Subtractions Sub Description of the Techniques

Datum 035seg4708:22Sub.2BA SE: And I began to say lovely things to him again. TE: Dan saya mulai mengatakan hal-hal yang baik lagi. In this example, the expression “…to say lovely things to him again” is interpreted in Bahasa Indonesia as “…mengatakan hal-hal yang baik lagi” literary, “…to say lovely things again”. Here, the context is about the speaker and her grandson, who is only ten months old. Since the participant “him” was mentioned by the speaker several times in the previous segments, the interpreter omits such participant, in this segment, who refers to the baby in which it is clear enough to whom the lovely things would be said, who is to the baby. In this case, to omit such participant is optional since the context is clear enough and is not misleading. 3 Transitionals It is a subtractions ’ type in which the translatorinterpreter omits some transitional words in the source textexpression. The function of transitionals is just “to mark a translation [or interpreting] from one unit to another” Nida, 1964: 232. In the seminar, the interpreter does not frequently use this type which is only found separately in 2 data or 1.11. The first example is presented as follows. Datum 103seg19334:14Sub.4AA SE: Now, this is more than the nice saying, this is divine law. TE: Ini bukan hanya kata-kata manis saja, ini adalah hukum ilahi. In this example, the word „now’ functions as a transitional which does not give any significant contribution to the content of message. Therefore, it is optional whether the interpreter wants to include it in the target expression or not since it is clear enough to the audience. Another example is presented as follows. Datum 180seg354B63:41Sub.4AA SE: And thank you for the attention of all viewers all across Indonesia. TE: Terimakasih kepada jutaan permirsa yang ada di seluruh Indonesia. Similarly, the word „and’ functions as a transitional which just marks one segment to the previous one so it is optional whether the interpreter wants to include it in the target expression or not. If the interpreter wants to interpret the source expression faithfully, it is better to include such transitional, but if he does not do so, it does not distort the meaning content. 4 Formulae It is a type of subtractions in which the translatorinterpreter subtracts some elements existing in the source expression so then they do not exist in the target expression. While the additions’ amplification changes some features from implicit to the explicit status, the subtractions’ formulae changes from explicit to implicit status. From 180 data, the interpreter uses this type separately in 7 data or 3.89. The example is presented as follows. Datum 008seg901:14Sub.6AA SE: Notice, there are two lobes at the front of the brain TE: Perhatikan bahwa di bagian depan ada dua lobus In this example, the expression “…at the front of the brain” is interpreted the target expression as “…di bagian depan…” literary, “…at the front…”. Here, it can be seen that the target expression does not contain any correspond meaning of the phrase „the brain’, which means that it is omitted by the interpreter. The reason why he does such thing may clearly be explained by the following figure. Based on the context illustrated in figure 8, although the interpreter omits the phrase of „the brain’, he may consider that it would not be misleading since he simultaneously make a gesture by positioning his hands at the front of his forehead, where the brain especially, the frontal lobe takes place, to represent the meaning of the word „the brain’. Another example, which can be seen in datum 150seg29953:13Sub.6BA, is presented as follows. Figure 8. The Interpreting Activity in Segment 9 Notice, there are two lobes at the front of the brain Perhatikan bahwa di bagian depan ada dua lobus [Notice that at the front there are two lobes] SE: And, decide to be thankful, they can make a new pathway. TE: Maka, mereka bisa membuat jalur yang baru. In the example above, the expression „decide to be thankful’ is omitted by the interpreter. He may consider that such expression was mentioned by the speaker in the previous segment so to omit such expression in this segment, it is considered not misleading. 5 Combinations of Subtractions’ Types In the seminar, the interpreter infrequently employs more than one type of subtractions within then same sentence or segment. It can be seen that from 180 data, only 2 data or 1.11 which are considered employing more than one type of subtractions. The example is presented as follows. Datum 043seg58A10:00Sub.1Sub.6BA SE: You see A , discipline is like this, is like a vine B . TE: Disiplin ini adalah seperti suatu tumbuhan yang merayap B . There are two types of subtractions in this example above, which are: formulae and repetitions. First, the subtractions in terms of formulae can be seen in the expression “You see…” which is omitted by the interpreter. The interpreter may consider that such expression does not contain the main message that the speaker want to convey since the function of such expression is just to hope the audience will understand what she wants to say. In other words, the function of the clause „You see’ is just to make the audience pays attention to the next clause she wants to say. Secondly, the subtractions in terms of repetitions can be seen in the expression “…discipline is like this, is like a vine” which is interpreted in Bahasa Indonesia as “Disiplin ini adalah seperti suatu tumbuhan yang merayap” literary, “Dscipline is like a vine. It can be seen that the expression “…is like this…” which is then repeated as “…is like a vine…” is omitted by the interpreter and he only leaves the meaning of the expression “…is like a vine…” which is then transferred into Bahasa Indonesia as “…adalah seperti suatu tumbuhan yang merayap. ” The reason why he does such thing is probably because the main content of the message is more significant than the form. In this case, the expression of “…is like a vine…” is considered important since it contains and represents the implicit meaning in the expression of “…is like this…” in which the word „this’ is repeated specifically by the phrase „a vine’. Besides, the expression of “…is like this…” is considered unimportant because it is probably just the process in which the speaker is organizing some ideas. Datum 002seg200:21Sub.4Sub.6AA SE: And A welcome to the listeners and viewers B across Indonesia TE: Selamat berjumpa para pirsawan B di seluruh Indonesia In this example, there are two types of subtractions, which are: transitional and formulae. First, the subtractions in terms of transitional can be seen by comparing the source expression, containing a transitional word „And’, with the target expression, containing no transitional word. In this case, it is optional whether such transitional word would be transferred in the target expression or not since its function is just to mark one segment to another. Secondly, the subtractions in terms of formulae can be seen in phrase of „the listeners and viewers’ which is interpreted in Bahasa Indonesia as „para pirsawan ’ literary, „the viewers’. The interpreter may consider that while somebody is watching a TV, normally, she must be listening to it. Besides, the interpreter omits the word „listeners’ since, in Bahasa Indonesia, the term „para pendengar ’ literary, „listeners’ is closely related to the radio listeners. Therefore, from the two words of „listeners’ and „viewers’, what remains in the target expression is the meaning of the word „viewers’ which is transferred into Bahasa Indonesia as „para pirsawan’.

c. Alterations Alt

Alterations is the second technique most frequently used after additions by the interpreter in the seminar. From 180 data, it takes up 34 data or 18.9 involving four types of alterations , plus some combinations of alterations’ types. They are: 1 categories, 2 clause and sentence structures, 3 semantic problems involving single words, 4 semantic problems involving exocentric expressions, and a combination of alterations in terms of clause and sentence structures and in terms of semantic problems involving single words. The explanations of those types are presented as follows. 1 Categories It is a type of alterations which includes “not only shifts of form within grammatical categories, but also the employment of expressions which have no corresponding function in the source language” Nida, 1964: 234. Alterations of categories include shifts from singular to plural, past tense to future, active voice to passive, or vice versa. This research found that, from 180 data, this type of alterations is separately used by the interpreter in 10 data or 5.56. The first example is presented as follows Datum 042seg5609:38Alt.1BA SE: So it’s one of the best things that you can do for your children is “Give them the limit” TE: Jadi hal yang baik yang diberikan kepada anak-anak , “Berikanlah kepada mereka pagar” In the example above, the expression “…that you can do for your children …” is interpreted in Bahasa Indonesia as “…yang diberikan kepada anak-anak …” literary, “…that is given to childrend…”. It can be seen that there is an employment of expressions which have no corresponding function in the source language in which the expression of „you can do’ is changed by the expression of „diberikan’ literary, „is given’. Besides, there is a shift from active voice to passive in which the expression of „you can do’ is an active voice whereas the expression of „diberikan’ literary, „is given’ is a passive voice. Another example is presented as follows. Datum 105seg19634:37Alt.1AB SE: Because you shall receive it again. TE: Karena itulah yang akan balik kembali kepada anda. In the example above, the expression “…you shall receive it again” is interpreted in Bahasa Indonesia as “…itulah yang akan balik kembali kepada anda ” literary, “…it is what will come back to you”. Here, it can be seen that the word „you’, which is printed in bold, functions as the subject in the source expression but in the target expression it functions as the object. Then, the underlined word „it’ functions as the object in the source expression but it is changed to the subject in the target expression it functions. In this case, this alteration does not change the meaning since both the source expression and the target expressions represent the same idea. The other example of this type is presented as follows. Datum 113seg21237:27Alt.1AA SE: How can you walk away from such tragedy? TE: Bagaimana kita bisa meninggalkan bencana-bencana semacam ini? In this example, the word „you’ is changed to the word „kita’ literary, „we’. In the context of the seminar, the pronoun „you’ is the plural form of the second person in which it includes the audience only , whereas the pronoun „kita’ is the plural form of the first person in Bahasa Indonesia in which it is, in this case, addressed to all the people directly or indirectly involved in the seminar such as the interpreter itself, the speaker, the audience, the crews of the seminar, and the viewers. Although in many cases, to change a pronoun with a different pronoun can seriously be problematic, it this case, it does not seriously matter since the pronoun „kita’ in the target expression still covers what the pronoun „you’ in the source expression covers; both pronouns cover the audience as the subject. 2 Clause and Sentence Structure It is a type of alterations in which there are shifts from hypotactic to paratactic formations, shifts from questions to statements, changes from indirect discourse to direct, or vice versa. This research found that, from 180 data, this type is used by the interpreter in 4 data or 2.22. The first example is presented as follows. Datum 029seg4007:19Alt.3AA SE: And I asked if I could feed the baby. TE: Jadi saya bertanya, “Bagaimana kalau saya lah yang memberi susu? ” [So, I asked , “What if I am giving the milk?”] In this example, the source expression is a declarative sentence, whereas the target expression is an interrogative sentence. There is a shift from a statement to a question. Besides, there is a change from indirect discourse to direct in which the source expression uses an indirect discourse, whereas the target expression uses direct discourse. Another example is presented as follows. Datum 077seg13023:50Alt.3BB SE: What’s my next question? TE: Jadi, pertanyaan saya yang berikut adalah. [So, my next question is.] While the first example shows the shift from a statement to a question, this second example shows vice versa. Here, the source expression is an interrogative sentence indicated by the word „what’ in the beginning of the sentence, whereas