saya kembali melihat A2 . In this example, the expression “I got my head away…” is interpreted as “Saya tidak mau tengok kepadanya…” and the expression “…I turned it back” is interpreted as “…saya kembali melihat.” Here, the interpreting is considered accurate in which the three respondents all consider it accurate score 3. It is considered accurate since there is no meaning distortion in the target text though the forms are different. Though in terms of accuracy it is considered accurate, in terms of acceptability it is considered less acceptable with the mean score 2.33 two point three three, in which the second respondent considers it acceptable score 3 but the first and third respondents consider it less acceptable score 2.

b. Less Accurate

This research discovers that there are 92 data or 51.11 considered less accurate. The interpreting is considered less accurate if most of the content of the message in the source language is accurately conveyed into the target language but there are some meaning distortions, meaning additions, or meaning omissions. The first example, from datum 121seg23039:50Add.7BB, is presented as follows. SE: Seventy times seven. TE: Tujuh puluh kali tujuh kali. [Seventy times seven times.] In this example, the word “times” in the source expression is doubly interpreted in the target expression. Here, the interpreting is considered less accurate since the mean score is 2.33 two point three three for the accuracy, in which the first and second respondents consider it accurate scores 3 but the third respondent considers it inaccurate score 1. The third respondent considers it inaccurate since the word „seven’ will be accurately interpreted as „tujuh’ literary, „seven’, not „tujuh kali’ literary, „seven times’. In addition, it is also considered less acceptable with the mean score 2.33 two point three three, in